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warning. careful what you wish for

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Dear all, I have for the longest time wanted to take a lady to a big event wearing a beautiful fur. Well finally last weekend I got that opportunity and it became one crazy night indeed. My girlfriend was wearing one of her furs (a bassarisk three quarter coat) as the event was in the evening & outside and it was quite cool. This was a first for myself as I've never had anyone in my life who would have wanted to do that. This promised to be both an exciting and interesting adventure and we both looked forward to seeing peoples reactions to what is a beautiful coat, on BTW a beautiful woman. We arrived at the function and almost immediatley people began coming over and telling my GF how mich they loved her coat. Of course most of the compliments were initially form other women and of course came with the obligatory stroking or touching. There were a couple of other women there with some fur but none with an actual coat. Initially it was just fun and harmless but as we moved into a closer covered area lots of guys began brushing by. I was alone with some other friends at one point and was able to observe everyone from a distance and now noticed what a magnet she had become. I had to literally tell one guy to keep his hands off. Of course the more alchohol that was consumed the more out of control it became. I felt like now I was riding shotgun and literally had to bodycheck some people. Let me tell you whilst it was great to see the appreciation it would seem the less inhibited people become them more they want to touch and all subtlety is thrown out the window.

Have any of you here had that experience with your Gf or wives out in their furs? I guess its a good sign people really want to appreciate fur but wow this was too much. I guess if more women had a fur on it would have shared the wealth so to speak. However both of us now feel it was a mistake to have her wear that coat . So in closing let me say that yes fur is alive and well and very much desired out there by a LOT of folk. On the other hand beware of its power, it can be overwhelming if you're on the sensual supply side. softest regards furomance

Posted (edited)

Please - I think it happens all the time!


My most memorable experience was at a company function. At one of our sales meetings, one of the 'senior' brokers wore her blue fox coat. Now, by senior, I mean 70ish, hunched over, etc. Well, the president of our firm (younger guy, late 40s) went out of his way to help her on and off with the coat, and yes, I caught him stroking it too!




...besides, I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's "innocently" stroked a fur!

Edited by Guest

I do not have a significant other who wears furs , but I can relate that in my personal experience - and this is not in any way intended to sound braggy - I have many more men than women who will come up and want to know all about whatever fur I happen to be wearing as well as the requests to touch. Of course there are women as well, but I would say the odds run 3 to 1 in favour of men.


I have to say, that I quite like it...


Sorry for how your adventure came out.


I'm not attached, nor do I have any desire to wear furs in public myself. For me right now, the story's about being appropriate in appreciating someone else's furs.


If my status should change, and I'm with a partner that'd like to wear a fur out there, I'll want to remember this experience when it comes to choosing when and where.


May you come across events where you get all the best and avoid the rest.




in my experience, it is both men and women who reach out to touch before they ask... which is okay, depending on where they touch, know what i mean? it does take self confidence to wear furs out to an event like that, and you must realize you will have to politely hold your ground when it comes to personal space. don't let that distract your girl or you from doing such a thing again, please. just know that you are there with each other, above all else, and anything else you run into is but a nice compliment, even if a somewhat "gropy" one.


I've been thinking a lot about this particular experience and I appreciate everyones comments. Miss Theresa you are so right regards establishing boundaries both from her and myself. I can also get very much how women would feel empowered by the attention given their furs and by definition themselves. Most people were very cool and as I said in my previous post things primarily went south after the alchohol kicked in. I think rather than rule it out completely we'll think a little more about the size of the function etc. before experimenting again.

I'll also be a little more mentally prepared and a little less defensive. As much as you can say what did you expect? I can honestly tell you whilst I did expect some reaction the response just caught me offguard. An interesting point is raised here I think when it comes to whether you think as a stranger it is appropriate to touch someone elses fur . Whilst I very much appreciate seeing a woman in a beautiful fur unless I know her I'm not going to touch without permission of the wearer. Thats like saying because you wear fur you must put up with it. In my opinion that's just not on, anymore than a woman in a short skirt deserves her ass pinched. To be appreciated is one thing to be touched/groped by a bunch of strangers something else entirely. That goes for men or women. It's obviously a grey area and signalling it's not ok from the outset is probrably key. Clandestine or not if you're unwanted I believe it should stop there. I thought knew a lot about the soft side and for that matter myself but it seems my education is really just beginning. Softest regards furomance


To be honest I think that that is half the reason people do not wear fur...rather than the antis. It makes you stand out and people want to talk to you...or your girlfriend I should say.


