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Furry 3D project

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Very, very cool! I love these pics.




Earendil, this absolute really great stuff. I doubt any of us realise how much work goes into this.


Maybe you could post a few more tutorials, many people are interested in photo editing and 3d.


Hope to see more of this Earendil. Great work!!!!




I'll create a tutorial for it in the dummies section when I have time.. I'm sorry it might take a while. New job is taking up a lot of my time


I'd be interested to see a tutorial but take your time. Woudn't want to draw you away from your bread and butter.


Besides, it's often more fun when you have to wait for things.



Finally today I got enough time to sit and enjoy the Den and the whole site. And this thread made it all worth while!

I remember probably about 4 years or more back what I went through to begin to work with photos and graphics and such. It was amazing that no one knew anything about it. I can only imagine what you went through.


I would have people telling me the stupidest things on how to do that sort of thing. Every step of the way it was "Learn to do by doing" and that doing did not come easy. Unfortunately awhile after I started I just had to abandon the whole thing due to time.


Great work!


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