White Fox Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 Well folks. I had a great surprise here tonight. I went into the membership area and noticed that a member had 1007 posts. Now then, this is a member who you do not see post a lot. He stays in the background a fair bit, working endlessly to make sure this place is up to par. Each and every one of us owe this fellow so much. We would not have a New Fur Den here if it was not for him. He works endlessly and never once does he swear at any of us when we ask him to do impossible things. In fact, when we complained that we did not have enough emodicons here he just quietly went researching and gave us every one but one that I am using in this message. Folks, AKcoyote is the one who designed the beautiful site! And while we are all enjoying it he is mostly sitting at the computer making sure it all works. When he started he was going to design a new site with a couple of forums. He had no idea what he was getting himself into here! AK you have hit the 1000 post mark! Congratulations on making that plateau! We all owe you so much here. I cannot even begin to explain to folks how much! Thanks so much for all your work here. And may you be here to hit the 20,000 post mark as well! And may each and every member still be here to celebrate it with you ... Thanks again AK and Congratulations! White Fox
Mr Barguzin Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 1,000 Posts?? Didn't know he was so loquacious........... hmmm or should that be heavy on the key board 8grin* Congrats AK... on all your hard work and effort in keeping this place afloat... and improving and future implications. May the FUR be with you!
Fox Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 Congratulations AK. We honestly wouldn't be here without you. We owe you everything. You are the backbone of this site and there's no way we could repay you enough. Thank you!
FurKyle Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 Congrats AK C 1000!!!! You have been, like White Fox says, a quiet member of this forum. And I am working with you in that Old Den spoketh of. You are a very integral part of this forum. And of this society/community of ours... To that I say... Cheers man, much deserved! Kyle
auzmink Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 My 10c, thanks for a great site - may it last 1000 yrs! Auzmink
ReFur Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 AK, Thank you so much for all that you do. This site could have never happened without you. " title="Applause" /> Linda
FurLoverinFL Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 Congratulations again AK! And let me add my own thanks for all you've done here! " title="Applause" /> FLinFL
Guest Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 One of the true un-sung heroes. Thank you for all your efforts...... Naomi.
Guest Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 I echo all of that; I cannot praise your effort enough; well done
Guest Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 Dear AKcoyote, congrats and many, many thanks for all your fine work! Fuzzy greetings, Joe Al
FrBrGr Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 So very well said, White Fox! (And boy, is AKc gonna be pi$$ed when he sees this - ! That's the kind of guy he is, folks - He does the work of 10 people, all of it flawless, and he shies away from the spotlight! Well, not today, big guy! It's high time we pay tribute to you!) When I first thought about splitting off from Melody and developing my own site, from out of the blue one day I received a PM from AKcoyote, who expressed an interest in helping me set up that site. I set that offer aside, and continued to think about a new Fur Den. I explored other options and other alliances, but AKc's forthrightness and sincerity kept me thinking that maybe this was the guy I wanted to share in my dream of having the largest, most active and classiest fur lovers website on the internet. Am I happy I made the decision to ask him to be my partner! He has already accomplished more than I had ever dreamed possible for The Fur Den, and folks, we're not through yet! There's more coming, and AKc is already working on the next phases! This man is incredible! So congratulations, AKc, on reaching that 1,000 post mark! I know you regard that as a minuscule accomplishment, and indeed it does pale in light of all of your other accomplishments here in the Den, but it gives all of us the opportunity to take time out to thank you for creating this masterpiece. This fair haven for all of us fur freaks to come together. A place of excellence and class where we have established a safe and comfortable community of friends. 1,000 posts is much, much more than a meaningless plateau. It is a vivid reminder that in addition to being the creative genius that put all of this together, you are a loving and concerned member of our community. We thank you, AKc, and we salute you!
AKcoyote Posted August 2, 2006 Posted August 2, 2006 Thank you one and all I was wondering how long it would take for one of the staff to notice. (2 days) What most members do not know is that many of those posts were made during the initial setup process of this site. I frequently had to tell both the site owner and the lead admin that many of their great ideas were technically impossible with the software available. It was FrBrGr's desire for the best fur lovers site possible and White Fox's dedication to making it happen that has led to this website becoming what it is. When I offered to assist FrBrGr in setting up a new site, I had no clue what I was getting myself into. I knew this community needed a set of forums on a better host than Melody had, but I had no idea the site would become so big so quickly (this site has been open less than 6 months). I also had no clue that this "project" would consume so much of my time.
Earendil Posted August 3, 2006 Posted August 3, 2006 Thank you for your time and work AK! This site would be in rubble without you!
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