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Seeking other FUR men

fur MAN plus


fur MAN plus seeks responses from other fur MEN.  Would like to hear stories  about how they became attracted to FUR and its  possibilities for pleasure.  At age 61, this FUR man has been enjoying the pleasure of fur since age 12.  Discovered old muskrat coat in attic and was excited by its touch, the sensation of stroking it, looking at how the guard hairs stood up to caress whatever moved them.  Am certain that other guys have similar stories to share.  Where are you, FUR men?  Looking forward to hearing from you.

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For me it started when I was 12. My mom used to have a coyote fur coat that was passed down from my grandma. My mom never wore it. It’s funny because I grew up in Northern Ontario. We used to get a ton of snow and it was bitterly cold in the winter. My mom used to go out of town a lot. I would take the coat, get naked, put the coat on and I would masterbate while rubbing the the collar of the coat on my naked skin. It felt so good. I would also finger myself picturing myself getting fucked in that coat. I used to be a big NTC Web user & also the FurFashion Guide. I used to love all the galleries & stories on FFG. 

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My erotic obsession with fur began in the crib....literally....when a babysitter tickled me with her furs.  That was more than 65 years ago, and I STILL cannot get enough fur.  I happen to be gay, but choosing between men and fur means fur would win.  But I wish it didn't ever come to that.  I have had some wonderful, if fleeting, experiences with furs and men together.  I continue to crave more as my inhibitions are finally fading.  FUR is to be celebrated!

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Wonderful to hear from you.  Fur fantasies, as we know, are so much a part of who we are.  And making those fantasies real is an ideal that I hope to achieve (having already experienced a number of magical encounters) in the future.

Have you furs of your own? I am always eager to hear your particular relationship to fur.  Thanks so much for writing.

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Sadly no I do not own any furs. I fantasize about getting fucked in a fur coat a lot tho. I love fur. 

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What great thread. I had my first fur thrill as a young boy when my stepmother used to wear an old mink coat like a dressing gown. She would occasionally come to say goodnight and the touch of the cuffs or the collar as she bent over to say goodnight made me feel very “energised” rather than sleepy. She also had a gorgeous silver fox jacket and when she was away or out and I thought I could get away with it I would sneak into her wardrobe and wear it and imagine all sorts of fantasies. On one occasion she almost caught me playing with it and I had a fantasy about being caught playing with furs for years afterwards. Things really took off after she sadly passed away and her sister (my step aunt??) came to stay and tried the mink coat and silver fox jacket on and she did it with me in the room asking my opinion on how she looked. She had no idea where my mind was at and how aroused I was by the experience, needless to say she looked very glamourpus, sexy and was my first full on fur masturbation image. Even now I like to remember that winter evening. She took them away a few weeks later but not before I lay on the bed draped in both furs touching myself and imagining being with a mature woman in fur. I have gone on to experience fur fun with women and others. Fur is the thing that makes the difference and I love sharing that pleasure. These days I am also happy with a good quality faux fur too. 

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Was probably around 5 or 6 when my father brought home some beaver pelts. Love the touching them and feeling the fur go through my fingers. 
I explored more on my own with rubbing the fur on different parts of my body. Was wonderful and found it very erotic. 
I have been hooked on furs ever since. I do think beaver is still my favourite, but have also been around bear skin as well. It is much coarser then beaver and quite long hairs. 

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When I was 5 or 6 at a small school I reached my hand into someone's chinchilla fur lined coat.  I remember feeling it and the sensation just on my hand blew my mind. It was so long ago but now after that just seeing even feather coats or any kind of animal product coat it turns me on.  Just typing this instance is turning me on right now LOL.

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Never quite sure where my fascination orginated from but been with me since an early age.  Started to buy furs of my own in my late 20s and started to meet other fur lovers for mutual fur fun which was always a thrill.

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I started at about the age of 11. Had a girlfriend that wore a coat with a huge sheepskin fur collar. Couldn't get enough hugs, would bury my face into it and instant arousal! I was hooked! 68 now and pretty much have just settled into selling pre-owned furs.

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A great thread but old. I hope this is still interesting for some readers and I will chime in. I hope this wouldn't be too long of a story as it is going to be 2 fold... As we are a couple, we have 2 stories. We will start with hers, move to his and see into today.

In her culture fur is accepted. Slavic females tend to appreciate fur more than the colonial powers in the EU, like GB or France and Germany. While the latter pretend to love it for the fashion sake, slavic women know about the practicality of fur for the cold winters and for the effect it has on men! Anyone pretending that Sacher Masochs Venus of Fur is only about power, master and servant and has nothing to do with the furs is simply misleading. She was introduced to furs at a very young age, and we do have children's pictures of her at home with her first furs at the early age of 4 or 5 years. Through the years her parents gave her fur jackets for occasions and proudly she wore them. Nothing special to it except for the warmth and cuddliness a fur provides.

