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You might not be laughing after I've whipped you with scented bootlaces




I've been bad too. I've broken this.. *crash*. and that's gone *thud*. And I've just thrown the cat out the window!


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I am sure there is a story in that worker and OFF ????!!!!


Funny you should mention that!


I've got one story in final revisions, now. It's the sequal to "Transporter."

I've got another totally new story in its first draft stage.

I've got a third story about 3/4 of the way into its first draft. It's completely different than the others.

There is a FOURTH story bubbling in my mind, right now. It's got a lot in common with the scenario you just mentioned. I might just add in one or two of these ideas as I go.


Once I get all of that out of the way, I've got third and fourth chapters of "Hotel Fur" to finish. Then, FINALLY, I've got one last story to whip into shape. It's the very first fur story I ever wrote. O.F.F. has read parts of it but I've haven't published any of it... yet. If/when I get all the other things finished, I'll redouble my efforts to pull it out of first draft phase and publish it. It's already achieved novel-length status and it's only about half way done, yet. It'll be garganguan by the time I'm done with it.


I'm going back into the busy season at my job, right now, so I'm not going to have as much time to write as I used to. Slowly but surely, I'll get them all out there for you to read!


Hmm... Snotty teenage kid who harasses people over the internet is lured into Miss T's dungeon and gets his just desserts... Interesting plot line!

Posted (edited)

I think "The Adjustment Facility" would be the place to send him but I'm not sure he would Qualify.




Edited by Guest

MMMM is that a Promise? If it's in fur then that sounds good to me Tryxie Trash.


Y'Know... As long as we're dreaming up thought experiments...


How 'bout we make a little wager?


How long do you think our boy, "shenalmighty", could last in Theresa's dungeon?


I say the kid wouldn't last an hour. And, that's with her going easy on him. If she decided to play rough, he wouldn't survive fifteen minutes before he was crying for his mommy!


Alternately, who do you think could get him to crack the fastest? Theresa or Tryxie?

who do you think could get him to crack the fastest? Theresa or Tryxie?


I don't like that question.. Whatever you answer, you get in trouble with the other girl lol


I don't know. A little friendly competition, now and then, has a way of stimulating creativity.


But, if you don't like that idea, they could always play "Tag Team".


It wouldn't be which could get him to crack fastest it would be the journey to being cracked that would be the adventure. Just being able to worship two fur loving Mistresses would be enough Going to have some good dreams tonight thinking about what they would do with me

Just being able to worship to fur loving Mistresses would be enough for me....


The kid has already stated that he doesn't like fur in a very disrespectful way. Second, he hasn't got a clue as to what might (or might not) really happen to him when he falls into his new Mistress' clutches.


Those are two very important factors in this scenario. Fear of the unknown can really affect a person in unexpected ways. A good Mistress knows this and will use it to the fullest extent possible.


That 15 year old kid will probaly be in jail or at least arrested within the next few years due to anti social behaviour.

In other words, hes whacked!


Likely a case of undiagnosed A.D.D.


I know... It's so often used as a catch-all excuse for bad bahavior. But, there are patterns in behavior that, over time, point to the cause. I'm not a professional or anything but I have known a lot of kids who act the same way and they all have A.D.D. in one form or another.


Mostly, I think he just needs a good spanking. I think I know just the person to do it, too!


Only if he's whipped with a barbed wire whip.

Pain means nothing to one who cannot feel.


He can feel, alright. He just doesn't know WHAT he feels.


His brain is so mixed up, it is like a car's engine, badly in need of a tune up. He's got neurons firing in all different directions, giving him conflicting signals yet he feel's perfectly fine. He probably doesn't even realize that there is anything wrong with his behavior. In fact, he probably thinks that WE are the ones in need of behavior modification.


It's dangerous to dehumaize people like him. It only convinces him, even more, that he's the one who is in the right and sends him even farther off into space and makes his behavior get even worse.


If you are speaking from the imaginary perspective, that's all right... sort of. As long as we keep it in a humorous tone, among ourselves, there is no harm done. In fact, it's a good way to blow off some steam and have a little fun while we are at it.


