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great work on the pics area guys!!

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i only took a few minutes to browse thru the huge number of shots... too many to sift thru at once, that is for sure! well done! congrats on all the hard work paying off, as the pics section is off to a great start!


Im with Miss T.

Great work guys & White, its everyhting you said it would be.

Great Job to you all.


A great big thank you for all who gave the time and energy to get the pictures up. Shelley and I have been in the process of a bathroom remodel this week and have not had much time to check in on the forum. We have some new pictures that we will be able to post here in the near future as I wrap up the bathroom job. Again, thank you to all who contributed to making our little home much better.




I further endorse all the above & more!!!!! the layout looks fantastic & you fellahs should be well pleased, truely excellant


Thx to all for making this happen


Folks, I am really glad that you like it. You know up to this point the New Den was a lot like the old at Melody. Dressed up a bit and always working but still a lot like it. But now it has taken off and started to soar on it's own.


I was trying to remember this morning how long it has been since we had a working pictures area. I know that symphony kind of worked for awhile on the old site, but I am thinking it must be maybe three years(?) since the old pictures area worked. A long time anyhow.


I think that all of us are so very happy today. Of all the upgrades we have done and will be doing this is I think the absolute most important to members. And indeed it is here and working.


There are a couple of huge thankyous here that should be noted. One is to AK for the huge amount of work that has been done. The other is to all of the mods who got together and posted so many great photos. I was so frustrated myself a couple of weeks back when I went to get my two discs to post some and both had been erased! I still cannot believe that!


The area was within a very few days of coming on about 6 weeks back and then we hit a tech brick wall. Suddenly AK was able to do some of his magic and we were going again.


Let's party folks. Pictures is back!



Awesome gallery! You did a fantastic job and your hard work is greatly appreciated. The various themes are a nice addition. I salute you




I din't find this pics gallery could you give me the adress....is it teh album related section.... If it is .. that's great works...




Look at the top menu bar just left of center for "Gallery".





Definately great work. Also great time to have it's debut in the dog days of summer here in the states.




I only have one word.





Fabulous work all!!!!!


I take my hat off to you.


What I am hoping though is thata we get some shots from peoples own pgoto albums. I have put a couple or four including my own girlf. So hopefully we wont get all the same as we already now. IRL shots....street, events...girlfs, wives, friends, ect


Just adding my voice to the chorus of applause.


Would like to second the paean of praise!


Thank you very much for the hard work!


Really appreciated!





Just my 2 cents...

Thank you very much


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