That makes me happy because I know she is going home with me....so it is nice when guys say ...you lucky sod!

I have never had a groper but lots of touchers. As I always say.....this is a very normal and healthy fetish and any man with blood in his veins is going to find an attractive woman in fur overwhelmingly attractive unless they are psychologically sick like the antis.


Wahatever you do do not let this stop you. Just relax and let her enjoy the attention but make it clear she is yours...with a smile.

Whilst I very much appreciate seeing a woman in a beautiful fur unless I know her I'm not going to touch without permission of the wearer. Thats like saying because you wear fur you must put up with it. In my opinion that's just not on, anymore than a woman in a short skirt deserves her ass pinched.


I think I'm inclined to agree with you Furomance. We all have our personal space and no one has the right to invade another's without invitation (and you cant get much closer than touching).


Merely wearing tactile clothes (or as you say, short and brief clothing,) does not constitute an invitation. Other people should have the self control to look and admire, even to strike up a conversation, but not take it further, unless invited.


The problem comes with alcohol. - nothing better to diminish self control.


For me, not being able to touch, but just to look and admire is part of the pleasure. If I want to touch fur, then I can do that with my wife's furs, not someone elses.


I for one would have to say that beautiful women who are out in public wearing furs are doing so to garner attention to themselves,& if you see the thread "Furs & Flirting,youll notice that they mayte be looking for a little romantic attention,from others who appreciate them in their state of dress,my advisory is for the men to not take that attention so personally,as I For one,like to get close to Beautiful Women in Furs myself but yet do not have the means in which to procure my own,and remember guys,once upon a time not so long ago,alot of you's were in the same state im in now,so be careful of how you judge.least you be judged likewise.


It's a question of how the approach is made, how the person looks at her etc.


I will give you an example. My girlfriend was once at gatwick railway station and we had just come off a flight. She was wearing a Gucci mink with huge black fox collar and double cuffs. She lit a cigarette and we both noticed this guy staring. Creepily. Expressionless. He would not avert his eyes and followed us when we moved. He didn't come close but was obvious with his staring to the point of making her..and me feel very uncomfortable. I was about to say something when the train came.


Now I don't know what his problem was. He may have been anti fur. He may have had a smoking or fur fetish. The problem was we didn't know.


Now contrast that with a Greek lad who has a woman's clothes shop I know. He is a really nice smiley guy anyway. When he saw my girlf in the same fur he approached directly with a huge smile and said "Aw wow....can I touch it? " He then did...and for some time but at no time did he touch HER. He then said he had had a thing about fur ever since he was little and always used to ask ladies as a kid if he could touch their fur. He even admitted that it turned him on...but all the time he remained smiling and non lecherous.


So if you want to touch, approach with a smile, don't get too close, and don't lech. Just say "What a beautiful fur....It is so nice to see them being worn again...congratulations" or something similar. Then she will say...even if with her husband...who you must also acknowledge and say hello....thankyou...and be really pleased. You must be open, honest, friendly, not lechy, and talk about the weather etc too. Then if you get a positive response, say, do you mind awfully if I touch it...what kind of fur is it...crystal fox (for eg)?" They will be impressed with your knowledge, and then you say something like...yes its lovely. That has made up my mind to buy my gf one similar".


Then you either talk, offer the couple a drink, ect. and don't go ott about the fur any more.


It is in other words just a question of manners and then you can cop a legitimate feel!


If however youare a "brusher" then that can make women feel uncomfortable. If they see you do it you will alarm them because they will wonder if you were trying to razor it or red paint it. So do not do it. If you do it will be yet another thing to stop women wearing fur.


I'm with you, ToS! The key is to ASK! Just walk up and politely ask!


You can make small talk if you want to: "Wow! I love your fur! It looks so soft." Chances are, if you made a good first impression, the person will even OFFER to let you touch!


That has happened to me more than once. I simply walked up and told the person that I liked the fur and that I'm shopping for a fur for my wife. The person simply sticks their arm out and lets you touch.


I guess you really can catch more flies with honey!


If that creepy guy you met at the train station had been following my wife he might have found himself in some serious trouble! My wife has a Concealed Weapons Permit. She carries her weapon regularly. (Everywhere it's not prohibited or in bad taste.) If anybody actually accosts her they could get hurt!


We don't have any fur coats but she's got some with fur collar and cuffs. Then there's the Bears but that's a fur of a different color.


Again, I can't stress enough: If you can't be content to just look, please ASK!

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