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Faux fur throw

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Well I dont know what to say. As Iam still out of service for a bit longer I bought two 24x24 red fox pillows and a oversized red fox throw to lay around with.

As you guys know that real fur is the only fur to have,But this is so very soft and nice. I never thought that I would like faux fur but this red fox is like the real thing.


If my eyes were closed I don't think That I could tell the difference,I can't believe how this feels,I don't know how the other faux furs are but this is a great way to save some cash and have the look and feel of a fur throw




red fox WOW!




Might have to look into this - thanx for the info Maribeth!!


If only i could share your faux throw and cushions...




The only thing I can tell you, that the fur is not such a good quality. It's a good price, not expensive, but absolutely no comparizon to real fur. Faux-furs from Tissavel are much better, especially the minks. If you want fur, then buy a fur on E-Bay, you will be much more satisfied.


Great to hear! I'd love to get a real fur throw or bedspread but with all the heat and humidity in this part of the country, I'm afraid that such a big investment may be ruined pretty quickly. I think the Fabulous Furs folks put out a nice product (as faux fur goes, of course!).




Bluefox I think you are missing the point! Look@furloverinFL he can't keep a real fur on his bed because of where he lives and not everyon can afford a real fur throw,So I think this is a GREAT way to have one.



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