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Sorry if i am going over old ground. I just want to say that i appreciate a beautiful woman in fur, whether the woman is actually a woman or not. So i have posted some pics.


I think that is great allfurme, i like seeing that also.


One of the "side affect" if i could describe it as such i think about my "unusual" love for fur has made me less predujis/closed minded to other minority or different groups of people with different opinions for example gay, trans, people liking feets people should be able to and i support them to do what ever they feel like is right for them as long as it dosent do damage to other people.


Now the only thing that


As one of the driving forces in the fur trans community, I m quite pleased to see that so many of you overlook gender and see the main point is WE ALL LOVE FUR!

That means more fur sales, more fur awarness and overall the fur lovers win . The more fur lovers, the better.




The only thing that I don't like about the "TV/TS in fur" scene is that on the whole, they have BLOODY Better furs than me *POUT*




I'm with the rest of you on this one.


I won't claim to not be prejudiced about plenty of other things, but I'm willing to make plenty of exceptions when it comes to fur.


The first fur site I went to happened to be Beautiful Furs and truth be told I've never noticed anything apart from how good looking those folks are in their furs. Nice eye Eric.


*goes back to lurk in his basement and read posts*


As has been so well put, it IS all about the fur, first and foremost. My own fur life now includes a willing and eager spouse, who supports and encourages what others might see as gender switching, but for us is just fur fun. It doesn't matter in our relationship if I wear furs styled for women, such as stoles or boas, because its about the fur! The rest just flows along with it!


Just a side note, last week it hit 109 degrees farehnheit here where we are, but it sure didn't slow down our fur fun!



The only thing that I don't like about the "TV/TS in fur" scene is that on the whole, they have BLOODY Better furs than me *POUT*


I feel the same way every time I see a picture of Jeni Love's closet.


A nice ass

is a nice ass

is a nice ass


Jeni's is fab; let's be honest. And he is straight! We have some truly stunning TG's/Tvs here and I applaud them for their courage; and appreciation of female glamour.


If it has fur around the said ass even better. BUT....what I do not understand about anti TG prejudice is that somehow the person who doesn't like it feels "conned". Waht they eman is it turned them on and then they realised it was an illusion.


This Art of illusion is recognised in France for example as a maninstream cultural Art form. Likewise in some native cultures, the transgender oreiented actaully hold an important social position as arbiters of femininity for adcising females who are often to busy scraping hides ect to bother with their looks.


So we should actually respect the important contribution such people make to the rich tapestry of human culture. If it repulses you, what you are really repulsed at is yourself at being attracted. Don't be. It is a testimony to their wonderful feminine appreciation. They appreciate true glamour as much as we do and hold it up as icon.


Some very good points about becoming tolerant through out shared interest which has a lot of prejudice against it; that is exactly why we should understand.....all sorts of prejudice and challenge it when we meet it.



The only thing that I don't like about the "TV/TS in fur" scene is that on the whole, they have BLOODY Better furs than me *POUT*


I feel the same way every time I see a picture of Jeni Love's closet.


Boy I hear that on both accounts! Jeni's closet in one to drooooooooool over.

Jeni's is fab; let's be honest. And he is straight!


Most TV's are straight....


Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. I just felt this should be mentioned!


As a Christian women, I would prefer not to see pictures of TV/TG, I pray that they might turn from thier sin.I would also vote to seperate these images. I would rather not see anything CLOSE to nudity. Too many sites out there already have TV and Nudity, leave it to them. I understand most people will not share my opinion here.




I find it rather odd that you are against men dressing as women or wanting to be women. I find it also odd that you do not like nudity or semi-nudity. Let's be honest, which is worse; dressing in female attire, seeing a body in its natural state or wearing fur. I would say wearing fur as the rest are not destructive in any way (apart from morally perhaps)






Each of us need to follow our conscience on what we do and what we participate in.


We respect your choice.


But, we also respect our choice to have the site operated under our site rules and standards. You might want to review them to see if this is really where you belong.


If our forum makes you uncomfortable, than you should be true to your beliefs and find another forum.




Very good points, Linda! I would hope and recommend, GreenwichVillageFurGirl, that you understand and take each point to heart. The Fur Den openly and proudly supports the transgendered community. The Den also does not prohibit nudity, either in the Gallery or links to same in any of the discussion fora, as long as it is presented in a tasteful manner. Our policies are clearly stated in the Den's Code of Conduct. If you disagree with our philosophy, then that is fine, but as Linda suggested, you may feel more comfortable somewhere else.


And with that, I think that allfurme's point has been made as well. I cannot see the benefit in allowing this thread to persist. In the first place, it has gotten off-topic, and in the second place, it is my experience that such debate, as innocently presented as one would have us believe, is antagonistic, unproductive and generally harmful to The Fur Den and its mission.


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