Ravens8 Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 My comment to Worker in the Fur Fantasies post got me thinking about something that I think was touched on some time back in the forum, but didn't really get too much reply. It was to do with fur and power, but I haven't got time to look it up now My question ( and this directed mainly at the ladies in the den but open for all to discuss), is this. Even if you aren't into fur as a fetish, When you wear your furs in the street, are you aware of the power it gives you over men, strangers as well as friends. Do you consciously or maybe unconsciously become more flirtatious? If you notice a man looking at you, do you react differently if you are wearing fur, than if you weren't? I'm not for a moment suggesting that you are going out to pick up strange men, but I just wonder if it gives you more confidence to be a little bit more teasing in the way you react to others' glances. It may be wishfull thinking on my part. But I am sure, if I catch the eye of some fur clad women, there is something "extra" there. Even though it's literally just passing in the street, with no intention of striking up a conversation, or taking things further. (I am very happily married). Is it just wishfull thinking, or is there a foundation of reality. I cant very well go up and ask them, probably get my face slapped and rightly so!! Be interested to hear your thoughts.
Guest Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 I think anything that gives women confidence and makes them feel noticed therefore gives them power and therefore makes them feel attractive and sexy. Doesn't mean they want to get laid though. Whether its fur or a nice dress. As I have said before the same is true of glamorous women who smoke...often even non smokers do it to get attention and feel good about themselves as a result. When I feel dressed up I feel confident too...and will even smile at mingers!
Ravens8 Posted October 3, 2006 Author Posted October 3, 2006 Yes I agree with you Touch. When you are dressed up smart, it makes you feel really good and sharp, and I know it is the same for women. Fur adds a different dimension though. The woman may not be dressed particularly smart. Just a fur collar for example on an otherwise plain coat etc. But she can still hold the collar up around her face and give you a glancing look that just knocks you out. I dont think this would happen so much if she was wearing a cloth collared coat. So I'm just wondering if women do this consciously to flirt and emphasise their attractiveness. Or is it sub conscious, ie not really bothered about who mught be looking, but just enjoying for themselves the luxury of wearing fur
DodgeByPetty43 Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 yes i think we'd all like to agree that sexy gorgeous women who wear Furs can, do,& should feel flirty whenever they wear Furs but because of precociusns,they keep their flirting inhibited,much ares the current state of our current modern world.
Ravens8 Posted October 4, 2006 Author Posted October 4, 2006 I think you missed my point Dodge. It's not a question of belief, but experience of reality. Most women who wear fur, do seem to change their behaviour towards others a little, whether they are sexy and gorgeous, or plane and ordinary looking. My question was , is this intentional or unintentional. I suppose only a woman who wears fur can answer this. In fact the men who wear fur in public could also answer to some extent. Guys, when you wear a fur coat out in public, are you conscious of your behaviour being different compared to when you go out in a particularly smart and sharp suit for example?
Patience Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 It is a question that cannot be answered honestly. By definition, if something is subconscious, one is not aware of it. If one were aware of it, it would be conscious. Perhaps you mean to ask if something is intentional or unintentional. Or perhaps you mean expected or unexpected. Patience
Ravens8 Posted October 4, 2006 Author Posted October 4, 2006 Exactly right Patience. Intentional or unintentional - those are the words I meant to use. Thanks for the correction
ReFur Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Ravens8, yes I think I do behave differently when I wear fur. Because I know that I will be noticed. So, I am probably nicer and more social. Not in as much of a hurry. There is a wonderful audio book out by a lady, Ruth Reichl, who use to be the restaurant critic for the New York Times. It is called, Garlic and Sapphires. (I highly recommend it by the way, it is on audible.com) It is a humorous but insightful book which explains her experiences of wearing disguises and how differently she was treated. And, as a fur wearer I assure you that you are very visible when you wear a fur. When a woman, or man wears a fur there are several things in play, at least from my point of view. * Not many wear furs anymore. So, it is a statement of "being willing to rock-the-boat" and self-confidence. If it is not an "old lady's fur" it is even more so. * It is also the allure of the fur itself that probably only our members could understand. * And, it is a power symbol, like diamonds and expensive clothes. Lynxette might be a very good person to explain this aspect in her life. I think Lynxette has incorporated fur into her life more than anyone I know of. From my understanding she lives in a cold area, with little social pressure to not wear furs, and the ability to own hundreds of furs. I would love to hear more about how furs fit into her everyday life. Linda
Aldhissla Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 I would love to hear more about how furs fit into her everyday life. Wouldn't we all?
