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just wanna say `hallo`2 u all

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Hello and welcome to The Fur Den! I hope you will enjoy your stay as much as everyone else! Great to see another new face!


P.S, give furhelm our best!


hi kitty, and hello to everybody else!


this is my first post here, allthough i am long time member. it is especially dedicated to the sweetest woman i have met on the net: furkitty!!


hope to become friends with you all!!


see you soon,



Welcome furkitty fun is where we are..........


Welcome to The Fur Den, furkitty and furhelm! We hope you have fun here, and we look forward to seeing your thoughtful contributions!


Welcome and thanks for joining! Have fun! We look forward to you becoming active members of our community!




wo kommt ihr denn her, also aus welcher stadt oder welcher region?


Sprechen Sie bitte Englisch auf dem Forum. Private Anzeige auf Deutsch



i'm sorry. i just asked form which town or region in germany he/she is coming. i didn't know that rule.- sorry


Indeed folks a huge welcome to the Den! We really do hope that you have a fantasatic time here!

White Fox


Welcome to the den. Nice to see the german population growing in here. Hope you will enjoy this place.


We probably are suffering from sunstroke. Yesterday the temparatures went up to more than 38 degrees Celsius / 100 degrees Fahrenheit and we're talking about furs here.

Crazy, very crazy!



hey there,

i'm from aachen, NRW. nearly so far in western germany it could be in the netherlands.



not that far away from you. if you know the eifel (vulkaneifel). I


I'm from Argentina, and...damn it!! Weather is very crazy!! We are in winter right now, but it seems springtime. No furs in the streets, the ladies don't show their stuff because weather don't let them wear furs. Only some leather jackets...no more, and not all days. No winter here, the old good times when I used to see furs all around were gone. What happens with the planet? GGrrrrr!!!


nice pic, miss theresa


intoalfa: poor guy! , i drive an "alfa" by the way




Don't worry mate... there's a nice little blast from the south heading your way... if the Andes don't stop it that is.


Hm not even fur wearig weather at night??


maby if yo take the fur right of the fridge, that seems very comfortable


i really love fur, but at the time...no way

ok. ok...just in my thoughts its hot enough


Hello and welcome to furkitty and furhelm!


I'm from the UK - I live in Manchester.


I've never visited Germany. Couldn't make it to the World Cup, unfortunately. But everybody was very impressed with the tournament and with Germany. It seems to have been very good for the country, helping to unite everyone.


Enjoy your time here.


welcome all.

hope you enjoy our community as much as we do!

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