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Wanting a fur tattoo

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I have been thinking about getting a tattoo expressing my passion for furs! Does anyone have any suggestions on what might look good and where I should place it on my body? Any ideas?

Hope to hear from you all soon.



What's your favorite kind of fur?


Do you like to see furs on men or women?


How do you picture YOURSELF in relation to fur?

Do you want to be the one wearing the fur or do you like giving fur to your siginficant other and watching him/her wear it?


What kinds of styles do you like in fur? Classic or mod?


I say you should look at some pictures of furs and people wearing furs then decide which ones give you that "Warm, fuzzy feeling." Then you'll know what direction you should be headed in choosing your design.


One thing to remember: Tattoos are permanent.


I don't care what people say about lasers. They leave permanent scars. Even if you remove the ink there will still be a mark. Maybe, you can get plastic surgery to reduce the scar but that's mucho expensive and it will, probably, only remove most of the mark.


You've got one shot at doing this thing. You'd better make it right the first time. You're going to be stuck looking at this thing on your body for the rest of your life. (Or the marks where it used to be.)


There's a guy in my town named Buddah. (He looks like a Buddah, too!) He's been "The Tattoo Guy" in town ever since I can remember. I dont' care how popular the other guys in town are, I wouldn't go to anybody but Buddah if I wanted to get a tattoo.


What I'm saying is that you need to find a tattoo man that you TRUST. And I'm not just talking about dirty needles. I mean you need to find a guy who's not going to leave you with a f***ed up mess on your body that can never be erased.


Sit down and look at some "Skin Books". (Those books full of pictures of other peoples' tattoos that your (potential) guy did. REALLY look the books over and see if you like the guy's work, not just whether he can draw a cool Tazmanian Devil.


And make sure you shop at least one other tattoo guy, unless, you know your guy is trustworthy. In my town, you can look at a person's tat and know instantly whether it is Buddah's work or not. The guy has class.


Lastly, ask the guy if he'll ink the design on with a marker and let you wear it around for a day or so before he does it for real. Like I said, you've only got one shot at this. You need to be sure before you commit.


For a tat location, if you want people to see it then it needs to be on your arm or an area thats exposed. Dont get it on your neck by the way.


Just get what you would like to have on your body for the rest of your life and go for it.


*and yes I have over 6 tats on my arms and Ive never regreated it.


Most artists i have taked to usually will go with fur trim on a piece but shy away from pics of a full length coat. they say the fine detail of fur won't show up well. that was with black ink only. no one refused to do it but i never found anyone who was confident they could make it look good. i gave up on it a few years ago maybe things have changed.


Might I suggest something by Bill Ward?




Thinking back hte best fur tats I have seen are ones with a woman with a fox wrap or boa on. The classic Marlyn Monroe one with the fur wrap is popular in many circles.

The fox wrap for a tat works well and doesnt get lost in detail work.


This topic has come up once or twice before. I've even considered this myself a few times. One of the ideas that came up was getting the Chinese/Japanese character that translated to "fur". So that's a possibility as well.


But, the trap you fall into when you get a tattoo of some foriegn, mystical symbol is that you never really know that it doesn't mean "I'm an idiot!" in Chinese!


Here ya go;


Fur in Hong Kong:


Fur = 皮毛

Fur Coat = 皮草

Mink = 貂鼠

Fox = 狐狸

Beaver = 海狸

Raccoon = 浣熊

Coyote = 狼



  Worker 11811 said:
But, the trap you fall into when you get a tattoo of some foriegn, mystical symbol is that you never really know that it doesn't mean "I'm an idiot!" in Chinese!


Or "Fish and Noodles" instead of "Pride and Power"



Yeah I think all of you guys have talked me out of it now... lol


That's too bad. I really want someone to do this just so I can see what they end up getting.

Fur = 皮毛

Fur Coat = 皮草

Mink = 貂鼠

Fox = 狐狸

Beaver = 海狸

Raccoon = 浣熊

Coyote = 狼


The only question I have with those is about the connotations animal names have in Chinese.


In English, if I called you a snake it would probably be taken as an insult. If I called you a fox it might mean I'm making a come-on.


In Chinese, they might have entirely different meanings. "Snake" might mean "Wise and thoughtful" in Chinese, whereas it means "Underhanded" in English. A "foxy" person, in English, might be seen as "sexy" where, in Chinese, it might mean "thief".


So, I'd do some homework on my ancient, foriegn symbolism before getting it tattooed on your arm. And, consider what other people might think about those symbols.

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