GHOSTFUR Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Why do women spend all that money on hair dressers,,,clothes,,makeup,,diets...etc...?? to be attractive towards men,,maybe even another woman these days,,,but when a woman wears her furs and enjoys them she surely knows it increases the attraction,mentally or physically, towards her 10 fold....and she knows it....
Guest Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Women LOVE fur never mind how much they pretend they do not. Some have brainwashed themselves against it but are being profoudly dishonest with themselves. HOWEVER there is this absurd competition nowadays to wear as little as possible. Hell even jumpers are getting rare. They think letting it all hang out is nice...it isn't ...it's repulsive. And then there is that asbusrdity that wearing fur adds 20lbs to your shape. NO....evertyine can see it's a fur and they know what is inside is smaller. A TIGHT pea coat howver, pulled so the gaps between the buttons gape DOES add 20lbs to you. Can someone PLEASE tell some of these women to look in the mirror before they go out lol! And only lily livered men do not like a woman in fur.
Ravens8 Posted October 5, 2006 Author Posted October 5, 2006 * It is also the allure of the fur itself that probably only our members could understand. Thanks Linda for thoughtful response. Re: the above quote from your post. - Just as Touch says "Women love fur", I am also pretty sure that a lot of men who wouldn't even consider being part of the den, would nevertheless be touched by the allure of fur, or a woman wearing fur
lynxette Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 How do I incorporate furs in my daily life...any way I can! I began wearing my furs out of doors a couple of weeks ago now, and will continue into the middle of May, nature willing. Basically, I have all of my furs in order in my "vaults" from first acquired to most recent, and I wear them from newest to oldest one or two each day and than repeat. And I wear them always and everywhere...to meetings, appointments, shopping, whatever. For the other ladies here this next may sound a bit backwards, but I plan my clothing around my furs rather than the other way round to keep the rotation going. The only thing that interferes is inclement weather. If it is a sloppy day, I do not wear a f/l coat as the risk of soiling is too great...i simply move to the next shorter fur, and back track to the one missed on the next nice day. As I have stated in other postings, I have fur blankets in all the bedrooms of my home, in fact each room has a theme of sorts...coyote, red fox etc. The thing I personally find most interesting is the number of times I am asked by people who know of my love of furs, "where do you wear them?" I have to definitely agree with others above that dressing down is in, and wearing a fur coat is definitely considered dressing up in most of North America, so this is I suppose a natural question for most people (btw, this question comes mainly from other women). I simply do not look at it in that way. Wearing furs makes me feel good both inside and out, and dare I say I feel more attractive in a fur coat than without one. Friends have said that I just seem to have a glow in the winter that is not quite there in the summertime. This is quite probably true, as I really do not enjoy summers all that much...one guess as to the reason why! Anyway, this is way more than needs to be said by me about myself at any one time, but I hope this has answered the kind question posed initially by Linda.
franinfur Posted October 9, 2006 Posted October 9, 2006 Living in the UK. I think I wear my furs out as much as I possibly could. Mainly to the theatre, show or out to dinner. I have found I feel more comfortable wearing them in a major city ie London, Leeds etc. I must admit to doing a little flirting if I do see a man taking a second look! I have also found I get alot of comments from Men out with their better halves who sadly are not wearing fur!
elbas3175 Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Linda, I think all the guys on here have to thank you for asking Lynxette to reveal all that about herself! Lynxette, you must be every guy's fantasy. You sound like a living fur wardrobe. You plan your clothes around your furs? That's awesome! Fran, it's great to hear that you wear your furs as much as you can too. I think it must be a lot harder to wear furs here in the UK than in the US or Canada, or anywhere else in Europe. It has definitely become more popular in the last few years, but it's still very rare to see full fur coats, rather than just trim. Whereabouts do you get to wear your coats? I suppose most coats are seen in London, but that's actually one of the warmest areas of the country.
