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hard boys - soft furs???

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though i'm new here, i need to ask a question. since i found this site, i ask myself the same question. are some guys here harder than the rest of men in the world. me for example, i do play rugby, you know, the sport nearly like american football, just without the protection-stuff. and i cannot imagine anything better than coming home after a hard game, feel the touch of fur, or sometimes sometimes something like a angora sweater. but mostly furs...

so here comes my question, is there any connection between hard men/sportsmen and the softness of fur???

beause i told 2 of my friends that i'm in furs and they didn't care. just like: we didn't except anything else from you. as if a fur fetish would be the normalst thing in life for a rugby-player. what do you think about all that?

furry greats





Welcome to the manliest fur forum around. We have Amazon women too.


Kidding. A bunch of us [myself not included] made sportsmanly fools of ourselves over the World Cup in Ye Olde Denne Pub Forum recently.


I have from time to time tried to promote a coed Fur Football game in the group ... you know .. British style .. everyone decked out in furs. Men vs Women.


You won't be out of place at all and welcome again.





When I was younger, my father was friends with a bunch of local cops.


When I was in college I had a summer job as a beach lifegurard on the shores of Lake Erie.


All of these people, myself included, had a saying: "We work hard and we PLAY hard."


The cops used to get liquored up and play football. Us lifeguards used to do the same but played Ultimate Frisbee.


I see no problem boiling it down to its basic element. Those who work under extreme conditions seek out more extreme forms of recreation. Whether it be sports or relaxation at home makes little difference to me.


So why NOT go home after a hard day's work and get yourself some fur?


Welcome Tightheadfur.


Talk about advising those in the know of


1) Your position on the rugby team, &

2) Your love of fur *grin*


Now, the question is....


WOuld you turn up at a rugby match wearing a fur coat??


What's the issue? Hard boys and soft furs are my favorite combination. Any boy who wears furs and doesn't get hard has a problem.




Hi there


Yep I agree - I've been working on construction sites the last 5 years. I think it's a question of balance.




If being on construction sites qualifies then with 50 years in the construction business I'm the manliest one in The Fur Den.


I've even taken to wearing fur there lately. Privelages of being the boss.





that is part of what is so fun about the guys here... the contrast of softness and machismo!


First of all, Tightheadfur, let me extend my most cordial welcome to you as a new member of The Fur Den!!!


An interesting question you have raised here, although I don't think the two things have anything to do with each other. The magic sensuality of fur affects all of us the same way, whether we're man or woman, gay or straight, macho he-man or Casper Milquetoast. It just doesn't matter. The same goes for the fashion of fur. It looks good on any frame - be it massive or diminutive, weak or strong.


It seems to me that you are, in a way, questioning the masculinity of any man who is attracted to fur, and I say that is a mistake, just like it would be equally questionable to suggest that a "real" man is not sensitive the the feelings and needs of others. There are countless times when it has been proven that quite the opposite is true - that the real man is the one who isn't afraid to show his sensitive side. The real man generally has enough confidence in his masculinity that he never has to give it a second thought.


Just because fur is soft does not mean that the man who is wearing it is soft. If that man genuinely has enough confidence in himself and his manhood, then nothing he wears will diminish the masculine aura he projects. Fur is becoming more and more of a fashion choice for men. As more men become liberated from the stereotypical expectations that they have inherited from generations of narrow-mindedness, you will see it become even more popular.


Finally, speaking as a man who has absolutely no doubts about his masculinity, I feel even stronger and more influential when I wear fur than when I don't. There's something about wearing fur that makes me much more confident of what and who I am, and you know what? I feel more respected, too! I also feel the jealousy, but I have a feeling that jealousy will evolve into desire. Then, it's only a matter of time, because desire begets need and when a man needs something badly enough - he gets it!


BTW - Saw a great T-shirt the other day. There was a red cross on the shirt, with the inscription, "Give Blood" - followed by . . . "Play Rugby."


I dont have alot of time here, but ill drop my two cents.


I am (obviously) very passionate for the feeling of fur. I am also pretty much gay. I have 2 other friends of mine who i've told of my passion, both enjoy it as well now (Converted them! ) and are Bisexual. But i've never believed that loving fur jeapordizes anyones masculinity. In fact it shows courage to be able to admit something like that.


I think I'm a pretty 'hard' guy, very fit physically, have completed over 40 triathlons, do all kinds of "manly" things. But at home, with wifey, nothing is better than putting on one of 'our' fox jackets or minks and relaxing. So count me in the hard guys soft furs group.


I feel the same way i play rugby do martail arts and i work out 3 times a week,my woman and i sit around in our furs and go out in them at night for dinner so I am in to what you like shouldnt be dictated by who you are mentaly and physicaly.


I have always said this and always will.

Put any attractive woman in a nice fur and any guy will melt.


Attraction to women in furs is entirely natural and its PETA that are peverse.


Its only recently, in the last 20 years or so where it has become non pc that people have forgotten about it. In the 70s and 80s everybody appreciated fur...it was normal.


It is normal and been around for thousands of years and my peeve is that we as a sociaty complane about the damage to our enviroment, but wearing fur instead of the chemicaly produced fabrics for outerwear and the PETA FREAKS that are compaining. Maybe a few more hard guys should wear fur as if to say............. BRING IT ON PEOPLE. Sorry probably totaly off topic


oh my god, i never expected so many reply. first of all i have to say sorry for don't post an reply myself until now, but i do not have the possibility to go online each time i want to.


thanks to all for that great welcome here in your group. i think i'll enjoy it here a lot more than i expected to.


furry rugby greetings


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