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Leaving messages; voting; search etc on the gallery

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Ot says you can vote and leave comments. How?


In the meantime, thanks RAMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for the black fox girl...who is she?)


And of course to everyone else who has posted some really nice stuff some of which I havent seen before, and some its nice to be reminded of.


I notice my foxy boa babes are the first to hit 50 looks. Told you Hunt Balls were good.


And just a reminder to everyone to cross ref your pics at the bottom so people looking can find what they want easily.

Eg if they are wearing stockings put "stockings". If its blue fox put blue fox.If its berlesque the say so. If its vintage or celebrity say so etc. If the shots are in real life put IRL etc.






We have disabled the comment and voting mechanisms in the image gallery. Any comments/discussions about individual images are better handled in the forums. In my opinion at least, doing so gives the gallery a cleaner look with less text to distract one from the images.

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