For him it started all different. His mother had a 3/4 red fox coat which he loved to cuddle with. He can remember times of the age of 5 years where he slept in his parents bedroom, while they were still awake watching telly in the living room, and he cuddled in bed into the fur and fell asleep with it. She also had a wonderful round fox boa which he did actually prefer cause it was lighter and easier to wrap around his belly. He never realised how much he loved the touch of the fur on his skin until puberty started... As someone who got circumcised at the age of 7 years, he was very tender at the spot so that a simple hand rubbing wouldn't do. He preferred the softness of the furs and finally fell entirely for their beauty. He was in the ban of the fur and started to love everything about them, their touch, the softness, the smell, simply everything. He probably was only 10 or 11 when his first dry orgasms were possible thanks to furs.

Oh how many times was he caught with the furs in his room when he shouldn't, but he continued and over the years he had developed a real attachment to fur which never went away. At about 18 years he had the first serious relation to a woman which he opened up to and told her about his love for fur. He took his first salary and bought on the early ebay days a red fox jacket and presented it to her. She was clearly not fine with it in the beginning but started to get fond of the idea of how to drive him crazy. Years later he found his now wife and after a brief "normal" relation with her he told her about the love he developed to fur - now he knew it was a full on fetish. She was confused at first but was open to trying it out. So he introduced her to the sexual arousing touch of fur and how amazing it feels when masturbating with it

today we are happily married and play nearly only with furs. Even on our vacation into very hot countries we take some fur pieces with us and use them when we have sex. Yes we are a full fledged fur loving couple.

We hope you enjoyed reading this, let us know what you think

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Am 60 in November and have been into fur for best part of 50 years. I am straight but am fascinated by both makes and females wearing fur. Started collection about 20 years ago and in that time must have owned in the region of 100 furs. Currently own around 25 lady's fox fur coats and jackets. Love the fit, better than male's and just look a whole lot better. Delighted to chat with others who share my love of fur.

Am also on Skype and instagram for those interested. Name there is also coastfur.

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Guest Wolvie666


I am a furlover/fetisjist from Holland of 40 years old. have a few faux fur coats but my wet dream is to own a full length thick fluffy fox fur coat one day. Would love to be in contact with you

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Guest wolvie666


Got my love for furs when a young woman (28) I was 20. she was wearing a afghan coat with fur trimming and she fasinated me. Followed her a bit (was goign from school to home and parents where away) and she actually spotted me the whole time. She actually gave me a xxx rated show where she pleasured herself with the fur. since then hooked on furs.

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Beste fur vrienden, Ik dacht vroeger dat ik enigste was hiermee. Gelukkig weet ik nu beter. Weet niet meer echt hoe het bij mij begonnen is. Ik zou het heel erg leuk vinden om met mensen te praten over (nep)bont. Ik en mijn vrouw hebben veel nep bontjassen en plaids. Wij vinden het beiden fijn dit te dragen en erop en onder te liggen. Vaak als de ene dit draaft wil dit nog wel is eindigen in een vrijpartij. Niks is fijner dan over je naakte lichaam het zachte nepbont te voelen. Wij zouden het leuk vinden om hier met mensen over te praten en/of mensen te ontmoeten die ook van nepbontjassen houden of zelfs elkaars jassen te passen. Ook sensuele handelingen staan we voor open, alleen mijn man. Wij vinden ocntact met een ieder leuk in bont of over bont te praten. Je sekse maakt niet uit, ook niet met het sensuele. Reacties kunnen altijd via [email protected] 

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Ik vind het een hele fijne gemeenschap tot nu toe. Weliswaar ben ik 'begonnen' (al als jongetje van zes) als dekenfetishist en nog steeds ben ik gelukkig met mijn stapel sole mio dekens (en met mijn vrouw, die mijn fetish weliswaar niet deelt, maar het wel opwindend vindt), maar nu ik schapenvachtjes heb ontdekt en ik ook enorm opgewonden raak van bont (gek dat ik daar niet eerder aan heb gedacht) voel ik me hier helemaal thuis. Ook ik praat graag door over mijn liefde voor overweldigende zachtheid, want dat is het in feite.

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Op 1-3-2022 om 08:45 zei gast Wolvie666:

Ik ben een furlover/fetisjist uit Nederland van 40 jaar oud. heb een paar nepbontjassen, maar mijn natte droom is om op een dag een dikke pluizige vossenbontjas over de hele lengte te bezitten. Graag met u in contact komen

Wij zijn een stel uit Overijssel en dragen graag (nep)bont. Mocht je is willen komen praten of op de koffie, mag altijd. Wij zouden is graag iemand ontmoeten en elkaar bontjes willen voelen en zien. We hebben er ook nog een aantal te koop. We weten zeker dat je tevreden naar huis gaat. Mail ons via [email protected] of hier als je contact wilt...

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Op 24-10-2019 om 17:52 uur zei Gast Rfox:

Helaas nee ik heb geen bont. Ik fantaseer er vaak over om geneukt te worden in een bontjas. Ik ben dol op bont.

Jammer dat je zelf niks hebt. Kom is bij ons, kijken we of er iets is wat je graag wilt dragen. Neem contact op via [email protected] van hier...

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On 8/25/2021 at 2:43 PM, FurCouple81 said:

A great thread but old. I hope this is still interesting for some readers and I will chime in. I hope this wouldn't be too long of a story as it is going to be 2 fold... As we are a couple, we have 2 stories. We will start with hers, move to his and see into today.

