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Thanks MaxFur for the pointing out the right adress!


There are also some pictures of me - in angora and in mohair - at http://uploads.angora-women.com and at http://uploads.mohair-girls.com.


Maybe you are all just interested in furs? I find combinations of sangora, mohair, ostrich and marabou feathers, silk, lace and fur very exciting.




Wow great pics ,keep up the good work.


Glad that my old... well, not that old bookmark still works!




I'll be uploading new pictures, if you like.


Didn't quite understand FLinFL's comment - which old bookmark did you mean?




Well I for one can tell you I appreciate your pictures very, very much! And always have, if it's the same Susan we oldies know of Looks very similiar


Yes apologies Captain and Susan. I meant to say what wonderful atmospheric shots they were....intrigued me for ages...the mirror shots were very unusual.

Not everyone is a fashion photographer, and personally I get a bit bored with ebay images. These were very artistic and hopefully will stir others to be more imaginative/creative. Well done.


Yes Aerendil I am the same (but a couple of years older).




I've stuck my head in a couple of times and want to take the time to look more leasurely.


I'll be sure to vote when I do.


I understand what you are saying. For quite awhile I had several thousand reads on some of my stories and maybe 2 or 3 votes and no comments. I still have several stories with 11,000 and 22,000 reads and no comments.


Don't loose heart. The site looks great.






See I am not the only one that can't spell you name correctly!


I don't know why that name is so hard for us to spell right.


You might tell the history of your name in off-topic. I loved it.




Earendil - it's a name in Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings, isn't it?!


Susan and CaptainP - I second ToS: those pics are atmospheric. It helps my imagination being more inside the scene than staring at photographs, thus creating kinda sensorama in my fantasy. Thank you!

(but a couple of years older).




You still make my hands shake


EDIT: For those of you who want to remember the spelling of my name, here's a little history-lesson: click click click

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