Ravens8 Posted October 11, 2006 Author Posted October 11, 2006 Fran, it's great to hear that you wear your furs as much as you can too. I think it must be a lot harder to wear furs here in the UK than in the US or Canada, or anywhere else in Europe I second that Fran. It's refreshing to hear that you wear your furs like you do. I know we've just come out of summer, but the sight of furs in UK on the streets seems to be so rare these days. Even in London, I dont see that many. Guess you're too young Fran to know the 70's. In those days, probably every 1 in 4 girls you passed in the streets in London would be wearing a fur coat. Usually coney, but a lot of fox as well (you could pick up fox coats, boleros, boas etc. in virtually any secondhand shops). Especially on Kings Road, Carnaby Street, Oxford Street, Picadilly etc, all ages, from students up to the older ladies in their minks. Many of the girl students at my Uni had fur coats, and wore them the whole time. Ahh those were the days. Keep it up Fran. If I ever see you out and about i would also compliment you, even if I didn't know it was you. And a flirting glance from a prety girl wearing fur passing you in the street does wonders for lifting the spirits.
franinfur Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 I find the best occasion to wear mine is going to a show or the theatre in London's West End. You may have to carry them over your arm when you first go but once the show is over and you step out into the call london evening air , the time is just right. I recently went to see the show"Sinatra" @ the picadilly theatre and in the queue for the cloak room was a couple of very nice fox strollers!!!!! I am hoping to try out the races this Autumn / Winter so I am depending on Touch for his advice. Hint Hint
Ravens8 Posted October 11, 2006 Author Posted October 11, 2006 Do you leave your coat in the cloakroom Fran, or keep it with you in your seat at shows? My wife doesn't like leaving her fur coat in the cloakroom because she doesn't trust the antis, so she likes to keep it with her, which is very nice, but sometimes gets very hot on the knees and bulky in some of the small theatre seats. I keep telling her it wil be OK in the cloakroom, (possibly safer?) but she still prefers to keep it in sight. Our seats are often "Up in the gods", so it tends to be hot enough up there already without having a fox coat draped a!!cross you
franinfur Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 I always check it into the cloakroom. Never really thought of the risk. I guess I have been lucky so far!!!
Guest Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Here are some good meets coming up for wearing furs in the UK: Chepstow 21st October Cheltenham 25th and 26th October Chepstow 1st November CHELTENHAM 10th 11th and 12th November (a must) Chepstow 22nd November NEWBURY 24th 25th 26th November CHEPSTOW 2nd December CHELTENHAM 8th and 9th December CHEPSTOW 27th December Newbury 29th December CHELTENHAM 1st January Then Sandown and Kempton (boxing day) can be good too but will only attend a couple of those meets. Those cheletenhams chepstows and Newburys are the best ones for furs that we will be at. You will find hundreds of people in furs; thousands if you take into account hats and trims, at the capital listed meetings. You may get the very odd snide comment at the races but it is very rare especially if you go to the right meetings. Aintree for example has thouands of people and gets the odd rough element looking for any excuse for trouble but you are just as likely to get abuse for wearing a trilby as a fur. On the plus side the police are hot there and give criminals a good kicking. Quite a few scouse girls wear fur there too. But for the best the above listed you're are unlikely to encounter any abuse; and will see others in furs....fox, mink, shearling, and the odd few really 80's style power furs.
franinfur Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Thanks Touch. Guess I might see you @ Chelteham in November!!!!
elbas3175 Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Touch, Can you recommend any fur-filled race meets in the north of the country? Or is it just a case of any meet will do in the winter months?
ReFur Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Do you leave your coat in the cloakroom Fran, or keep it with you in your seat at shows? Actually where I live many places will no longer accept the responsibility of furs and will not check them. For some reason this just reminded me of something that happened long ago. Years ago I entered a local high-end restaurant with a male friend of mine. He was helped out of his beautiful Italian leather coat by one of the staff. .. or, should I say, we THOUGHT he was staff. This person proceeded to run out the door with the coat and down the street. We just stood there dumbfounded! Ever since then I just have never trusted anyone near an expensive coat of mine unless I was in a business owned by a friend. Linda
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