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My new custom made whitefox (Now with pics of E :P)

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Posted (edited)

Hello my dear friends!


After a few weeks of painful, painful waiting, I just recieved the email I have been waiting for - My new dreamcoat is finally ready!!


I have bought it through Oliver Furs, and had them custom-make it to my exact specifications. The result is a brand new hooded whitefox coat (with fur inside the hood too ofcourse), at a staggering 54" length, 33" sleeves, and a collar the size of a small country to go with the hood.


Pics you say?


Oh, allright


Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5


Price - $2999, including a whitefox belt to match, and shipping to Norway.


It ships today. Now all I have to wait for is Norwegian customs to kill me lol.


One thing is for sure though.. I AM SHAKING LIKE A LEAF ALREADY!!!

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Awesome indeed! I think that WOW!!! is the word!


There will be some fun when that one arrives!


Every guy here will be jealous for the next year now...






What a beautiful coat!




That is the most beautiful coat I have seen!! In looking at that coat I almost think I have a fur fetish!!!


Can't wait to see it on you.!!


If Oliver only knew the press he will get for this one. Good for him!!


By, the way. Has anyone ever invited him to join? I have only spoken with him briefly, doubt he would even know who I am. But, I really respect him.


I am not certain, but I don't believe I could buy this wholesale for less than $2000. Maybe more, so this is a GREAT price.


What a beauty!!!




Fantastic buy and I envy you as all of us do I'm sure.






**GASP** **CHOKE**


OH - MY - GOD! ! ! ! ! !


Covet . . . Covet . . . Covet


Congratulations, dude! I'm ecstatic for you! I can imagine how you feel. Just wait until the package actually arrives. Your heart will be in your throat!


Nice buy and the price is very good from what you have been saying ,I enquired with Avi at purple S and it will cost me three times as much just for a 3/4 jacket with hood in blue fox.




Hope it brings you many years of enjoyment!!!




I am in full agreeance with everyone else when I say that is one bloody fantastic coat!! If you're shaking now, what will it be like when the package is in front of you ready to be opened?


I hope it arrives swiftly!


WOW!!!! Now that's what I call a fur coat! Just one question, due you pay any tax when it enters the country? A sweet coat at a sweet price>


that is a dream coat indeed!! well done on the find! 8) it looks like one could truly get lost in all that fur and the hood!! wow!


i have emailed with the guy at oliver furs a number of times, as that is where my fox plates for blankets came from, and a few little accessories. i would be glad to invite him here if no one else wishes to contact them.


Just a small 'gasp' from me, and ENVY. Fantastic coat and price, may the Winter be long and very cold.

Hopefully over your way next month - starting in Bergen.


I would suspect Olvier already knows of this forum as he is 'internet savvy' but Miss T an invitation would be worthwhile. Go get em.....







MORE PIX! We NEED to see more!







this the only word i can say.

Have fun great buy.





54" long is a perfect length..... damn... now I's gunna gave to rob a bank or three....


See you all in six years or thereabouts.


Thank you so much everyone! If anyone ever stops by Norway you can try it on


Yes, I do have to pay taxes upon arrival, yes it will probably kill my account lol.. Nah, I dont think it will be all that bad. it depends on what the VAT is in Canada. I don't really care though, as long as I get the coat asap zulu I've set away cash for the taxes.


And Oliver is a great guy! I talked to him over the phone many times to plan the coat, and exchanged many emails. He has my highest humanly possible recommendations, on both price, service and quality! Outstanding furrier! No doubt I will shop more from him in the future!


I'm so glad you all liked it! I can already feel my pulse beating like an atombomb!


And Linda, everyone is a furfetishist.. It's just that you don't know it yet Join the dark side Linda.. It is your destiny!


Absolutely spectacular!


Enjoy, enjoy!


sf fur




What more can I say on an occasion where "wow" doesn't even begin to do it. Cheers, mate. Can't wait to see the coat when you get it!!!!







  • 2 weeks later...

That is a staggeringly...gorgeous...coat!

Very well done!!!!!!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Have you received your coat, Earendil?


Oh yes.. Several weeks ago -- Yet I still have to swallow my heart every time I open the closet


Gasp! You are a thing of evil for not letting us know you got it! LOL! When can we see more pix of it? Perhaps even see you in it......



-love & kisses-


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