I'd be totally up for a little friendly competition between Tryxie and I to see who could make him cry first. I think we'd make a fun game of it. Ha! Of course, I'm of the mind that Tryxie and I together would be fun trouble in any light!


On a more serious and less base, kinky note... I too consider this characterless boy to be unworthy of effort as well, Tryxie.


But the offer to wreak havoc together is still mighty tempting and does stand!


I really dont know what to say about all of this, its got me blushing all the way down to my toenails.


Earendil, isn't getting into trouble with the other girl the whole idea?


I can't believe you're all trying to set Theresa and myself up in competition and queing at the door to be slaves. Earendil, did I read right you're off to serve your country? When you get back we'll have to see how well you can stand to attention, and check out that stiff salute. A good perfomance could be rewarded with a sound trousering or an extreme beating with my fox of nine tails.


But on a serious note, as far as any competition is concerned I think Theresa would win hands down, I'd come in a poor second. I have no experience of slaves or being a mistress, but I'm up for lessons.


As for "fun trouble in any light" I choose moonlight, with wine bottles


Right, I'm off to hide my embarrasment and hug my teddy.

Earendil, isn't getting into trouble with the other girl the whole idea?


I thought the idea was to get in trouble with both?


Earendil, did I read right you're off to serve your country? When you get back we'll have to see how well you can stand to attention, and check out that stiff salute. A good perfomance could be rewarded with a sound trousering or an extreme beating with my fox of nine tails.


Dominating a veteran assault soldier? *whistles*.. I dunno..

This sounds more like a challenge to you and Theresa than for me. I've already gone through prison and torture training



Dominating a veteran assault soldier? *whistles*.. I dunno...


Sorry Earendil, didn't realise you were so old. I don't torment pensioners, it could cause heart failure


I'm 22. But served before, hence the veteran title




Isn't it a terrible tease to flirt from so far away!? Ha! I had to though, just couldn't help myself. And I would graciously let you win Tryxie, the thought was of it being just more of a fun game than anything... and sure I'd teach ya to kick ass properly! Thought I think you have a good natural instinct for it. And to keep things on topic... of course we'd have to be draped in furs for that game!


Okay, now I should be blushing with evil intent!


What can I say *sob sob* I'm heatbroken *sob* I'll empty the wine bottle on my own. But I warn you, 2 glasses and I'm a total handfull.


Earendil has no chance against us. He might well have had capture and interogation training from nasty men with guns. But we are neither men, nore are we nasty and don't have any guns. He will be toatally defenseless against us.


Cry havoc and let slip Tryxie and Theresa. The world is just not ready us.




Well if furs are in the game.....


Every superman has his cryptonite I guess


You crazy chicks


another little anti-twat:




and here is her lengthy message which i did not care to read; my reply was to not contact me as i'd warned on my page and good luck. then i blocked her:


Eighty-five percent of the fur industrys skins come from animals living captive in fur factory farms.(1) These farms can hold thousands of animals, and their farming practices are remarkably uniform around the globe. As with other intensive-confinement animal farms, the methods used in fur factory farms are designed to maximize profits, always at the expense of the animals.


Painful and Short Lives

The most commonly farmed fur-bearing animals are minks, followed by foxes. Chinchillas, lynxes, and even hamsters are also farmed for their fur.(2) Seventy-three percent of fur farms are in Europe, 12 percent are in North America, and the rest are dispersed throughout the world, in countries such as Argentina, China, and Russia.(3) Mink farmers usually breed female minks once a year. There are about three or four surviving kittens in each litter, and they are killed when they are about 6 months old, depending on what country they are in, after the first hard freeze. Minks used for breeding are kept for four to five years.(4) The animalswho are housed in unbearably small cageslive with fear, stress, disease, parasites, and other physical and psychological hardships, all for the sake of an unnecessary global industry that makes billions of dollars annually.


