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Why do you like furwomen?

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why do you like furwomen? i like so much about it

the look, feel, luxury, power. i like the controversial thing with fur to, is it strange like that?


Not at all.

In Chicago during prohibition it was considered very sexy for a woman to drink hard liquor.

The fastest growing fetish online is for women who smoke.


It stands to reason that if women are earing fur they are making a statement about their wish not to conform, they are rebels and rebellion is attractive. Fur is an elitist statement too. It says they are "bad" girls aswell, and wickedness is sexy too. So fur has an allure because of this, aswell as for the other reasons you state.


The more the antis push, the more allure it will have.


I'd say a woman in fur (especially a long fox imo), looks powerfull, and dominant. But as a flip side, theres a certain elegance, beauty and softness to the factor. Also how, a woman wearing a thicker fur coat, they look very cuddly.


So basically I see a woman in a fur coat, I feel slightly intimediated (in a sexual way), but at the same time I'd just love to go and give them a hug.


That is how I feel personally, but it's really quite interesing how each person can percieve the Fetish.


Well - I like women, and I like furs. Plainly that's why.


Fur, for me, only works on a certain degree of woman's self-consciousness. Hence not every fur clad woman attracts me: the look of her wearing a fur coat as an armor ("I am vulnerable, helpless, be my saviour!") immediately brings me down to earth, as does apparent overestimation of her own's capacities ("I am the best, you cannot do without me!").


The natural, classy ones which seem to wear furs for their own pleasure ring my bell. They touch me deeply. It's due to this fact, that most furry women in their twenties don't have an erotic impact on me, although they might be kind and lovely.


I've always loved women in fur because they have more class and they are just simply more attractive. But on the flip side, it's hard to not just walk up to a woman and start touching her coat ...

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