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I thought I would say hi as i've joined the den today. I'm 23 from Birmingham UK and have liked women in fur for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately you don't get to see many women in fur in the UK.

The site looks great and I'd really love to hear off any fur loving women


Hi bhamfur Welcome to the den. There are quite a few of us Brits here, so look forward to your input.


Know what you mean about women in fur in public in the UK. It it slowly changing but I think only at "events", parties etc (see some of Touch's old posts re: race meetings). Still not a lot on the streets or out shopping etc.


Hi bham fur and welcome. Shimla Pinks and Jeffersons used to be good for fur in Solihull. Went to Jeffersons last year and saw a blue fox, a blackglam jacket, a fox trimmed denim, and four long black fauxs...all on one night.


Following night there was nothing apart from a couple of faux trims. But it was raining.


Also you do still get the odd ones at the train station. I had a drink with a girl in a long red fox there too last year in the bar because it is the only place you can smoke. The odd thing was that she looked like an AR protestor under the coat! She had dreadlocks and everything! It was her mums coat and she had died so she was determined to wear it. She said she was half disappointed that she hadn't had anything but compliments!


As ravens suggests the races is quite good for furs too in winter. Especially Cheltenham.


Thanks for the replys. When i've had girlfriends i've always managed to convince them to wear fur for me but I'd love to meet an older women in a bar in furs and get talking to her


. . . and from another colonist - Welcome!!


We hope your time in The Fur Den will be enjoyable, and we look forward to your thoughtful contributions!


Welcome! We're glad that you've joined our group! Enjoy you're time here - don't forget to register for the gallery!




Welcome to our little corner of the world BHAMFUR!!!

Thanks for the replys. When i've had girlfriends i've always managed to convince them to wear fur for me but I'd love to meet an older women in a bar in furs and get talking to her


ReFur Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:17 pm Post subject:


Hi, bhamfur!


Welcome to the fur Den!!






Wow, tender age of 23, and you're here. I had to battle with my tendancy to repress my fascination almost two more decades after I was that age before getting here. Congratulations!


Welcome to the Den and we hope you enjoy your time here


Kevin and Shelley

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