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In case you haven't noticed, Furriers Corner has made its appearance in the Discussion Forums section of this website. The Corner will be maintained by our own resident experts - Members of our community who are involved in various capacities in the fur business, and who have graciously offered to be our resource for any and all information pertaining to fur. If you have a question about fur care, fur fashion, fur types, or the fur business, here is the place to ask it! This is not a discussion forum; you will only be able to ask questions here, but our consultants will also be available in the Fur Den Forum to participate in discussions. Their posts will be highlighted and identified <> so you'll know that you'll be getting expert advice.


Our member fur "mavens" will be furcoatman, mailon furs, refur and Fur Babe., three of which are in the fur business. Fur Babe is one of the mainstays in the internet fur community and a longtime consultant in fur fashion. Moderating the forum as well as adding their expertise will be Lynxette, AKcoyote and raptinfurs. We all know Lynxette, whose fur collection is legendary by now. She owns more furs than most fur salons stock! Raptinfurs, who has also been a member of the internet fur community for well over 10 years, and AKcoyote, our technical wizard and administrator, are both in the fur business.


It bears repeating - This is how Furriers Corner will work. If any of you have a question about fur fashion, fur care, the fur industry, fur types - Any fur question that needs an expert answer - Here is the place to ask it. Your question will be answered by one of our resident experts. No one will be able to respond to that question but one of our fur masters. Even the person asking the question will not get the opportunity to respond to the answer given by the expert. In other words, the format for each post will one question and one answer.


If you feel that a topic needs more discussion, then you may reopen the question in The Fur Den, and anyone will have the opportunity to reply, including any of the other fur experts. Remember, in the main forum, an experts reply will be highlighted <> so you'll know that you'll be getting expert advice.


There have been many ideas on how this part of The Fur Den should be handled, and believe me, we have spent hundreds of hours in discussing how this should be done. Now, I'm not quite sure that everyone is in total agreement, so what you might be witnessing is a work in progress. Of one thing I'm certain, however - your questions will be given careful consideration and the answers given will be based on valuable experience. We are very, very fortunate to have these people with us, who are willing to share their knowledge. I know that every single one of them are very busy, and that this project will add just one more thing to their already full plates. Please take a minute to thank them if they have given you something that has furthered your knowledge about furs, or has helped you in some way. I know they will love to hear from you!


OK - As "they" say - "Let's get this show on the road!"

Edited by Guest

WOO HOO! Let's hope this will be a very much used forum!

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