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Ciao amici,


As many of you know, I accepted a temporary job in the city of Rome, Italy back in the spring. I moved in last Monday after two weeks spent traveling through Europe, and two regrettable nights stranded in Frankfurt Flughafen airport during that whole terrorist extravaganza. Once I settled in to life and work in Rome, I requested a brief period of 'absentee moderator' status in order to fully devote myself to this time which needs my attention. I won't even be able to bring my furs over the ocean for at least three months due to my temporary share of a 357-year old apartment with no air conditioning (or fully functional plumbing, for that matter). The positive side is that we're directly fronting the Piazza Navona, thanks to my friend who is leasing this space in the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, directly adjacent to the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone. Anyone know which building I'm talking about? 8)


I can't tell you what a great pleasure it's been to be a part of this remarkable place for the past seven years through all three incarnations. I still remember the very first night in the summer of '99 that I posted the story of how my love of furs began, way back at Delphi Forums! I really should write one of those again... Anyway, from the look of things, Fur Season 2006-2007 is going to be the best ever...especially here in the Den! There are so many great new threads happening, especially Linda's new one entitled, "Have we misunderstood...?". http://thefurden.com/bbden/viewtopic.php?t=3253 I'm going to try to find time to contribute here when I can over the next few months, but thanks to my caring and competent compatriots on the Mod Squad, i'm now officially on hiatus.


a presto,




I wish you all the best in Rome, and I guess it will be since you're in the perfect location!


enjoy the city and if you have time spend a weekend in Northern Italy, Milan and Cortina are worth, believe me!


I don't write so often (I've been often abroad for work), but I enjoyed all your precious work in this time.


Thanks again, ciao!


They have computers in Italy you know joe; don't be a stranger.


Weather is turning cool in the evenings in Europe so those Italian chicks don't need much encouragement to het the furs out...especially in milan.

Some friends just came back from venice and saw furs there in the evenings.


Have a good trip. If you stop over in the UK anytime give me a pm.


all the best, TOS


All the best, Joe! Hopefully you'll bring home a new fur or seven!!!




Hey Joe,

Was there any Snakes On The Plane?

(Sorry I had to ask that!)

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