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getting snyped on ebay

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Hello all, does anyone have any ideas as to how not to be snyped on ebay. I'm sure most of you who love fur have had this happen to you once or twice. Of course not being blessed with an incredible connect speed doesn't help. However I cannot tell you how many times recently I thought I'd actually won something to see it snyped away at the last millesecond. A lot of those who won of course had huge numbers on their IDs. In reality I may be asking for advice from those actual people but give it up guys how do you do it?

I'm probrably peeing in the wind asking this here but there's nothing more frustrating. If you don't want to let your secrets out publically then IM me. PRETTY PLEASE, and no I don't have thousands to throw at buy it now.

In closing let me once again thank all those who post both here and in the gallery. I hope to soon post some pics of my fur GF by way of a thankyou contribution . This is indeed a wonderful site, beautifully constructed and very ably moderated . Fond fur regards furomance


1. Snipe auctions yourself. Use a snipe service.


2. Enter how much, truly, how much you are willing to spend. Regardless of the timing of the "sinpe", you've been outbid by someone who was willing to pay more.


3. Realize, on ebay, a timed auction, there is no advantage to bidding early. In fact, after years of following auctions, I would suggest the opposite may be true, not bidding may help keep prices lower. But you have no advantage to bidding 5 days before the end. You've just given the world 5 days to out bid you.


I just posted a note about winning a lynx and fox vest on ebay. My "snipe" entered the bidding with 5 seconds left, and won. There were a total of 40 bids on this item, 20 of them in the last 5 minutes. I had entered my maximum bid, $475 to be entered. I got it for $464. If I had lost, so what? The great thing about ebay is that no matter how unique an item may seem, there will be another thanks to the worldwide market it has become.


Wait until the last day... even the last hour... of the auction then post a proxy bit with the maximum amount you are willing to pay.


Snipe or no snipe, triboy46 is right. Somebody was willing to pay more than you. It's as simple as that.


There is a guy down our pub who sells a programme, he claims,which stops other people bidding...jams their computer bids at the last minute.

I have felt that this has happened to my bids on times.


Thankyou all for your adivice and maybe I am just a cheap bastard.j(':-({|=') Call me paranoid but sometimes I've actually bid a considerable amount over the last bid. It seems like some were able to read my bid and outbid me within the space of 1 second before the auction ended.j(':scratch:') Now thats where I start thinking bots and wot not. Hey keep trying I guess. Too much wonderful stuff out there and nothing like the thrill(':drunken:') of a present in the mail. Something I'm sure rarely existed before the advent of Ebay. Definitely not in my life.

In fact losing an auction to someone from this board wouldn't bother me as I'd know the purchase would be going to a truly appreciative home. (':lol:')The resellers with huge transaction numbers well they're about making money god bless em and please god, or some (program), help me beat em.Softest regards Furomance




With Northern Summer on the way out, the numbers of furs will just increase. Keep trying is the motto as a wonderful (collection of) fur is out there for us all.......




Auzmink is correct, just be patient, but be persistent. The great thing about the internet and ebay is that another one of whatever you like will show up. I was sniped on a similar lynx vest recently, one with fantastic provenance, from the estate of Eva Gabor. That was disappointing, but, alas, another appear, though without the movie star glamour.


If i am bidding for something and the current price is say


Which is fine unless the other bidder has placed a bid greater than yours.


Just my $0.02 - but if you see something with a 'buy it now' option, perhaps you ought to consult with one of one experts here. If they find it to be a decent fur at a decent price, just jump on it! (So to speak!!! )




...who loves nothing more than to volunteer other folks to do stuff without first asking their permission!



I response to your comment:

If the current bid is


--Warning-- long post


I mean unless the bidder at 20 pounds has max bid of more than 50. With ebay bidding, you bid only increases above the highest posted. So even if it is at 20, the bidder may have a posted max bid of 50 or 100, you bid 50, and the system automatically posts 51, one above you from the prior bid. At some point you have to bid more than any one else has bid to win. And, as in gambling, you don't know what the other person is holding. The 20 pounds showing as high bid may not be the maximum they bid, just the amount for them to be high bidder.


In the auction for the lynx vest mentioned earlier, the price went up $150 in the final 4 minutes and $55 in the last 37 seconds, among 2 other bidders, one had a prior max of $450, and the second was chasing by placing many bids in $5 increments trying to catch up, finally doing so with 10 seconds left, then my snipe with a max of around $480, winning at $464.


I know that sniping is viewed as unfair by many, but as I stated at the start of this thread, its a tool that is out there for anyone to use, and you get no reward for bidding early. If my $480 had been less than the second place bidder's maximum, I would have lost, even with the snipe attempt. But that person's strategy was to bid frequently, in small increments until they were shown as a high bidder, rather than bidding their maximum willing price.


Good luck to all in auctions, I've grown our fur collection from 3 to 18 and its been a blast!


Sniping is TOTALLY fair! The old saying - pay your money...


take your chances...




is it...


you've got to be in it to win it...




(what can I say... I'm drunk and can spit out more cliches [i think I spelled that right] than you can count!!!!!)


If you would like to read a few great threads on Sniping, go over to the menu and go into The Den Archives. Then do a search using the keyword "Snipe."



There is a guy down our pub who sells a programme, he claims,which stops other people bidding...jams their computer bids at the last minute.

I have felt that this has happened to my bids on times.


I suppose this program is for bidders and not sellers, cause a seller must be off his mind to cancel or jam new higher bids.

Now that is something that possibly could be done, by (probably) sending multiple page download request on a certain Ebay item the last few seconds. If succeded, the Snype program or the last minute bidder will face difficulties viewing the auction and placing a bid.


However, as a seller I have to hate this program (if it really exists) and hope Ebay will figure something out for it!


I bid have bid on a lot of auctions. I snipe them all the time. I am using XP with its clock. To effectly snipe an auction by making sure the clock on the computer is 1 or 2 seconds with in the clock on ebay. I have 2 windows open on the desktop, 1. the ebay auction, and 2. the KP clock.

I note the end time to the second. I then refresh the auction page to check the clock. Then about 45 se4conds before the end, I enter a bid amount and press the place bid. I then wait for the last few seconds and confirm bid. If I win .....Good. But if outbid, I just delete the auction and try to forget about it.

If there are a lot of bids on an item that is the way to do it. Some things on ebay dont need this method. The most recent item I purchased, a desk lamp, I was the only bidder.


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