Rabbits are slaughtered by the millions for meat, particularly in China, Italy, and Spain. Once considered a mere byproduct of this consumption, the rabbit-fur industry demands the thicker pelt of an older animal (rabbits raised for meat are killed at the age of 10 to 12 weeks).(5) The United Nations reports that countries such as France are killing as many as 70 million rabbits a year for fur, which is used in clothing, as lures in flyfishing, and for trim on craft items.(6)


Life on the Ranch

To cut costs, fur farmers pack animals into small cages, preventing them from taking more than a few steps back and forth. This crowding and confinement is especially distressing to minkssolitary animals who may occupy up to 2,500 acres of wetland habitat in the wild.(7) The anguish and frustration of life in a cage leads minks to self-mutilatebiting at their skin, tails, and feetand frantically pace and circle endlessly. Zoologists at Oxford University who studied captive minks found that despite generations of being bred for fur, minks have not been domesticated and suffer greatly in captivity, especially if they are not given the opportunity to swim.(8) Foxes, raccoons, and other animals suffer just as much and have been found to cannibalize their cagemates in response to their crowded confinement.


Animals in fur factory farms are fed meat byproducts considered unfit for human consumption. Water is provided by a nipple system, which often freezes in the winter or might fail because of human error.


Poison and Pain

No federal humane slaughter law protects animals in fur factory farms, and killing methods are gruesome. Because fur farmers care only about preserving the quality of the fur, they use slaughter methods that keep the pelts intact but that can result in extreme suffering for the animals. Small animals may be crammed into boxes and poisoned with hot, unfiltered engine exhaust from a truck. Engine exhaust is not always lethal, and some animals wake up while they are being skinned. Larger animals have clamps attached to or rods forced into their mouths and rods are forced into their anuses, and they are painfully electrocuted. Other animals are poisoned with strychnine, which suffocates them by paralyzing their muscles with painful, rigid cramps. Gassing, decompression chambers, and neck-breaking are other common slaughter methods in fur factory farms.


The fur industry refuses to condemn even blatantly cruel killing methods. Genital electrocutiondeemed unacceptable by the American Veterinary Medical Association in its 2000 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasiacauses animals to suffer from cardiac arrest while they are still conscious.(9) In 1994, Indiana became the first state to file criminal charges against a fur factory farm after PETA investigators documented genital electrocution at V-R Chinchillas. The chinchilla fur industry considers electrocution and neck-breaking acceptable.(10)


Would You Wear Your Dog?

When PETA conducted an undercover investigation into the dog and cat fur trade in 2005, investigators went to an animal market in Southern China and found that dogs and cats were languishing in tiny cages, visibly exhausted. Some had been on the road for days, transported in flimsy wire-mesh cages with no food or water. Animals were packed so tightly into cages that they could not move. Because of the cross-country transport in such deplorable conditions, our investigators saw dead cats on top of the cages, dying cats and dogs inside the cages, and cats and dogs with open wounds. Some animals were lethargic, and others were fighting with each other, driven insane from confinement and exposure. All of them were terrified.


Investigators reported that up to 8,000 animals were loaded onto each truck, with cages stacked on top of each other. Cages containing live animals were tossed from the tops of the trucks onto the ground 10 feet below, shattering the legs of the animals inside them. Many of the animals still had collars on, a sign that they were once someones beloved companions, stolen to be bludgeoned, hanged, bled to death, and strangled with wire nooses so that their fur can be turned into coats, trim, and trinkets.


Undercover investigators from Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International toured fur farms in Chinas Hebei Province and found that foxes, minks, rabbits, and other animals were pacing and shivering in outdoor wire cages, exposed to everything from scorching sun to freezing temperatures to driving rain. Disease and injuries are widespread on these farms, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and repeatedly throw themselves against the cage bars.


The globalization of the fur trade has made it impossible to know where fur products come from. Skins move through international auction houses and are purchased and distributed to manufacturers around the world, and finished goods are often exported. Even if a fur garments label says that it was made in a European country, the animals were likely raised and slaughtered elsewherepossibly on an unregulated Chinese fur farm.


