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video:- blue fox on a bed

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Have a look at the video clip ***edit by FLinFL - the link has been removed for CoC issues***


Nah... just got to be a little more careful. It's not just pics that can get us into trouble, but the description of sexual acts as well...




Oh, put the link back. You can't believe what she says in that video. It's all hype to get people to join her site and if you don't join then the talk is rated as ineffective.


Just trying to help out here.






We do this to keep us on the internet. Melody's demise is not something that we wish to have repeated.



Posted (edited)

Patience, I agree with Linda, you're not helping here. There are reasons why stuff like this gets banned... You've just got to try to sign on to Melody to figure it out.




...not trying to p*ss you off, but that's the facts of life. CoC:

Hyperlinks to pornographic (X-rated) websites, even if the page or picture you want to link to is fur-specific.
Edited by Guest

To all moderators I just want to say that I think you are all doing a great job, and I for one, have absolute faith and confidence in your decision making and admistration in running the site


I know to you, sometimes it might seem thankless in relation to the work you all put in, but believe me it is so appreciated. - Thankyou


Thank you, ravens8. Speaking for all the MODs, we appreciate you saying that.


I think most of you know that we have a private MOD's forum. There we try our best to communicate on actions that we feel we need to take.


In the past, inconsistent "rules" were a major complaint of members. Mr B came up with a procedure change a few months ago that has really helped. If there is any doubt on a post, instead of just deleting it, we now put it in for "review" or "second opinions." So, no longer is just one MOD making a decision.


For those of you that don't think our rules are needed, just notice the Melody temporary forum is still at the bottom of our forum list. When was Melody shut down, February? I feel so bad for them.


I think it also needs to be mentioned what a wonderful job the members do of self-policing. It is so seldom that MODs have to step in. As big as this place is now, we could never Moderate it, if it wasn't for our wonderful membership. " title="Applause" />




It was a joke. J. O. K. E. Lighten up a bit. I should have put smileys on it. Smileys always make things better, right?




Hi, Patience.


No, smiley's don't make everything OK. I wish they did. Many times people say "in kidding" what they would never say seriously.


But, Patience, there isn't a problem here. In fact, this gave us a chance to explain to new members our role as MODs and why we do what we do.


I think all members need to know that when we MODs take a position on a post or link, we are doing it with thought and for a very specific reason.


Also, this is a good time to ask all members to review our (Rules) Code of Conduct that is listed under the menu.




Linda, you are still missing my point.


Of course smileys don't make everything right. What an outrageous idea.


And my original post on this thread; does any of it really make any sense?


I can't wait to see how you are going to construe this message.






I guess you are right, I must be missing something. So, help me understand. If you would like to pm me feel free.






I have had a good idea. If anybody wants to view this clip please email me "[email protected] " and i will send the url to them. Some members have already done this. Maria


I'm sorry but I do not know what the problem is. Every member who has received this clip from me agrees that all she is doing is kneeling on a bed , looking at the camera, wearing a blue fox coat , and talking about making a video. She is not naked, her boobs aren't showing, she isn't swearing and she doesn't mention any word which can be construed as sexual. OK maybe her hair is slightly astray. Every picture in the gallery is more filthy than this. Maria


From our mod...


It's not just pics that can get us into trouble, but the description of sexual acts as well


OK folks, let's get this straight and finish it. And I mean FINISH it! Remember the messages that went a long way to getting Melody kicked off the air? One was by a member who is one of our best members. Without even thinking he posted a message titled something like "Youngster in Fur". And posted a link? Our mods did not even think there was anything wrong with it. Remember how that one post was not all by any means but a good part of what happened to Melody?


FrBrGr has worked for years to get a site like this for all of us. If you think it is great now, just wait to see what is coming in three weeks or less. AK has worked almost without a break since January the first on this site. Yes, New Years is it's first day of existence. Since then, he has put an unbelievable amount of hours in here. All of the mod crew spend huge amounts of time here making things work. We are NOT going to allow it to be taken down due to posts that are not allowed by our server.


