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Post Youtubes here...

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We already have had a lot of Youtube links posted here and they are of course already lost for good pretty much for members who have not been on for awhile. This is indeed what the library is for.


Please post any of these links in this thread, and some of our staff can move them into the Library so anyone can see them at any time. If someone has the time, could you go back and collect some of these and post them here? It should not take too long using "Search". Thus, all of these will be in one place where you can get to them instantly.



White Fox


Edited by AKcoyote to correct subject.

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I'm on it...


Shall I make a page in the Wiki then link to it from the "Links" page or would people like it better to put them all in the Links page under one headding?



This is my thought as a member and not a mod... This is a member's area!


My thought is that these are not really "links" in the sense that we think of them. Thus to make a new page in Wiki called Utube, or even make a page linking off of the Movies and Video area. Call it Utube and people can find it easily. Then, as you suggested, you could link it back from our main links page.


***MEMBERS... When Worker is doing all of this I hope that you will all help him out by posting new links that you find in this post. Also, if you give him a pm he might be able to use some help gathering old links.


Thanks Worker



I was wondering if perhaps there could be a section entitled Music Videos and have a list of all the music vids people have found which have fur in them. Here are 3 I know of:


Outside - George Michael (Around 2:30, woman in fox. Also one of the dancers is wearing a fur coat and another giant fur boots)



Knowing Me Knowing You - ABBA (awesome hooded red fox)



Eurythmics - Love Is A Stranger (fox I think)



The music video already is in the Library, but no posts are there yet. When I just went to look I realized that it is wrongly Identified as "CD" rather than "DVD", but that is where they will go. If you would like to post them there go ahead. If you want us to do it let us know. Again, we can collect them on this forum.



I think it would be better if one of the mods did it, I'd probably mess it up. Maybe the name should be changed to Music CDs and Videos with fur or something along those lines.


Here's another ABBA video with fur.




Posted (edited)

I'll put those links into the Wiki but I need a favor:


Could you please classify them as to how much fur is in the video?

It's very simple:

  1. Some fur. -- If there is some fur in the video but not a lot. One person wears fur or if there are just brief shots of fur in some of scenes.
  2. More fur. -- If one person wears fur throughout most of the video or if there is more than one person wearing fur.
  3. Fur all over the place! -- Like that Galliano fashion video or the compilation videos that Earendil made.

It would also help if you could list the Title of the video, if there is one, and give a brief, one-line, description of the video.


For example:


  • www.foo .com/video1.mov - "Fur Vibes II" - Earendil's fur video compilation - Fur level 3.
  • www.foo .com/video2.mov - "Fur (Theatrical Trailer)" - Nicole Kidman - Fur level 1.


This would be EXTREMELY helpful! I don't have broadband at home. Unless I can get some off-hours computer time at work, I can't watch the videos to classify them myself. 30 seconds of your time to classify the video links saves me HOURS of potential download time and it will help others who read the listings to know what videos they want to watch first.


I've got one or two other things planned. If they work out the way I hope, I'll tell you about them soon and we can have a nice page in our Fur-Wiki where everybody can find fur videos on the net!



Edited by Guest

To help Worker out I just made an area for Music DVD's. Feel free to post more if you wish. Don't worry if you don't have everything correct. We can easily correct it.


Or... you can post more here. Worker's page and mine are kind of side by side.






I got a bunch of videos cataloged and listed tonight, including 6 more from the last couple of posts.


If you want to see the listing you can go to the Fur Den's >>LINKS<< page and navigate from there. (Hint: It's the last link on the page.)


Please remember: If you want me to post links for you, I NEED to have some kind of description of what's in the video and how much fur the viewer should expect to see in it.


I CAN'T see the whole video using my slow dial-up connection. I depend on you to tell me.


But, then, of course, anybody's welcome to go and add their own links to the page, themself. I get the feeling, though, that there are a lot of people who are afraid to edit pages in the Wiki because they don't want to be accused of flubbing it all up.


Well, don't worry:


1) There's almost nothing that you can mess up that the admins, here, can't fix.


2) If you want help, I or somebody else will be glad to help you.


3) We often go through those pages and fix them up in case somebody edits one and forgest something.


At least go check things out! Will ya?


Folks, Worker has really been working there. Have a look. There are already over 30 video clips in there and more coming all of the time. Worker is doing a great job, so keep them coming!



It will help us out a whole lot if you post the Utube messages in one thread such as this one. If you cannot find this one, then just start a new one.


Also, if you could leave a message about the clip in the links "suggestions" box. Just click on "Links" up above and look for comments and suggestions. Then the crew there can post them in the right place.


We already have a huge video clips area site as far as fur sites go. With your help we can make it far, far bigger.



very nice find Tasch


C'mon E!!!! Swedish isn't it, you been keeping this one from us


It's from a danish show about some policewoman, but the clip is taken from a swedish television channel who also shows it. Don't know the title of the show though, but it was a really nice clip!


I was going to go Danish as well, the subtitles threw me!! - the accent is the more gutteral of the three so as I remember? Swedes sing to you & well the Norsk are somewhere in between


Yes, the Danes talk like they have porridge in their mouth, we Swedes sing and Norwegian sounds really happy all the time, even when they're pissed, which makes it dangerous since you never can tell if it's a good or a bad Norwegian you meet...


So, for the translation:

- What are you doing?

- Have you seen this fur? It's sable! It's worth over 100 000! (in Danish Kronor that is)

- Yeah, well, but put it away.

- When did you last touch anything like this?

- You know I could report you for this?

- For what? For dreaming of living in a house like this and wear this kind of fur? Were there anybody up there?

- No, nobody is here.

- Ok, then I'll call Falck and we'll take a tour round the block.


Here in Sweden the show is called "Anna Pihl" and I think it's the original title as well.

Norwegian sounds really happy all the time, even when they're pissed, which makes it dangerous since you never can tell if it's a good or a bad Norwegian you meet...



Wish I'd known that before I shacked up with one Scary thing is though it's very true


Thank you VERY MUCH, Aldhissla!!


Your description and your translation will be listed in the wiki page when I post the link to this video!


I can't watch it on my computer. The connection is too slow.


On a scale of 1 to 3 (3=highest) how much fur is the viewer going to see when he watches the video?


2 furs? Or 3 furs?




This helps a lot.


The classifications aren't supposed to be a hard and fast rule. But, OTOH, how many times have you downloaded a video only to find that there was only one person wearing fur in just one, brief shot?


All I want to do is give the viewer a chance to decide which videos to download first.

Posted (edited)

OK, here's one music video that got my eyes transfixed on MTV just to record it on video when I was younger. I finally found it on Youtube, it's 90's rap artist Snow with "Girl I've Been Hurt", complete with four beauties wearing white fur bikinis and luscious coyote parkas:


Here it is, (I give this a fur rating of 2) :




The framerate on Youtube really doesn't give this video justice, I still have my VHS copy that I have to transfer to DVD. I just wish some of these girls put their nice fur hoods up more often in the video. Enjoy!


- Kuma

Edited by Guest

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