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Tryxie, I am also rather translucent...I abohr the sun, bad for the skin...I wonder if that has anything to do with a genetic predisposition for needing to wear furs, being cold all the time, etc. Any thoughts?


We know tryxie is a vampire Lynxette. Those of us who do remeber her real photo avatar remeber that.


Are you saying you are one too?


Is that you in the avater?


On a serious note, you have a point.


There is indeed a genetic disposition to be cold. People who live in cold climates actually FEEL the cold more than those in more temperate climates. Hence you get Russian girls wearing fur in 70degrees here!


You cannot afford to let yourslef get chilled in a cold climate where the temperature can drop rapidly, so you must be temperature sensitive.


And for those of us whose diet is er....more exotic, and never feel the rays of the sun...yes.....cold must be an eternal battle




Funnily enough this topic was brought up in another post, but for the life of me I can't remember where to find it. I'm sure someone can redirect us there.


I'm cold 10 months of the year, my hands never seem to get warm (cold hands, warm heart) I love the warmth of the sun, but hate sitting out in it. Ok, so I'm a reptile, but you already know that, don't you guys


No sweetie, you are no reptile, just another lucky soul like me who NEEDS furs to survive. Isn't it great though?


Aw Tryxie, that was a looong time ago, I vaguely remember the slumped in the chair drunken look pic, but dont remember the first.


Must stress though this is a reflection on the state of my memory (my personal hard drive needs a defrag!), and it has nothing to do with the visual impact you project. I DO remember being disappointed when you changed it, but remember you had good reasons to do so.


(so were you drunk or not? )


Drunk? Actually I think I was, and certainly not happy at having my photo taken. Whenever I look at that pic all I can see is that I've got that "I'm gonna rip your head off" look.


Now you come to mention it, that might be a good avatar to revert back to.

Whenever I look at that pic all I can see is that I've got that "I'm gonna rip your head off" look.


Hmmm There you go!


This kind of links in with Lyxette's reply to Jekyl's russian mistress post

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