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If any of the member or prospective members have tried to access my Yahoo fur stories site and have been unsuccessful lately, I apologize. Lightning stuck a tree in my side yard on August 20. I have my Internet connection thru a company called Comcast. The lightning "fried" my t.v. cable connection and of course my Internet connection. I went to Kinko's to try and keep up with my e-mail but as you probably know, you cannot access adult sites at Kinko's. It took my a long time to get Comcast to come out. Then I had problems with my computer (due to the strike) and then Comcast had to come out again to give me a new modem. Bottom line, I just got Internet connection again last Friday. So I do apologize for any inconvenience or if anyone thought I had forgetten or lost interest in my site. I am back and managing the site again. Thanks.




P.S. If any prospective members applied for membership and did not get a response, please re-apply.

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