Guest Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 What if there were no furs? Knowing what we know about human nature, of course we would HAVE to create them .. right? Let's assume we could actually create and replicate furs as real as the real furs we know and love. What would YOU create first?? Is there a fur that does NOT exist that you would like to see created?? Remember .. you're God. Just one of my crazy thoughts. OFF
allfurme Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 The trouble with a lot of things man creates is that they end up being a pain in the *rse. Take the mobile phone for example. If i could create fur at home it would now be filled with white fox stoles and i would probably be deaf and blind.
Velvet_Tigress Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 What if there were no furs? Oh no! Knowing what we know about human nature, of course we would HAVE to create them .. right? Yeah! Let's assume we could actually create and replicate furs as real as the real furs we know and love. What would YOU create first?? Is there a fur that does NOT exist that you would like to see created?? I had a dream once that I was wearing fur that was psychoreactive to my moods, and as such could move a bit on it's own at my urging. It was quite...interesting. No clues to what I might have done. I'd love to see fur like that someday. Kate
Worker 11811 Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 In high school, our physics teacher did a series of classic demonstrations on static electricity. The first demonstration was the triboelectric effect, which involved rubbing wool and rabbit fur on long glass and hard rubber wands to develop the electric charge which was transferred to the Leyden Jar. The second demonstration involved the use of the Van de Graff generator. One of the students (Me.) had to stand on a rubber mat and put his hand on the ball of the generator... A hair raising experience! Well, after class, we all came up and started fooling around with the equipment. One thing led to another and I ended up putting the rabbit fur on top of the ball of the generator so I could see the fur stand on end from the electric charge. Then, when I reached over to take the fur off the ball, it actually lifted off and floated up and wrapped itself around my hand! Woah! Instant woody! I had to excuse myself for fear of being embarrassed in front of the class! I wasn't very self-aware at that time so I didn't make that fur/pleasure connection yet. But I DO remember this as one of the most powerful fur experiences in my formative years. In fact, if you read some of my "furotica" stories you'll probably be able to pick out that influence. So... If I get to invent a new kind of fur it will be able to generate its own static electric charge which causes it to fly across the room and wrap itself around my body. I can command it to fly, at will, over great distances and attack anybody I wanted it to. It will stick to its victim like flypaper until I command it to let go. These "Flying Furs" will come in pairs. One will be positively charged and the other will be negagively charged. I will lure my lover into the room with them and secretly get her to touch some object that is earth-grounded. Those two furs will fly at us from different directions and we will be INSTANTLY trapped between them, unable to escape until the charge wears off. Use your imagination to figure out what we have to to do get the charge to wear off!
allfurme Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 Raven8. I can remember the old school gag where you would mutter to someone 'w*nking makes you deaf' and to which they would obviously respond 'what?' or 'pardon?' It was highly amusing at the time.
Velvet_Tigress Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 Worker: LOVE IT. Give me one when you invent them.
Guest Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 Worker; That would be perfect fot PeTA demonstrators. OFF
Worker 11811 Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 V.T.: You can be my beta tester. Of course, you realize this will require hours and hours of rigorous work on your part. But, somehow, I think you'd be the only one fit for the job. O.F.F.: If we're going to use this idea on P∂TA-philes I think a modified version is in order. It needs to be a little bit more advanced. Let's use an episode of Star Trek for inspiration: Please read this Wikipedia article: >> Star Trek - "Operation: Annihilate!" << I think our P∂TA-fur should be like the neural parasites found on Deneva except instead of being slimy, amoeba-like things they will be soft and furry. Thousands upon thousands of them will descend on the demonstrators, overwhelming them with sheer numbers. The victims could TRY to pull them off but, because there are so many of these flying furs, they would find themselves quickly encased in a cocoon of fur. I should hasten to mention that these creatures feed on textile fibers. They love to eat cotton and wool fabrics but they are especially fond of synthetic fibers. They gorge themselves on polyester and nylon because, to them, it's an aphrodesiac. These fur parasites will steadily nibble away at their victim's clothing until there is nothing left. They are trapped in a writhing pile of fur until they are naked and helpless. Our fur parasites don't inject the painful neurotixin that the Denevian parasites do. Fur paraistes give their victims an insatiable fur fetish! That's how they perpetuate. Their victims are overcome with an irresistible desire to "feed" them. That means they have to go get MORE synthetic clothing and put it on and wait for the parasites to get hungry again. Fur parasites are hermaphrodites like Tribbles. They reproduce