Midnight fur girl walking
So the other night I was leaving the mall and spotted this very good looking lady. Yes she was wearing a huge Blue Fox fur coat. Didn't have a hood tho but the collar and sleeves were deff oversized for her. it was pro a 6xL. I wanted to get a better look so I went back into the mall were I had seen her go into a restaurant. As she was waiting in line I could smell the beautiful fox coming from her. My heart raced and I wanted to get close enough were I could act like I bumped into her but on on poupous lol, She quickly made eye contact with me and I glanced her up and down and said "Beautiful coat Miss Lady" and she laughed and said "Tank you, Its Fox" I replied by saying "Oh I know" and began to make up a story to engage her further into a conversation. I lied and told her I was a General Manager at the Fur store In OKC. And she was then opened with all kinds of questions. Yes I got her number 😉 we have made plans for me to show her my collection back at my place soon. Alexia is her name and She is about to be opened up to a entire new world of how to truly enjoy furs.
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