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Fur Fantasies

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Last night I had quite a bit of "fun." The more dirty minded amongst you can come up with something in your gutter dwelling minds, and odds are what I got into last night was pretty dang close!


I found myself suddenly (and dangerously) curious about everyone else here.


What is it that turns your cranks, so to speak? What fantasies move your mind and are they going to happen, not going to happen, or are they in all likelihood impossible?


Just cuuuuuuuuuurious. And yes, I know curiosity killed the cat.


(satisfaction brought her back)


Kate "Who is not a Kitty but a TIGRESS"




oh wow you have no idea.


I should.. stop ....typing..


stop.... typ.........


-E, undermining his dorment fantasies for the greater good of public eyes.


Kate, you may trick me in PM though. :P


wow. earendil your avatar rocks. i love it!!!!


I don't know if I'll be tricking anyone today, but I can say without giving away too much that what I did involved my furs and a few friends.


Note the "s" there at the end of friend. *evil grin*


Ah, still smiling too wide over this particular enjoyment.


Are we allowed to be jealous of these afore-mentioned friends of yours, Kate? I know I am!!



I don't know if I'll be tricking anyone today, but I can say without giving away too much that what I did involved my furs and a few friends.


Note the "s" there at the end of friend. *evil grin*


Ah, still smiling too wide over this particular enjoyment.

Kate,My Fantasy is much the same as yours that you just recently Experienced PM me & ill fill you in on a place where we can chat & share our Fantasies together.

Hi Kate


pleeeeeeaaaaasseeeee tell me you has a camera and will post the less graphic ones in the gallery!


Glad you had a nice time!!!


In the interest of good taste and tact, let me simply say that I'm fortunate to be living my fur fantasy with my spouse of 29 years. We have 16 furs, of which we share freely and without question, guilt, or judgement. Last friday involved our blue fox stroller, which she suggested I wear...the rest you can imagine 8)


Hmm, as a sheepskin fan mine would involve me and my wife, very thick long hooded sheepskin coats, mittens and boots and a snowy forest







Any you think would make a good story just let me know.







Okay, this may sound a bit simplistic, but I always wish for the opportunity of seeing a gentleman out in public wearing a real fur coat. Unfortunatley this does not happen often, in fact, I can count on one hand the number of times total I have seen this in real time. I have to say to the guys here at the den, that in my view this is one advantage you have over us girls. You may not be able to find a girl to share furs with as I so often read in various posts, but at least your chances of seeing the girl of your dreams out and about is much higher than my chances of seeing that hunk in coyote or fox. And yes guys, this is a subtle hint guys to wear your furs out of doors once in a while...pretty please!


What I find works well is wearing a fox collar over a normal coat. And I can confirm that it is a babe magnet!

However....most of them want to wear it !!!!!!!!!!!!


Interesting though. I din't think women were fetishistic about men wearing fur too much.

Thanks Lynxette.


That time of year coming up for my fur lined jackets.


Despite my age I still get quite a few looks wearing them.


I have lynxette to partially thank for past positive comments on this subject.



For the record:


Brown Lambskin jacket with dark Mink Linig (up for sale),


Tan Lambskin jacket with Fitch Lining and Stone Martin collar (removable),


Med. brown Suede jacket with full Mahogany Mink lining and lined hood,


Buckskin (tan) jacket with Bobcat lining and dark brown sheared Beaver mandarin collar,


Dark Brown cowhide mid thigh length jacket with nearly full sheared Sealskin lining and collar and


Bill Blass gray pigskin jacket with gray sheared Beaver and mandarin collar. Fully reversable.


At least ten more to come even more fantastic.





For as long as I have been fantasizing, there has been at least a little bit of fur in the picture but I never really thought about it. It was just there.


I never really get excited by seeing a woman in a fur coat but a sexy woman certainly looks a LOT sexier if she is wearing fur. On the other hand, If I see somebody wearing fur they'd certainly warrant a second look.


I can not, for the life of me, remember any kind of precipitating event that would cause me to love fur so much. My mother had a fur coat when I was a kid. I secretly played with it a few times when I was young but I never played with it "that way". (If ya'knowwhatImean.)


I don't really know why I love fur so much. But, then, who can say why anybody loves ANYTHING? Why do some people love chocolate so much? Nobody knows.


So, why do I. all of a sudden, "realize" I love fur so much? I don't know, exactly, but I have a couple theories. Maybe it's beacuse I'm finally getting a handle on my A.D.D. and, through introspection, finally understanding what makes me motivated. Maybe it's the beginnings of midlife reality sneaking up on my. (I just turned 40 this year.) Maybe I'm finally becoming mature enough to admit how I feel about things I couldn't admit before. It's all just a guess, really. I don't even think it matters if I have a reason for it.


But I can tell you one thing. I, quite literally, stumbled on The Fur Den when it was in its last gasps on the old "Melody" server. I watched it blink in and out of existence a couple of times before it finally went away. Then, when the Den came back again on its own server I started reading about what other people thought about fur. I can't say that there was one day when the heavens opened up and I suddenly had a spiritual transformation but, over a period of time there WAS a realization that it is OKAY to love fur.


Let's face it... Thinking about fur gets me hot. There's no need to over analyze it. Is there?


Then, there's the question of what *I* fantasize about when I think about fur. To answer the question fully, I have to divide it into two parts:


1) Imaginary situations. Things that could NEVER happen in real life. Fictional people, places and ideas.


2) Real situations. Something that MIGHT actually happen, even if the chances are remote. Real people. Real places and situations. Not Sci-Fi or fiction.


If you want to know about my imaginary fantasies, just read my "Furotica" stories on Literotica.com. There's not much to explain that reading one or more of those stories couldn't tell you.