geometrically. The more you feed them, the faster they reproduce. A person could easily start out with one or two of them and, in just a couple of days, have DOZENS of them flying around the house. Back on their home planet there are lots of predators that keep them in check. Here, on Earth, they have no natural enemies. If it wasn't for the fact that they can't stand the heat of summer they would quickly overwhelm the planet in furry rapture. But, some time around March or April (in the northern hemisphere) they stop reproducing and go into hibernation for the summer. Only a few of them are able to "summer over" till the next cold snap. When they die off, furriers take their pelts and make them into beautiful fur coats. Because of their fast reproduction rate, there are so many pelts that everybody can afford a "Flying Fur Coat". Flying furs come in a wide range of colors and textures. As a matter of fact, the fur is of such high quality (from their steady diet of man-made textiles) that, in some cases, they are even better quality than some farm raised Russian sable! So, I'd like to get several of these flying furs and breed them until there are thousands and thousands of them then take them to the next P∂TA rally and release them en-masse. Since *I* am wearing a fur coat, I am camoflaged from them and they won't attack me. Now, in order to pull this off, I'm going to need some breeders. These people will need to spend several hours per day putting on layer after layer of wool/polyester blend sweaters then walking into the breeding pens and sacrificing themselves. I know it will be hard work but I'm sure there are at least one or two brave souls among us! Who wants to volunteer?
furnation Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 My perfect fur would have all the best attributes, large hoodlike collar, big cuffs, full rolled tuxedo and hem, and would be made of the finest self cleaning pelts!
foxkid Posted September 5, 2006 Posted September 5, 2006 If there was no fur, I would need to genetically modify every PeTA member out there to grow soft silky fur like a fox. Then I would invite everyone round to harvest the fur so coats could be made from them.
LordTheNightKnight Posted September 5, 2006 Posted September 5, 2006 V.T.: You can be my beta tester. Of course, you realize this will require hours and hours of rigorous work on your part. But, somehow, I think you'd be the only one fit for the job. O.F.F.: If we're going to use this idea on P∂TA-philes I think a modified version is in order. It needs to be a little bit more advanced. Let's use an episode of Star Trek for inspiration: Please read this Wikipedia article: >> Star Trek - "Operation: Annihilate!" << I think our P∂TA-fur should be like the neural parasites found on Deneva except instead of being slimy, amoeba-like things they will be soft and furry. Thousands upon thousands of them will descend on the demonstrators, overwhelming them with sheer numbers. The victims could TRY to pull them off but, because there are so many of these flying furs, they would find themselves quickly encased in a cocoon of fur. I should hasten to mention that these creatures feed on textile fibers. They love to eat cotton and wool fabrics but they are especially fond of synthetic fibers. They gorge themselves on polyester and nylon because, to them, it's an aphrodesiac. These fur parasites will steadily nibble away at their victim's clothing until there is nothing left. They are trapped in a writhing pile of fur until they are naked and helpless. Our fur parasites don't inject the painful neurotixin that the Denevian parasites do. Fur paraistes give their victims an insatiable fur fetish! That's how they perpetuate. Their victims are overcome with an irresistible desire to "feed" them. That means they have to go get MORE synthetic clothing and put it on and wait for the parasites to get hungry again. Fur parasites are hermaphrodites like Tribbles. They reproduce geometrically. The more you feed them, the faster they reproduce. A person could easily start out with one or two of them and, in just a couple of days, have DOZENS of them flying around the house. Back on their home planet there are lots of predators that keep them in check. Here, on Earth, they have no natural enemies. If it wasn't for the fact that they can't stand the heat of summer they would quickly overwhelm the planet in furry rapture. But, some time around March or April (in the northern hemisphere) they stop reproducing and go into hibernation for the summer. Only a few of them are able to "summer over" till the next cold snap. When they die off, furriers take their pelts and make them into beautiful fur coats. Because of their fast reproduction rate, there are so many pelts that everybody can afford a "Flying Fur Coat". Flying furs come in a wide range of colors and textures. As a matter of fact, the fur is of such high quality (from their steady diet of man-made textiles) that, in some cases, they are even better quality than some farm raised Russian sable! So, I'd like to get several of these flying furs and breed them until there are thousands and thousands of them then take them to the next P∂TA rally and release them en-masse. Since *I* am wearing a fur coat, I am camoflaged from them and they won't attack me. Now, in order to pull this off, I'm going to need some breeders. These people will need to spend several hours per day putting on layer after layer of wool/polyester blend sweaters then walking into the breeding pens and sacrificing themselves. I know it will be hard work but I'm sure there are at least one or two brave souls among us! Who wants to volunteer? Did you know a lot of fur coats these days use synthetic fibers in the lining or as filling?