Environmental Destruction

Contrary to fur-industry propaganda, fur production destroys the environment. The amount of energy needed to produce a real fur coat from ranch-raised animal skins is approximately 20 times that needed to produce a fake fur garment.(11) Nor is fur biodegradable, thanks to the chemical treatment applied to stop the fur from rotting. The process of using these chemicals is also dangerous because it can cause water contamination.


Each mink skinned by fur farmers produces about 44 pounds of feces.(12) Based on the total number of minks skinned in the United States in 2004, which was 2.56 million, mink factory farms generate tens of thousands of tons of manure annually.(13) One result is nearly 1,000 tons of phosphorus, which wreaks havoc on water ecosystems.(14)


Fur in Sheeps Clothing

As fur sales decline, sales of shearlinglambs skin with the wool attachedhave risen. Some fur manufacturers have actually taken to disguising mink as shearling.(15) Many people are unaware of shearlings origins or that shearling sales are an incentive for sheep ranchers to increase their stock, thereby adding to the plight of sheep. (For more information, please see the PETA factsheet Inside the Wool Industry.)


In Afghanistan, karakul sheep are now raised to produce lambs for the high-end market in Persian lamb coats and hats. For top-quality lamb skin, the mother is killed just before giving birth and her fetus is cut out. The pelts of the unborn lambs are prized in the fashion world for their silk-like sheen. One karakul hat requires the skin from an entire lamb.(16)


Industry in Decline

The United Kingdom has banned fur factory farms, while both fox and chinchilla farming are being phased out in the Netherlands.(17) In 2004, there were 296 mink farms in the United States, down 3 percent from the previous year.(18) In a sign of the times, supermodel Naomi Campbell was denied entry into a trendy New York club because she was wearing fur. Said the clubs owner, I really love animals, and I wanted us to be the good guys.(19)


What You Can Do

Consumers need to know that every fur coat, lining, or piece of trim represents the intense suffering of animals, whether they were trapped, ranched, or even unborn. This cruelty will end only when the public refuses to buy or wear fur.


Do not patronize stores that sell fur, and let the stores owners know why you wont buy from their establishments. Write letters to the editors of fashion magazines that splash fur-clad models all over their pages and explain how wearing fur supports a cruel industry and why faux fur is a much more compassionate option.


Please visit FurIsDead.com for more details on how you can help.



1) International Fur Trade Federation, Fur Farming, 2006.

2) Nick Foulkes, To Make 1 of These You Need 183 of These, ES Magazine 27 Oct. 2000.

3) International Fur Trade Federation.

4) U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, General Livestock, Market Segment Specialization Program (U.S. Internal Revenue Service) 13 Mar. 2006.

5) Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association, Biology of the Rabbit, 2000.

6) United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization, The Rabbit: Husbandry, Health and Production (Rome: United Nations, 1997).

7) The Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, Mink, 30 Dec. 2003.

8) Reuters, What Captive Minks Miss MostSwimming, 28 Feb. 2001.

9) American Veterinary Medical Association, 2000 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 218 (2001): 669-96.

10) Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Standard Guidelines for the Operation of Chinchilla Ranches, Mar. 1998.

11) Gregory H. Smith, Energy Study of Real vs. Synthetic Furs, University of Michigan, Sep. 1979.

12) S.J. Bursian et al., The Use of Phytase as a Feed Supplement to Enhance Utilization and Reduce Excretion of Phosphorous in Mink, 2003 Fur Rancher Blue Book of Fur Farming (East Lansing: Michigan State University Department of Animal Science, 2003).

13) U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mink, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 15 Jul. 2005).

14) Bursian et al.

15) Joan Verdon, The Golden Fleece, Hackensack Record 21 Sep. 2002.

16) Paul Haven, Karzais Hat Made From Lamb Fetus, Associated Press, 23 Apr. 2002.

17) European Commission, Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare, The Welfare of Animals Kept for Fur Production,(European Commission, 13 Dec. 2001).

18) U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service.

19) Fur Flies Out of Fashion, MX 13 Sep. 2002: 30.


I fear for who ever seeks her adivce. This Psycho wants to be a family counselor? My guess is she was pretty normal until she got to college and got her head pumped full of misinformation and propaganda by her "friends" and so called professors.

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