In her culture fur is accepted. Slavic females tend to appreciate fur more than the colonial powers in the EU, like GB or France and Germany. While the latter pretend to love it for the fashion sake, slavic women know about the practicality of fur for the cold winters and for the effect it has on men! Anyone pretending that Sacher Masochs Venus of Fur is only about power, master and servant and has nothing to do with the furs is simply misleading. She was introduced to furs at a very young age, and we do have children's pictures of her at home with her first furs at the early age of 4 or 5 years. Through the years her parents gave her fur jackets for occasions and proudly she wore them. Nothing special to it except for the warmth and cuddliness a fur provides.

For him it started all different. His mother had a 3/4 red fox coat which he loved to cuddle with. He can remember times of the age of 5 years where he slept in his parents bedroom, while they were still awake watching telly in the living room, and he cuddled in bed into the fur and fell asleep with it. She also had a wonderful round fox boa which he did actually prefer cause it was lighter and easier to wrap around his belly. He never realised how much he loved the touch of the fur on his skin until puberty started... As someone who got circumcised at the age of 7 years, he was very tender at the spot so that a simple hand rubbing wouldn't do. He preferred the softness of the furs and finally fell entirely for their beauty. He was in the ban of the fur and started to love everything about them, their touch, the softness, the smell, simply everything. He probably was only 10 or 11 when his first dry orgasms were possible thanks to furs.

Oh how many times was he caught with the furs in his room when he shouldn't, but he continued and over the years he had developed a real attachment to fur which never went away. At about 18 years he had the first serious relation to a woman which he opened up to and told her about his love for fur. He took his first salary and bought on the early ebay days a red fox jacket and presented it to her. She was clearly not fine with it in the beginning but started to get fond of the idea of how to drive him crazy. Years later he found his now wife and after a brief "normal" relation with her he told her about the love he developed to fur - now he knew it was a full on fetish. She was confused at first but was open to trying it out. So he introduced her to the sexual arousing touch of fur and how amazing it feels when masturbating with it

today we are happily married and play nearly only with furs. Even on our vacation into very hot countries we take some fur pieces with us and use them when we have sex. Yes we are a full fledged fur loving couple.

We hope you enjoyed reading this, let us know what you think

Been at it for 63 years, can't get enough of the feel. Fortunately my partner for 55 years is okay with it., we have many to play with, red fox, silver fox, artic fox, mink, musquash, rabbit. I'm afraid a cure is impossible, so just have to keep having pleasure!

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fur MAN plus


On 8/29/2021 at 11:54 PM, furgem1 said:

I have liked the feel of fur against my face and neck since I was a young boy.



On 3/1/2022 at 2:45 AM, Guest Wolvie666 said:

I am a furlover/fetisjist from Holland of 40 years old. have a few faux fur coats but my wet dream is to own a full length thick fluffy fox fur coat one day. Would love to be in contact with you


On 3/1/2022 at 2:45 AM, Guest Wolvie666 said:

I am a furlover/fetisjist from Holland of 40 years old. have a few faux fur coats but my wet dream is to own a full length thick fluffy fox fur coat one day. Would love to be in contact with you

Hello!   4/08/23

Not sure if you are still connected here at the Den.  I would love to be in contact with you as well, Wolvie666.

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fur MAN plus


Wolvie 666, I would love to be in contact with you.  Please let me hear from you. Wishing you a Blessed Easter--

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On 4/8/2023 at 7:09 PM, fur MAN plus said:

Wolvie 666, I would love to be in contact with you.  Please let me hear from you. Wishing you a Blessed Easter--

I dont know you mean to have contact with me. I'm a furlover from the eastern part of The Netherlands and like to wear fake fur together with my wife, even in the summer naked and like to have many times sensual time in and on our fakefurs. My profile is furlover77; also on FB and Skype. E-mail to [email protected]

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On 4/8/2023 at 7:07 PM, fur MAN plus said:



Hello!   4/08/23

Not sure if you are still connected here at the Den.  I would love to be in contact with you as well, Wolvie666.

I dont know you mean to have contact with me. I'm a furlover from the eastern part of The Netherlands and like to wear fake fur together with my wife, even in the summer naked and like to have many times sensual time in and on our fakefurs. My profile is furlover77; also on FB and Skype. E-mail to [email protected]

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It started very early for me. my parents always had furs (rabbit coat, beaver coat, weasel with Canadian red fox collar, blue fox patchwork jacket and various fur hats and scarves). I had a teacher in kindergarten who always wore a rabbit jacket and I still remember that during the breaks I was always near her or holding her hand so that I could feel the soft fur. the whole thing intensified again at the age of 6 because I was circumcised at that time. from that point on I started taking my father's rabbit coat, which was always hanging in the wardrobe, to play with. and when I noticed how my best piece reacted to the soft fur, the other furs became more and more involved in my erotic games. Since my father worked a lot in the field and my mother spent a lot with her friends, I was often alone and could indulge in my passion! and I still do that today with enthusiasm!!!

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