Realistic fantasies are a little bit harder to pin down. They are almost as varied as my fictional ones. But, if I had to pick out ONE theme it would be:


Getting kidnapped by a beautiful woman wearing a long fur coat (and nothing else) then being held prisoner and "furred" into a state of oblivious pleasure. Then, when it's all over, I find myself returned safely home, not knowing who it was that took me prisoner, where she went or IF I'll meet her again.


..... Then, when the Den came back again on its own server I started reading about what other people thought about fur. I can't say that there was one day when the heavens opened up and I suddenly had a spiritual transformation but, over a period of time there WAS a realization that it is OKAY to love fur.

Helping people like you realize that it is OK to love fur is one of the main reasons the Fur Den exists. Every time we (the staff) read of another person embracing their "magnificent obsession" (FrBrGr's words), it makes all the work to setup and maintain this site worthwhile.


Hey worker. I agree with that last fantasy. To be helpless and teased to distraction by a pretty woman wearing furs is quite a turn on.


So Kate - to get back to your opening post - who was in control? You or your partners?


Just cuuuuuuuuuurious.


Lucky girl, VT! Personally, my fantasies run from mild to wild. I have a couple of girl friends (emphasis on friends) who both wear furs. One lucky day we went to see a show in NYC and they each wore their black mink coat. I thought I had gone to heaven!



So Kate - to get back to your opening post - who was in control? You or your partners?


Just cuuuuuuuuuurious.




I have sort of an issue when it comes to being in control. Some people find it annoying, some people don't mind it, and others find it to be a bit endearing.


When it comes to something simple, like me having to drive wherever I go (I almost always refuse to accept rides from anyone else) or my stubborn desire not to stick around for a moment longer somewhere where I don't feel like staying, it can be a bit annoying for the people who are out with me on the town.


You can imagine how I am about sex. *laughs* The group of us, a friend and his girlfriend and myself, did not make any plans for anything sexual to come out of what we did and nothing sexual DID come out of what we did. Well, sexual of the physical mouth watering, body function swapping, fluids on the bed sort of sexual. Well, not with ME anyhow; but what they did afterwards is a whole different story which I shall not relate because I was not not there when it transpired.


Anyhow my friend's girlfriend and I did our best to get him to the point where he was about ready to take us on mano y womano (*laughs*) before I gracefully bowed out and let the two of them finish their fun. I am not the sort of girl to be involved in a girl on guy on girl sandwich, and I do not like to get involved with involved people. Call me old fashioned if you will, but like I said I'm particular.


There were furs involved, you can imagine what we did with them and I'd bet you've got a bit of what we covered down, there was some mild (for me) teasing going on, and there was sex between her and him (minus my loaned fur, as they are not to be soiled if I'm not having something to do with it ), and good fun for the three of us.


It's not something I'll do again too soon. It scratched an itch (well, it let me act out and have fun), true, it was a lot of fun, true again, but I really don't find myself too horribly attracted to my friend (more to the idea of making him wild) and his girlfriend is involved so *laughs* I suppose I won't go there.




Admitting that I love fur is only part of the equation, AKcoyote.


Remember, I've got a house full of Teddy Bears. I've taken quite a bit of flack, from polite smirks to quiet snickers and even some outright nasty name calling, over the years. All this, just for having toys in my house. And, they never hurt ANYBODY!


It's quite difficult admitting something like this. Admitting that I love fur somehow makes it easier to admit that I love Bears too. Once that inhibition was broken down I have found it easier to get through life, in general. I don't know how to explain it but problems don't seem as grave as they once did.


I still have those waves of depression but, for the most part, the troughs don't seem as deep. Being comfortable with my own feelings helps me get through the tough times. Talking about fur and Bears helps me feel more comfortable with my own feelings. (Bears ARE made of fur, doncha' know! )


To be helpless and teased to distraction by a pretty woman wearing furs is quite a turn on.


I did say, "Kidnapped" and "prisoner" but "helpless" isn't quite what I had in mind... at least not in the physical sense.


Let's imagine that this unnamed woman in fur glides up in the back of a big, black limousine. She pulls up to the curb and rolls the window down. She gets your attention and says something out the window. Somehow, she knows something VERY personal about you. It's something that you're embarrassed that ANYBODY else even knows.


You walk up to the car and notice the fur she's wearing. She says a few more things to you and convinces you to get in. Now, HERE's the catch: You didn't HAVE to get into the car! There was no use of force and nothing more than verbal coercion. But you got into the car anyway, even though you KNEW that, once inside, the door would close behind you and lock.


Now that you're inside, there's no turning back.


As the car pulls away, the woman hands you a fur blindfold. You protest but soon realize that there's no alternative. You put it on, willingly.


Let's just say that, from this point, the fantasy takes many furry twists and turns, too numerous to mention here. You can fill in the rest.


Maybe you ARE helpless but, not completely. At least, not in the physical sense.


Hmmmm. In your scenario Worker I would say that you are indeed helpless.


As you say, you dont have to get in the car, but you do. You don't have to put on the fur blindfold, but you do. You dont have to let the rest of the scenario unfold, but you do.


That to me would suggest you are pretty helpless in the hands of a woman in furs.


I agree, you are not helpless physically, but she has nevertheless used her allure, and her furs to put you totally in her power.


That is possibly a difference between teasing and torture. In Teasing, someone is doing things to you, that you are enjoying, and you dont really want them to stop, even if you are trussed up like a chicken. Torture (and I am not talking about violent, brutal torture here) is when you really dont want it to continue, but the person carries on regardless.


In the first case, your desire for pleasure has a hold over you that has you as helpless in her (furry) hands as any ropes or other form of physical restraint.

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