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About This Club

A group of fur lovers in the US and those who support us!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. I'm sure you'll have a good experience. The autumn colors in Park City are incredible and we're already getting some snow in the mountains early this year even in mid-September. I'm not terribly familiar with Park City daily life, but the city's very nature means there's always some buzz about some event or other going on and you won't lack for amenities. What made you ultimately land on Park City as the destination?
  3. Iā€™m actually relocating to Park City this Fall! Looking forward to living there.
  4. tomfur28


    Oklahoma Area Texas OKC here with so many furs I need a play mate to enjoy them in so many kinky ways loves
  5. Papland


    I do!
  6. Any fellow fur lovers in/near KY?
  7. Salutations, fine men of The Fur Den, I send tidings from my humble fourth corner of Salt Lake City, Utah--home of the Winter Olympics, Sundance Film Festival, and more relevantly, Overland Sheepskin Co., Sitka Fur Gallery, Hyde Fur and Shearling, and Norsk Leather & Fur that adorn Main Street in Park City. Do you also call the Rocky Mountain neighborhood home? Tell me something great about your stomping grounds and what the fur wearing culture entails there. I'm all ears.
  8. Hallo beste fur-vrienden, Dit jaar (2024) willen we het 'FurEvent NL' organiseren in oost-Nederland. We willen graag inventariseren wie hier belangstelling voor heeft en mogelijk wenst te komen. Voor meer info: http://fureventnl.wordpress.com =============================================================================== Hallo lieve pelsvrienden, Dit jaar (2024) organiseren we graag 'FurEvent NL' in het oosten van Nederland. We willen weten wie er graag komen. Voor meer informatie: http://fureventnl.wordpress.com
  9. montreal
  10. In Nova Scotia
  11. I'm in Northernish Vermont
  12. Iā€™m in Toronto!
  13. mmmm who accepts our fate in Hell for how wicked and kinky our sinful minds are when we are in furs šŸ˜‰ OMG the lust that flow through me. just want to breed and suck my way there in my huge furs with no fucks to give feeling them all over.
  14. Fellow Minnesotan here!
  15. mmmm lets fuck and breed in our furs like our souls dont fucking matter enjoying the pleasure of all the thick sexy furs all over and get messy as we can with no fucks to give ;)
  16. I want this man inside me
  17. Wish I lived closer. Looking myself to meet other gay fur lovers in Vermont.
  18. I am a bottom and a gay fur lover in the Texas area want a boy friend who loves fur
  19. mmmmm. im down for a huge sick fucking fur coat orgy. šŸ˜‰ i have so many hooded foxes that could be ruined any any way you please as we get messy as fuck. Im so down to meet all you cool fucks. and enjoy our sexy little poor fucks all over our hot bodies while we do it fucking and suck our way to Hell with no fucks to give šŸ˜‰
  20. who wants to fuck and breed my body in all my furs. fuck me like its the end of the world and we are going to fucking Hell with not fucks to give. feeling furs all over us and making a huge mess all over my sexy pelts.
  21. this is super cool, thanks for sharing.
  22. What part of the country are you in? I'm in Ontario:)
  23. Iā€™d be down to help organize, I know some east coast based gay fur lovers who might be interested in joining too!
  24. I love that coat! Cannot stop revisiting this picture!
  25. I believe we should strive towards a fur weekend in October or November. Rent a large hotel suite as a central meeting place, invite anyone who would be willing to follow a list of shared rules, and enjoy ourselves and one another. We can call it the Furstival!!!

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