Ravens8 Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 Cry havoc and let slip Tryxie and Theresa. The world is just not ready us Go getum girls The world may not be ready, but its got to start somewhere, and it looks like that place is here!
Guest Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 another little anti-twat: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=22565166 I'm not to sure what to say about her statement at all. The only anti fur argument she put forward was against Chinese fur, but yet it was the only section that contains no references, no citations, or quotes. In fact completely unsupported. As for the references she does make, hardly any one of them is anti fur, most are pro fur, some are simple statements of facts. All in all a basically pointless exercise in self righteous moralising. The only real thing I take issue with is her comment on mink being stressed because they can
Mr Barguzin Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 It is not so much what she said as what she didn't say. THAT is the trick of a shrewd politician. I do wonder where she got all the time to read all those books and find those specific quotes.... unless it was for her thesis *grin* Maybe I should have been more selective in my quotes in that piece that was over at Melody. Ah well, shall sit down and go through it again... and cut away all the crap until it is just bone and sinew. Make a good soup that would *grin*
ReFur Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 We have Mink all along our rivers amd lakes. As well as Otter and Muskrat. I believe the mink live off the small birds and eggs. Not certain if they go in the water though. Have seen the muskrat and Otter playing in the water.
Worker 11811 Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 Muskrat live in the water. They often build lodges just like beaver.
Guest Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 It is the usual mindless crap. It is written by someone who has never been to a fur farm. It is also rubbish stats wise. Not even worth commenting on. And clearly the stress and parasite argument is complete nonsense.
Guest Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I started to read it, but just wouldn't waste my time going into all of it, as I could tell where it was headed. And yes, I would say that is a bit of her thesis we're getting to read... or someone else's and it was convenient to lift it? If not then it is just jargon ploughed into her brain and taken root. Either way, it implied a lot by what was not said, I agree. I don't like that kind of crap... just come out and say your peace already, and don't be a puss about it!
Fox Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Miss T, She had actually been messaging me on MySpace as well, but nothing as thorough as that. She basically saw that I wasn't going to budge and that I had an answer for everything she threw at me and gave up.
FurLoverinFL Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 After reading the thread, I can honestly say that I'm very happy I don't have a myspace page... Too many wackos... too few bullets... too little time... FLinFL
Guest Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Minorities rule OK! They dictate the policy because the majority won't stand up for themselves or don't want to get involved. Maybe I'm just millitant, but apathy pisses me off! PeTA terrorise fur wearers on the streets, harass them, vandalise their garments, or scare them into not wearing them, and what do most of us do? Hide in the shadows and whine about it, expecting it to be fixed by someone else. If you want change you have to stand up and be counted. You have a voice, f***ing use it. Challenge these people at every turn. Anyone remember vegan woman from yahoo? we spent ages chatting and counter argueing, she's now a fur wearing meat eater. That's my victory so far, though it might not be all my work.
paul2809 Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 if those peta jerks came to me and started harrasing me, knowingly me, id knock the crud out of them for thier insanesss.
Guest Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Actrually the stuff about having red paint chucked at you is urban myth. Apparently the police weht on record recently saying it had never happened in the UK. Now in case it does I have my girlf's furs indured for wearing outside. The insurance company didn't bat an eyelid. Remeber there are ony 42 memebers of the ALF and half of those are in prison. So you are talking about PETA and the like. They are usually very aggressive with the mouth and absolutely impossible to reason with. Now a mouthful back ususally shuts them up as they assume fur wearers to be like Paris Hilton and not realise fur are made of animals (!) It is VERY easy to rubbish their arguments, and usually they walk away. Not that it has ever happened, but I have gone after them regularly on their stands, especially when they start on horses, as EVERYTHING they say about racing is absurd. More likely you get the odd shout of abuse from people who percieve you to be different or rich. They still do that when you are not wearing fur. If you dress in any way that doesn't conform to street wear look out. I usually get crap for wearing a trilby, and a bowler illicits FAR more street abuse than a fur. It is the general culture of intolerance, and that is harder to deal with as engagement usually means a fight. So I tend to avoid provincial trown centres but there is nothing there worth buying anyway. In restaurants hotels the races etc no problems at all. Ever. Touch wood. Pnly ever compliments, and the odd discussion from reasonable people who may ask about whether it is real and isn't it cruel? A few polite explanations and giving them a little education usually gets "I never thought about it like that." If any trouble now starts to happen now here it is because the media and government are anti fur....and therefore encourage the nonsense. That is why that Vogue this month is so fabulous....it will give people a lot of encouragement to wear fur. Well done Tryxie for making a convert. It usually is not difficult. remeber people who like animlas generally once they have thought about the habitat argument and the high welfare standards and humane killing and eco friendliness compared with synthetics, and they are usually won over. Only the utterly indoctrinated will stay firm. It is partly our fault for not engaing them before now. Like the way foxhunting was banned, nobody expected it so it was too late to educate . Now the Countryside Alliance has been doing that, now 69% of people in the UK say it shouldn't have been banned. That is a turn around from 21%. In a few years only. So we must always take the opportunity to put our views across. We must wear furs whenever possible (though avoid the street ) and be walking advertisements for fur. Being frightened to wear them out is not helping. Often we go out in a big group and sometimes other girls wear the furs, so there is safety in numbers too. Then people are often inquisitive and ask, and we all know the pro fur arguments, which when put over well people warmly accept. Only the most insane and brainwashed would not see the truth.
Guest Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 yes, a more reasoned arguement than mine, calmer and more eloquent. In my case I put it down to doughnut deprivation
Guest Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 We like you angry. Deprive yourself of more doughnuts. You won't fit in that dress if you keep eating them.
