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More info about our new area

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As mentioned folks the New Library is almost ready to be opened.


New items to see that you have not seen before.

1. You will see a new topic from Fox that begins an area on "How to Fight PETA". You will in turn be able to add your comments on the topic. He and you will be adding much more to this area in the near future I am certain.

2. Mr B has a fantastic write-up on Fur Fetish, and you will be able to add info to it.

3. Mr M has a beautiful brand new essay on photography.


But these are only posts to wet your appetite. Posts that give you an idea on what you can do on the site! From now on it is your area to save the information that you love, so you and others can view it or add to it at any time.


You will also see some old areas again.

1. You will see a beautiful new movies area containing your list of movies. But now you can easily add to the list, and add comments on any movie at any time. You can easily post a comment on a movie that was added 6 months ago! All without any input from admins and mods.

2. Tryxie's Essay is available as well as the great post on "List your Furs". You can now easily add to the "List your furs" thread, telling us of your collection.

3. As part of this new area we will have a whole new links area. Now administrators have nothing to do with the links page. You can send info on links to add or delete to the Links crew who are free to add, delete, or change any information there. You can watch the area grow in surprising new ways. Again, now this is your area. You will also see that Rules, and Sponsors areas will now be wiki based allowing unbelievable ease of running this huge site! We are breaking ground here folks!


The area is based on Wiki. It is essentially a program to allow anyone to post on the net without the use of "HTML". It will take you a short while I am sure to get used to typing in Wiki language, but it is indeed very, very easy to do the basic things that you will need to post there. It will take less than 15 minutes likely til you can post your first message. With just a little more time you will post like the pros. It is very easy to learn. Just look in the "Basics" and "Documentation" areas.


As I mentioned, it is possible for you to delete info by mistake. However, if you do this, if you send AK a PM he can retrieve any info deleted by mistake almost every time. It is important though that you let him know as soon as possible. But... Please read instructions. AK has enough work here as it is!


Indeed, the Fur Den is becoming a Fantastic new site that is really breaking ground here. It is our aim that it will always be free to use. However, we do ask that you consider sponsoring us. It is important that we have a great deal of web space, so we can continue to add great new pictures, and even keep expanding this fantastic site. Right now, we are getting very close to our safe limits. And indeed we have one new major feature to add to the site in upcoming months. As mentioned, even just two pennies per day would allow you to become a sponsor of the site!


More info to come soon Folks

White Fox

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