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House Warming present - something to hang on the walls

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Congratulations to FrBrGr and the team for the grand opening of this here palatial place.


I first made contact with FrBrGr nearly ten years ago and have watched from the sidelines mostly as things have progressed over that time. I think Den/ forum users fall into two categories watchers and contributors, a site like this makes it easier for watchers to become contributors and here are a few never seen before pictures from my private collection. Something to hang on the walls maybe


Good luck everyone.












Nice to have you here Al, and thanks for the house warming pictures!


Hope you will again soon!






WOW!! Keep them comming.


Welcome to the foreground.


I need to find out how to do picture files like that. Still somewhat of a computer idiot.


I have MANY pictures I know are unique or rare to share with this group.






Maybe this would be a topic for the forum Furden for Dummies?



That's awesome!! Using the original meaning of the word "awesome"!


More, please!!


See? A Bloke goes to sleep for 6 hrs and someone posts a link to previously unseen pics and guess what?


Geocities red tape strikes again.


Guess I'll have to wait thirty days and thirty nights *sigh*


ah well... for what I will see in the future, nice contribution... hm did someone say Silver Fox??


The first two worked for me. But unfortunately the last one didn't. Very nice pics from what I did see though. Keep up the good work.


Great pics! Very nice way to kick off the new site!




*blushing furiously* Shoulda posted this before Bigcoat2, but I finally got through and can only say thank you for that silver fox *grin*


Talk about making a bloke's day.


Great pics, Al! And welcome! Nice to see you in the foreground - right where you belong!


Cripes - she looks gorgeous in those furs!! Nice find, Al - where did you get them?

Think i recognise the woman in the pix, but am not 100% sure. ANy idea who she is?




Yes wonderful!

who's the lady?

More please!!!


Ah silver fox, doesn't she look wonderful, sexy, a temptress. Touch of Sable was right about the wearer taking on the original owners personality....



Hi Al

Thanks for the pictures, they are great.

And the lady looks so elegant in all these furs - just heaven

More please? I think somebody already said that



These pictures are amazing Thank you so much bigcoat2. Looking forward to more. Give my compliments to you friend, she looks so sexy in fur.






You lucky dog you! Very nice work. Keep it up.


oh wow that one in the silver fox and the crimped hair is awesome!

That would have to be one of my all time fave images!!!!

Its the mirror thing.


Try some more arty shots...maybe with backlighting, mood and stuff because she sureknows how to strike a pose. If we saw these on s/c we'd be ecstatic! Just goes to show sex appeal has little to do with crudeness.


Any chance of a smoking shot? Or maybe an exterior shot with sunlight/wind on/in the fur/hair? Gloves maybe?You are a very lucky chap because she has an amazing look in her eye....you dont see ebay models with that! She must be an ex model or something no?




I must say, you have some gorgeous furs my friend! Keep up the awesome work!

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