Guest Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 Yeah, well, er. I'm not fitting into them to well now. it was all brought home to me by a pair of jeans, and I couldn't get a button closed. I was so cross. So I'm on the exercise routine again, till I get back to uni then I'm off the their gym to use the weights room and get those endorphines flowing again. No doughnuts, no cookies, no choccy peanuts, no guinness. Life sucks. All I have to look forward to is sex and I'm not getting any of that.
Guest Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 My only reason for posting about these myspace kids is to warn others about them, since some people here have joined myspace recently... not to whine. I do my fair bit of fur fighting, and in person mostly, I must say. I do wear fur out all the time, and do not hide how I feel if the situation arises. If anyone wants a scene, I'll give it to them and make them feel stupid for speaking at the same time. I do not have time to spare, however, for every silly bugger out there who chooses to disobey my warning to not contact me with their anti drivel... if they can't hear me, I won't give them the time of day. It's all about respect - if they can't respect my rights and wishes, they won't get my acknowledgement at all. After all, for some, any attention is better than no attention at all and I want them to know I don't acknowledge them by my lack of reply. I have my plans to speak out loudly, but they aren't plans to speak to each and every person out there individually... more of a large scale message is what I have in mind. And that can take time and planning... and patience. *added note* this is not meant to be a knee-jerk reaction or me being bitchy, so please don't take it that way. I agree that we need to stand firm and speak up. Just wanted to say where I was coming from and that I do plan on acting on my words too.
Guest Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 yes i know Miss T you spend a lot of time on putting the other view, and have the coutage to wear fur publically.My comments were more aimed at the quieter one among us who are not so prp active. They could help for example by posting at the j-lo site currently under PETA attack. tryxie I think you would have plenty of volunteers here to help you with your anti doughnut therapy progarmme.
galianos829 Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 No Guinness?? And you call that living? LOL As far as the Myspace people like I said before most of them are just dumb kids young teens who only believe what MTV tells them. As soon as you give them an inelligent answer they have no responce other than more peta horse@#$% So just tell them and mabey send them a nice fur pic in responce. Let the FUR fly!!
Guest Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 my new avatar is for a shirt just for those kids... those items, their logo and the no symbol, were courtesy of the good folks at peta.com. very nice of them to give me just what i wanted when i looked at their many products for sale... granted, i had to change the colors and tweak the images a bit... but i like it. there has to be a competing voice, that is all i could think when i saw their little shopping area. this one will do even if fur isn't an issue and you just don't like peta. multi-purpose is good. i should make lots of new friends with it, eh? certainly a conversation starter! this and a few other word slogan, pro-fur shirts are on the disc i just sent to my friend with the tshirt biz. i'll be working on getting those printed within a few weeks, if their schedule allows.
Furman Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 PETA's tactics remind me in some ways as a religion. I apologize to those of you who are offended by this comparison, but there were plenty of churches way back in the day who wanted their members to completely abstain from sex. These churches completely burned themselves out since they could only add members if someone wanted to join a church that didn't allow it's members to have sex. As furs become more and more common, and more and more people wear them, those who decry them might become the minority, a bunch of people unwilling to change who are going to spend their days getting old and gray in a world that no longer needs or wants them and their only members are the few hold-outs who are spoon fed propaganda and bullsh*t. Sorry, I don't mean to come across as harsh. I'll go back to my cave now.
Guest Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 PeTA is a religion. From top to bottom and in every way. A religion much like the Jesuites during the Inquisition. OFF
Guest Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 Notice an absence of cults lately? Where are the jimmy Jones of this world to get these scumbags to commit suicide. Not much interest in political ideologies either. The proletariat aren'y interted in the dictatorship for them now. Aniamls can'y tell them to f*** off so they have a mandate from creatures who can't ever turn round and tell them where to go. Brilliant concept. I saw it happeming when I was a student. Being interetsed in Proudhon, and the Sapnish civil war, and the Anatchist stance of punk, I went along to a few Anarchist meetings. The people that ran them were not anarchists but fascists. They did not tolerate dissent and if you quoted Proudhon at them they would go mental. Then they would start talking about animals having rights. Nobody said anything. This was a new concept. People did not question it. I did, but I got slung out by everybody else...because it suited them to believe woman in fur was a rich bitch and that is as far as it went....parade imahes of her as the exploiter! So PETA are rooted in the politik of envy the same as socialists..and it is why socialism in Britain goes along with it too. We cannot tell the wotking class that they cannot have sky tv and pizza and go on strike every week any more, so we will have to wind them up with fur and toffs foxhunting...get it? But that is a point....the religious/political cults have had their day...and PETA seem to have vaccumed up all the weak minded and the alienated to join them. BTW miss T...great t shirt....could you get permission to put the petakillsanimals website on the back in bold letters?
Guest Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 good thought on the petakillsanimals action... i'll see if they're interested in letting me use their name... could sell the shirt on their site too, if they wanted. might actually move stuff more with their notability, eh? i would like to get general opinions here on this issue with the peta shirt that my sister brought up: do you think i've altered their logo enough just by changing the color from lt. blue to white? or would it be more prudent to alter it in some additional way? i think it should stand alright, but we are talking about peta here... and i know if some legal issue should arise they could kick anyone's butt out of court with their attorneys and backing $. so, thoughts on that would be great, and if anyone is a copyright/intellectual property attny i'd greatly appreciate some feedback on that question.
Guest Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 I think that of you alter it a little more you may get away with it. How about reversing the samll "e" for example? Or stretching the letters. I don't know....even the word peta may be a problem. Hence if you reverse the e it should be okay...still recogniseable, and it won't actually say peta anymore. Just a thought.
Guest Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 Touch; A good thought. You might say it takes PeTA in a new direction? OFF
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