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The fur season is upon us

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On 1/30/2025 at 2:04 AM, kev86 said:

Ah a great week, this is absolutely beautiful of had a week entirely for enjoying your fur... Great to hear you don't have bad reactions and comments... Yeah, the fur become rarely around the street, maybe depending because the country...

When we see the black community from USA who love the fur like a second god... London, Milan are both fabulous fur places...

Yesterday morning I went into the grocery store looking for a soft drink I like that was holiday edition only... got a few glances at the raccoon, but no comments... it was rather warm yesterday morning as well (-4c) , today was frigid.. -33c windchill...another nice raccoon walk this morning... and another on the way home... the warm up shelter at the duck pond was pretty packed, but no one even looked twice... Its just disappointing not seeing any other furs at all... especially when its this cold...

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Posted (edited)

I understand you and I share your opinions, so bad to see the street during winter and cold days, the fur is endangered honestly... When I read (-33°C), I want to wear my fur only and walk around the street, I love the feeling and the simple pleasure to wear it... I don't resist to drink a tea wrapped in my mink, in their next months I want find a mink or sable scarves double-sided...

I hope the fur comeback around our street... Personally I don't wear my fur today, a day not really cold but the sun is beautiful...

Edited by kev86

Back to freezing temps here again... no coats though except for me... walked past a few people this morning with a good morning, then went into a super busy food store on the way home to grab some milk..  not a single look or comment.. maybe its just because its so cold out... but it sure is nice being wrapped in a full length fur and not caring what anyone thinks...

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, this is very important to enjoy our life and build our life less the influence and thinking of peoples... We lived our passion with the smile and the pleasure to celebrate one day like the last...

Wear fur is a real pleasure, and many people's don't have the privilege to experience the best softness for the winter season. People's don't understand the pleasure to stroke a fur coat and don't understand why we loved them and the pleasure to have different fur from different animals...

We wear our fur proudly and we are happy to walk around the street wrapped in our animals... I'm sure one day you meet a great person who gives you a compliment...

Edited by kev86

Evening freezing temps over here too. Took a late night stroll with the wife while she’s in her full-length Crystal Fox. Crossed paths with our neighbor who was walking his dog. The apparently recognizes my wife from prior meet-ups and wants to be petted. As she approaches it, the neighbor says jokingly, “Nice coat! Since when did you become rich all of a sudden?”

I’m going to leave that comment as it is…and that he was just being playful. I’m sure I’ve said a thing or two or a million that could be considered insulting in the past. 

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right now I‘m in Northern Finland enjoying the cold winter over there. Two days ago we had -32°C. My floor length golden island fox and my long white fox (see avatar) fit perfectly. 

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I FINALLY saw someone else locally wearing a fur coat... driving home an older woman walking wearing a very old (and beat up) Coyote jacket...  still nice to see...

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Oh that's great to see older lady wear fur on the street... A coyote jacket who had a great story...

This is really nice Tom if you have the possibility to enjoy your fox fur... Two fabulous foxes for enjoying the cold and beauty of Finland !


and a sable, an arctic fox and even a chinchilla. Carrying five fur coats was a challenge indeed. 

Posted (edited)

I prefer a arctic fox... A white fur for a white natural... The perfect country for see the fox comeback in this natural environment... Amazing !!!

Edited by kev86
On 2/5/2025 at 12:32 PM, pnwhist said:

Evening freezing temps over here too. Took a late night stroll with the wife while she’s in her full-length Crystal Fox. Crossed paths with our neighbor who was walking his dog. The apparently recognizes my wife from prior meet-ups and wants to be petted. As she approaches it, the neighbor says jokingly, “Nice coat! Since when did you become rich all of a sudden?”

I’m going to leave that comment as it is…and that he was just being playful. I’m sure I’ve said a thing or two or a million that could be considered insulting in the past. 

I don't find this comment insulting or so. It's just one of the first thoughts people usually associate with fur. No offense to me. On the contrary, I'd rather appreciate the comment.

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Wow... I think people are really are starting to open up around here... went for a stroll around the pond and came crossed paths with a younger (probably in her late 20s, but hard to tell) girl walking her dog..  we both said hello to each other.. crossed paths with her again back on the other side, where we joked again about her dog trying to get at me (friendly) and she said have a good rest of your day... I went inside the shack momentarily, when I got in my car, I didnt realize I had parked beside her, she smiled and gave the wave as she left.. Its nice being cold out though as well... and its the perfect reason to be wearing fur!


Yeah, really difficult to previewing their reactions. Much peoples are open to talk but depending more about the feeling of peoples...

We have many different reactions when we are wrapped in our fur... when peoples come for talk, difficult to see if these peoples are just curious about your fur or want remark you wear animals or others. I think just take it with the smile...