Worker 11811 Posted September 5, 2006 Posted September 5, 2006 Well, then I guess I'd have to have a specially made fur coat that wouldn't attract their attention... unless I WANTED that kind of attention... And, no. I wouldn't want to hurt P∂TA members, even if they are big idiots. That would only provoke more adverse reaction. Giving them a little "fur treatment" every now and then would be a fun thing just for sport. :twsited: But, just for P∂TA-Philes, I prefer the genetically engineered creatures above. Unless you are wearing fur, they eat all your clothes. After all, they said it themselves: "They'd rather be NAKED..." My answer is, "Well, suit yourself!"
Guest Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 LTNK; That's one reason I put the fur inside of a Leather, wool or Denim jacket. Anyone ever hear of Silk and I don't mean the milk substitute. I HATE SYNTHETICS OF ANY TYPE FOR ANYTHING. Well maybe for the plastic tubs to store my real food in the refrigerator. OFF
Furman Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 If there was no fur, I would need to genetically modify every PeTA member out there to grow soft silky fur like a fox. Then I would invite everyone round to harvest the fur so coats could be made from them. And to think, you'd have fur coats to suit any size person just by changing their diets. Furthermore they'd have to throw red paint on one another, for 'wearing fur.' Just joking of course. I just found the thought to be quite humorous, and somewhat thought invoking taken the story written a few weeks about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Perhaps it's time to hammer something out storywise. Maybe.
Guest Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 I have rarely had a fur with a synthetic lining. They nearly all have had silk. Seems stupid to have a gorgeous mink coat and the lining says "100% polyester". I have an idea for a new fur. One that may be possible. here is the deal. We breed a mutant rat with a beautiful silky blue hued is possible. We make sure that these genes are dominant over anything it mates with. The fur of these rats is exquisite. Then we release them into the cities. Within 10 years the normal ugly fur of the rat is gone. Maybe then the townies will stop killing them senselessly and accept fur as a good thing. I anticpate urban hunting parties to catch these rats instead of poisoning them. When the fur is sheared it is a beautiful pale blue.
Worker 11811 Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 f there was no fur, I would need to genetically modify every PeTA member out there to grow soft silky fur like a fox. Then I would invite everyone round to harvest the fur so coats could be made from them. Just wait a darned second! I totally MISSED something! I should have thought of this before! If we gentetically modify people to grow fur then we don't really NEED fur coats! Do we? Because the PEOPLE will have their own BUILT-IN fur coat! Ooh! I want a furry girlfriend!... With SPOTS!
Guest Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 A great idea. A furry spotted girlfriend. I think you should come up with a character based on this lordthenighknight. Make her arms really thick fur so she looks like one of the eighties fox furs, but her body smooth and short and silky like a sheared fur I think. And yes. Spots. And her fingers like velvet gloves. And ears like a cat. And eyes like a cat. And purr like a cat with no ability to speak But no fur on the face or neck. It ends in a mane like collar. Actually there are shapeshifter cults among many animist peoples who believe that they can do this when amting. It is the origin of werewolf and cat people legends....except it is sexual/spirirual. There are even net cults about it. Do we get to be silver back gorillas to leep the ladies happy? However; I would give furbearing animals like fox and mink about ten years before they are all extinct. If we have no use for an animal it tends to get a crappy deal.
allfurme Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 The only possible drawback is that aliens might land and start making coats out of us. There is some sort of irony in that.
Furman Posted September 8, 2006 Posted September 8, 2006 The only possible drawback is that aliens might land and start making coats out of us. There is some sort of irony in that. Call me a weirdo, but there are certain aspects of this conversation which speak to me. Furry spotted girlfriends made into coats by alien invaders? "My dear Zorgnox, you look ever so lovely in your full length American genetic modification human." "Oh you're too kind Inignork, and may I add you look absolutely ravishing in that lovely full body female fur. Wherever did you get it?" "I found her wandering around a Wal-Mart parking lot." I'll blame my odd thoughts on beer, and an overactive imagination.
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