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The Big Medical Tests /Wish Me Luck

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Well Boyz N Grrls, tomorow I go for the major blood work and various other tests which will pretty much dictate if I go in the hospital for a couple of weeks for IV drug treatment or the other heavy duty medication which I have been on for the past month and a half.

It wont be fun and it may take a few days for test results to come through but wish me luck and maybe I wont go through another November like last years event.


If I go in of course, my laptop will be with me.

So Wish Me Luck cos this time I may need it.



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Good lukc Eric.


Hope you do well and we'll be thinking of you.





I hope everything works out for you. If you do have to stay at the hospital, mabey you could suggest to one of the young nurses an alternative therapy of a nice FUR message. Love those nurses


Good luck Eric. Even Bernadette the Bear has her paws crossed for you.


I'll be praying you get to slide by with as much ease and swiftness as possible so that you feel as good as you possibly can soon! Good luck Eric!


Eric, your stronger than you think, you will sail through this just as

before. When you fight off this next battle I urge you to return to your

martial arts training.

I cherish our friendship.


xoxox JL


Good luck Eric - am sure you'll be ok, and that you'll have this whole situation licked!!


Would crack a bad joke about medical tests, but i will save that for later..




Good Luck, Eric!!


You know you are in my thoughts.




My good friend, you know you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


You're gonna beat this thing, man! Yes, you will!!






All of our Bears have you in their thoughts.


With the power of 1000+ Teddy Bears in your corner you can't go wrong!


But, there is one thing you must do. You need to have a Bear with you at all times. You can go to a gift shop and get yourself one. It doesn't matter how large or small. It just needs to be a Bear.


Think of it like a receiver. My Bears transmit the signal. You need a Bear to receive.


You might think this is crazy but, don't laugh! This really works!


I can see Eric in a pile of teddy bears and fur coats on his hospital bed with a couple of nurses lost in there too.


Good luck mate.


2/1 he gets a nurse in fur.


I agree with Worker, The power of bear thought can move mountains, and don't forget there's Bernadette here Wilhelmina Ramsbottom, little Tryxie and flat Sooty all helping.


Everyone should have a bear, I give them as birthday and humbugfest pressies or just happy gifts. Someone get Eric a bear.


Not much for me to add here - all the best, Eric!



...don't forget there's Bernadette here Wilhelmina Ramsbottom, little Tryxie and flat Sooty all helping.


I said "1000+ Teddy Bears", Tryxie. That was supposed to include the thousand that live with me, PLUS the ones that live with you.


At the beginning of my message, I started out saying, "All of our Bears... ." Then, at the end, I said, "My Bears... ."


I should have said, "Think of it like a receiver. All of our Bears transmit the signal. You need a Bear to receive."


I'm sitting here, looking at a whole bunch of Bears shaking their paws at me for making such a silly grammatical mistake.



The power of bear thought can move mountains...


How true!


"Bear Power" actually helped a friend of mine pull through chemotherapy when she was diagnosed with leukemia!




PS for Tryxie: Say "Hello!" to Bernadette, Wilhelmina Ramsbottom, little Tryxie and flat Sooty from the Bear's Den, here in Pennsyltucky, USA!



Well after a very rough time including some nasty bleeding durring one tests Im okay and will know my results in a couple of days.

Thanks to all for the well thoughts.

Jeni I will start my training back up once Im well .


Worker, I always have a bear with me. Between My Mother & I we have over a 1000 bears too.

Im still tired though.

Thanks again to all and maybe I wont have to be stuck in to clear this blood infection.


We're happy things are turning out OK for you!


It's also nice to know that there are lots of Bear People lurking in The Den!


There has been lots of research about the power of positive thinking. Although, the theories on "Distant Intercessory Prayer" have mostly been debunked, it is still true that one's attitude is critical in helping them through difficult medical situations.


Research has shown that people in hospital burn wards who visualize themselves in "cold" environments fare much better than those who don't. Kids with leukemia who play video games where they "kill" the cancer cells recover much faster than those who don't.


It's a person's attitude, going in, that has the greatest effect on the final outcome. Even if you're not a true believer in Bear Power, you must admit that Teddy Bears are a great visualization tool to help you maintian that positive attitude. So, don't be afraid to use them when you need it. At the very least, they'll make you feel better as you go through your ordeal, no matter what the final outcome.


Send a furry "Hello!" to your Bears, too, Eric!


Bit late on this, but good luck mate - keep us posted -


Eric, I told you everything was going to be cool!


We just gotta keep believing, man - We just gotta keep believing . . .


Well Im still waiitng on the test results and even though I have the MRSA in me Im still very worried.

Once it enters the blood stream, its like a bomb and when it goes off BOOM!

After last nov, when i went in with a 99.8 fever then two hours later it shot up to 106 then i crashed in ICU with a complete case of sepsis.

Whats so scarey about that is how fast it hit me and that fear is still in me and my DR,S.


So until the results come back, im on pins and needles but keeping a positive look on it all.


Yesterday I got my test results back and they are not good. I still have that dangerous MRSA in me and Im on some new medication and if that doesnt kill it off then Its a hospital stay and I hope I can get a few girls with fur trimed nurses outfits.

The bad thing about this new medciation is It can cause many possible side effects and I will have to watch out for that.

Its going to be a rough and insane two weeks for moi.


* the yellow eyes and yellow skin side efefct sounds like that could be a real winner*


Sorry to hear that!


If you weren't so damn far away... and too far south for my tastes, I'd try to get the furry nurse gear together... but it'll have to be a pleasant thought for now. Maybe I can do some pics along those lines here though? I'll try!


I'll be thinking of you Eric and hoping you do very well, and quicker than you could have imagined.


Sorry to hear you're not over it completely yet, Eric. But once you do get this MRSA licked, I owe you a beer, ok? All i got to do is figure out a way to sneak it into your hospital..


I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for ya, man




PS Theresa being your furry nurse? You lucky devil!!


Thanks Miss T & Joe.

And Joe, Im working on trying to string a bottle of scotch into an iv for my next hospital trip. That will be fun if I can swing that.

Im working on trying to string a bottle of scotch into an iv for my next hospital trip. That will be fun if I can swing that.


Although there's no protocol that lists scotch with Zyvox and Vancomycin as a viable treatment for MRSA, my guess is that after that first bottle (preferably Dewars or Crown Royal) your stay at the "horsepital" would be a helluva lot more pleasant!


And with that . . .


From all of us here in the Den,

Our prayers are with you, brother,

We've said it before, and we'll say it again:

You're gonna lick this mother!

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