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Let's all give Earendil a rousing round of applause and a hearty Congratulations for being the latest member of the Den to achieve the distinction of becoming a member of the 1000 Post Club!!!


For those of you who are new to the Den, you need to know that Earendil is the original moderator of The Fur Den, dating back to the days when the Den was affiliated with Melody. I cannot begin to say enough about the value this man has to this site! Not only as a mod, not only as a fur lover, but as a very genuine and caring friend. "E" is one of a kind, and we are very, very fortunate to have him as one of our senior moderators. He deserves all of the "thank yous" that ever single one of us can muster!


Thanks, E!!

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You are truly the best!!


I am so proud to be a fellow mod ... and a friend!


Thank you for all that you do for us here!



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Right you are BrGr. Earendil is also a senior mod here and that shows how much we value him!


He has been a terrific help every since we opened this new site in so many different areas.


Great work Earendil. It is so great to have you here!


Just one thing. Please give that Leopard a piece of meat. He is soon going to get really ired if you don't!


Thanks again for all of the work you do here!


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" title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />


Congratualtions, E, and thank you for all your contributions to the Den!



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Thank you very much everyone! It's such a boost for my ego to be the center of attention! 8)


Hopefully by the time I reach 2000 I'll have less than a 50% ratio of spam-posts!


Nevertheless, and on a more serious note - Every post has been worth it!


Thanks for a thousand,


And here's to a thousand more!


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