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Raccoon fur - question

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I thinking about buying raccoon fur and I have one technical question to you:

- is that fur softer than fox fur or not?


Best regards



I wouldn't say it is softer. However, as always, how soft a fur is depends on the prossesing of the pelts, how old it is, and the list goes on forever. :wink:


My experience in general has taught me that used fox fur is always softer than used raccoon fur any day of the week. As our expert mailon said, softness is determined by the processing of the fur, etc, but I always prefer the softness of fox. The guard hairs on a raccoon pelt are coarser than fox, and can harden with age.




I've got both a red fox and a silver tipped raccoon. Both are "sort-of" visable in my avatar. The fox is softer by far. The raccoon has a 'coarse-ness' about it. Very soft but an entirely different sort of texture.




Raccoon tends to age coarser than any of the Foxes or Coyote for that matter. I also like the "coarsness" of Coyote better.





One of the first furs that I lusted after was an unusually large and soft raccoon collar that was attached to one of my childhood friends sisters' coat. That said, maybe I'm a little prejudiced, but good quality raccoon is a joy to handle. I personally like that little bit of coarseness offered by the best northern skins, the darker the better. And if you're looking for a play fur, raccoon is extremely durable. Keep an eye on E-bay and you can own a full length high end raccoon for a few hundred dollars. Good luck!



Thank you very much for Tours opinion!!!

It is very important to me


Can't read the language, but from the pics it looks like a steal at that price! Good luck!




That something is "a steal" can also mean that it is a bargain, a very good price for that thing. I think that's what FLinFL meant, not that the coat is stolen.


Hindus, do these sellers (or other ones) ship to other countries in Europe as well?


Thanks Aldhissla - that's exactly what I meant. The coat looks like it's in good condition and has a very reasonable price.


Frankly, I wish I could find one like that on eBay here in the US!




FurLoverinFL - forgive me misunderstanding!

Aldhissla - unfortunately most of these sellers do not ship to other countries in Europe


Best regards



I think the answer also depends upon what member of the raccoon family one is talking about. Raccoon may include the North American variety...presumably the one being discussed...finn raccoon, Japanese raccoon or tanucki, or even chinese raccoon dog (yuch!).

I am going to throw out for consideration my feeling that there really is no way to answer for any individual which fur is softest ie feels the best, as this is a statement that falls under the category of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whilst it is true that there are certain generalities which may be agreed upon, the feel one is trying to achieve from a fur coat is going to be the ultimate determiner as to which is best at a particular time.

There are times when a red fox feels just right to me, and others when I want to cuddle up in tanucki and so on. Whilst lynx is my personal favourite overall, it is not always the first out of the closet so to say.

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