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Kate-EBay Fox Coat

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She says she is selling this coat because her mother gave to her and she never wears it. How many long ladies my age say the same thing. Where would I wear a fur coat, would I draw too much attention. It's a shame, if my mother had given me a coat like this, it would get some wear. I had to wait for my husband to buy my first Fox.


Greenwhich,where's the link to the pic????


Check the fur dens ebay section under the thread Hot I believe.


Shoot, if i was here, id keep the coat for its wonderful values, i know that if some one gave me a coat like that, id keep it for the value it is from the family. i sure wouldnt want to get rid of it at all what so ever.



Posted (edited)

My god - that coat is stunning! GVFG - just wear a coat like that ALL OVER! A reason isn't needed. IMHO, the more times furs like that are seen at the grocery store, post office, Macy's (hell, even Revolver Records - always one of my favorite haunts in the Village), the more furs will be accepted as just another part of a person's wardrobe!




...PS - the lady ain't bad either!!!

Edited by Guest

She obviously hasn't met a guy man enough to f*** her in it!


When any woman ever asks "where could I go to wear it?"


Any kind of man would say...the bedroom.


From the looks of the messages she has received, it appears that Kate has a number of Fur Den admirers - ! You guys are a bunch of silver-tongued devils . . . !


I recall a time not too long ago when there was great debate over the worthines of eBay pictures for this Forum.


My what a change a hot babe in fur can make.




From the looks of the messages she has received, it appears that Kate has a number of Fur Den admirers - !


I was wondering if any of those comments were left by den members myself.


You just don't see those kinds of comments normally on eBay. I've made simlar comments on h=others in the past though not on this one.





I've left her a couple messages, she responds nicely, great girl. Tried to haggle on the coat in the second but she doesn't want to come down in price




That's OK. We'll just see her again second, thrid, etc. time around.


The sexy leggy blonde from Cincinnati [see eBay Album] in the white Fox coat has come around for two years now. same price.


Maybe she has some more furs to sell at too high a price.




Hey that sounds like a good idea OFF. Speaking of leggy blonde, where do I find her? lol


She's the leggy Cincinnatian I'm talking about.


She was up on eBay not long ago again.




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