On 1/8/2025 at 10:43 AM, dongleboy said:

I had a unique experience today. I was on my way to Starbucks when I noticed a young woman wearing the most gorgeous fox jacket.  I snuck a couple of photos of her and was surprised when she approached me and asked me to take a photo. Naturally, I assumed she wanted a photo of her and her family but No! - She wanted a photo of her and me!  So we put our arms around each other and she took a really good photo. I was so surprised that I never thought to ask if I could take a photo of us both!  

Id love to have had  conversation with her but she quickly returned to the bosom of her family.  




instantly recognise that town as my own city.. how come when i'm in town i dont see that quality of fur!!

13 hours ago, kev86 said:

Yeah, really difficult to previewing their reactions. Much peoples are open to talk but depending more about the feeling of peoples...

We have many different reactions when we are wrapped in our fur... when peoples come for talk, difficult to see if these peoples are just curious about your fur or want remark you wear animals or others. I think just take it with the smile...

No one has said a thing this year, and Ive gone out in alot more places, and crossed paths with alot more people walking... Men and women generally just politely say hello, good morning, and carry on their way and never give a second glance lately, I am convinced no one really cares...now I just have to cross paths with some hot blonde also wearing a fur coat lol

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Yeah, a happy blonde hahaha... I understand you wear your fur with facility and I'm really happy to read it... Surely I don't received a compliment since long time, I will never forget their compliments of many older ladies when I wore my black mink...

If we have the possibility of wear our fur around the world without hear of bad remarks, this is a first positive thing...

On 2/6/2025 at 3:21 PM, WinnipegFur said:

Wow... I think people are really are starting to open up around here... went for a stroll around the pond and came crossed paths with a younger (probably in her late 20s, but hard to tell) girl walking her dog..  we both said hello to each other.. crossed paths with her again back on the other side, where we joked again about her dog trying to get at me (friendly) and she said have a good rest of your day... I went inside the shack momentarily, when I got in my car, I didnt realize I had parked beside her, she smiled and gave the wave as she left.. Its nice being cold out though as well... and its the perfect reason to be wearing fur!

What kind of fur was she wearing?

Posted (edited)

She wasn't... she was just walking her dog.. she just had a pair of rabbit mukluks on.. pretty common around here.

As much as I am a pet owner as well.. I find that pet owners are less likely to say anything to you (like good morning, or hello), and are often the ones that give a glance... she  seemed like a very happy go lucky person... There's a few places I wont wear my furs.. the pet store, and the vet clinic...

Edited by WinnipegFur
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Fur and Winter season has pretty much come to a close here in my area. All farm animals are shedding their winter coats which pretty much is Mother Nature telling their systems to prep for warmer weather.

Only got my wife to go out four times - 1 time in her dark mink for a social event and then 3 times in her full-length Crystal Fox as she tended to evening outdoor chores and stargazing but that was about it. Let’s see if there’s more opportunities for her next year starting mid-November. *sigh*

Of course for myself, I’ll be eyeing any morning that’s in the high 30s or lower and plan to make an excursion or two for a morning property stroll.

Edited by pnwhist
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  • 3 weeks later...

Dunno about the rest of you, but its been rather warm up here for the last little while.. havent even gone out in a fur coat for a few weeks... but looks like a rebound for me! Although todays high is potentially going to break some record (+8c) tomorrows overnite low is -17 with strong north wind! We go from one extreme to the other here.. but then mid week, they are calling +10C highs again, but then potentially a snowstorm on the weekend... I see a few more raccoon mornings in my future! Enjoy it whil I can here.... 


It was on and off in NYC when I was there. But cold enough for me to wear my full length mink to the office every day. Now back home it looks like we are heading towards spring. With a bit of luck a few days of cold weather the coming weeks.


Enjoyed a rather short (too short) walk in my beaver jacket this morning... had to cut it short to get to work, then realized they put the wrong times to start the class I was teaching...

Tonite's low is -24 and a -30 windchill.. I will thoroughly enjoy my raccoon coat and hat again tomorrow morning! :)


Well, here in Scotland it’s been a bit warmer but the wind chill pretty much negates any benefit in the higher pressure.  It’s supposed to get colder next week so I’ll keep my minks close by. 


Raccoon coat and hat this morning! Was nice to wear it again and it was a chilly -25 windchill... started my walk and met up with a red fox.. it was rather amusing as it stopped dead and stared at me.. it was almost like it was thinking oh shit.. Im gonna become the next fur coat LOL It scampered off into the bushes, but it kept an eye on me...

Then it was funny.. on my way back to the car, I crossed paths with my anti fur coat friend from a few years ago... she gave me that evil you're wearing a fur coat stare ,   It was kind of funny to see the look on her face again LOL

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