Not long ago, some pictures were missed that were in the middle of a huge picture file. Luckily our owner contacted our server with an apology before they got to us. And, YES! They had seen them! They were ready to warn us. That would have been stike one and we are on a two strike policy!


Maybe your post was only a low keyed violation of the rules. I don't remember, as I don't remember the description. Golden, if you read the messages again, you will see where it had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with the pictures! So don't give us this stuff about how there was nothing wrong with pictures there because you are exactly right. There was nothing wrong with the pictures. We never told you there was!!! There are far more erotic ones in our Gallery!


The rules clearly state what is allowed here and what is not. Have fun here folks if you like the site. But if you want an X rated site then I am afraid that you will not find it here! Remember, the rules here are made by BrGr and we are all his guest here. If we like his site we are welcome to stay. If we don't we are welcome to leave. If BrGr told us this was a site for young kids and the rules were such, we would have to abide by those rules too. Folks, what he says goes. Point blank!


If you don't like the site then there are plenty of other sites for you to visit on the net that would I am sure be to your liking and you should visit them instead. You might even think of making a XXX site of your own. We here are not going to lose the huge number of endless hours of work that AK and BrGr put into this thing just to push the rules of our server to give you what other sites give you better. We want every member we have here to stay. But only if you like the site, and can live under the Rules our site owner provided for you. And please do not tell us that pictures are ok on a post when we already told you the problem was with text. With that let's end this and have fun!


White Fox


Fur Den


First, I apologize for my misplaced humor earlier in the thread. I did not realize how seriously Maria's link was in violation.


I would like to understand what was wrong. Not to be critical, just to understand.


The video in itself was not the problem, right? The problem is that the link to the video leads the viewer of the video to a site that hosts material that is not allowed here.


Am I correct? If so that would mean that any link to that site, video or photo, would likewise be not allowed, yes?


Maria has been a member for a long time and she is anything but stupid or insensitive. Yet she had a problem understanding the finer points of the rule and I think it would be helpful to explain it.


I don't think anyone is questioning the moderators' prerogatives and decisions, per se. I think what has happened here is that a nuance has confused some (or all) of us who are not CofC experts.






The answer that you, and apparently goldsable, seek can be found in the third message on this thread. FWIW, I pm'd gs to tell her what the issue was. Also, had this been a serious violation, I'm sure a strike would have been administered by now.




Well after this discussion/arguement, im quite curious about that video So is there any possibility that someone could give me the link trough pm, or that there could be a link directly to the video orsomething?


Thank you in forward.


#1. Golden will relay you the link I am sure if you pm, Furboy.


#2. Patience. The problem was simply in the text on the front page of the site that describes it. There is such a thing as XXX rated pictures. And also XXX text. This was the case of the latter. Indeed, much more unusual.


again, as FurLover mentioned, we have a two strike policy here with XXX stuff. Two strikes and you are out for a week. However, Golden was not given a strike over this post as we realize that sometimes it is difficult for a member.



OH MY, I have just read the introduction . Previously I went straight to the video and never even noticed the words. Jeez, I see what you mean. Please accept my apologies


Furboy, after all this bru-ha-ha, the really sad thing is that the clip just doesn't live up to the hype!!!






Thank you for apologizing. But, I would like to point out that you are NOT the only one to have this kind of a misunderstanding.


We MODs have to review - not just the pictures - but written content and banners.


In the past, several members have gotten very upset when we MODs stepped in, on what they saw as just simple pictures. What they didn't realize was their different screening and virus programs had removed the xxx banners.


Bottom line, we MODs have a job to do here, and if we do it right, it will keep us on the Internet. But, sometimes being a MOD is not a lot of fun, ... like this last weekend.



Furboy, after all this bru-ha-ha, the really sad thing is that the clip just doesn't live up to the hype!!!





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