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Scary Dom in her Furs

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She's way outside of her persona!


Think about David Blaine, the magician. If he stood up on a stage in a crowded theater, wearing a black tuxedo with tophat and tails, he'd look like a GOOF!


If you took one of the old Masters like Dia Vernon and put him out on the street, wearing ripped up blue jeans and a T-shirt, he'd look just as ridiculous!


David Blaine's persona is "street" and Dia Vernon's is "top hat". When you put either one of them outside their persona, it just doesn't work.


This goofy woman, "Mistress Kat", is just as far outside her persona as Blaine is in a top hat. It just isn't her and it shows. She doesn't know how to pose for the camera. She's dressed all wrong. And, to top it all off, fake boobs in a black, leather bustier looks downright AWFUL!


And, for cryin' out loud! If you're going to advertise yourself as a Mistress, you need to get the Shibari right BEFORE you take the pictures! Badly done Japanese Art-Bondage should be a CRIME!!


At first, I thought it was all a joke but after looking at the pictures, I think she's serious! That IS scarry!


sadly, she is not a huge minority in the dom world... many are scary in many diverse and unimaginable ways! peruse some directories for pro dommes and you'll see what i mean. lack of skill and true interest in kink are very much a problem with many "pros." the use of fur is simply more popular for dommes now than in a few decades, so you'll find more bdsm w/fur pics out there.


Take a look at some of those last few pictures. She's pretty muscular for a woman 40+. She definately looks like she works out!


So, why doesn't she lose the whole leather thing and go for the "Female Bodybuilder-Dom" persona? There are plenty of guys who fantasize about being with a woman who could kick their ass!


She could tie that big, fat guy up on a Nautalus machine and make him pump iron! Now, THAT would be something to see! And it would fit her persona! That would be something I would PAY to watch!


She should forget about the Shibari. Weight lifing machines have many FAR more interesting scenerios for predicament bondage! How about strapping the guy in to the machine then making him lift weights while she tickles his sensitive parts with fur? If he stops lifting or loses count he has to start all over again!


Stupid people have the idea that B&D is all about whips and chains and leather underwear when there's MUCH more fun and creative things they could be doing!


Eeek !!


Those abs alone are scary enough but that is a great silver fox all the same


I don't believe that is a female. If it is she is on heavy steroids. Until three years ago when I became ill, I had lifted for years. I have found even competition females will just not look like that. It requires a lot of testosterone.


Any other opinions out there?




she is too aggressive in her stance and misunderstood the sublety of feminine domination.

Yes too muscular.

Too theatrical.

She looks like she should be in the Rocky Horror show.


Its a shame because she isn't bad looking, and the fur is nice. But the theatre is way too much

I don't believe that is a female.


Y'Know, on second look, I think you may be right. But, unfortunately, some of the critical information is obscured in the pictures. e.g.: The leather collar and the gloves hide the Adam's Apple and the bones in the back of the hand.


(And, yes, I know those are not always true indicators but they do hold true, on average, just like the height/width ratios in the pelvis and the length of the leg bones.)


I don't know... she strikes me as a woman. She almost reminds me of the dom in Chicago that I went to do photos for last year... very harsh, masculine, muscley... but still a woman. You just don't know how full of "niches" the pro fetish world can be... bodybuilders are finding they can offer wrestling/dom sessions simply based on the fact that they are harsh looking and big. It is a bit hard on the eyes, I do have to say that, but I'd be surprised if that isn't a real woman. Now, Linda, I'm with you on the steroids... at the very least in nutritional supplement form. I used to lift a bit back when I was more able-bodied and not car wrecked... and did a decent amount with drinks and supplements to help get the best workout... most of those things contain natural steroids, or promote the body into making more of its own.


Looks like to me that some of you expect every dom to be perfection or in Miss T's class in looks.

The world dont work that way folks.


IAW Eric... I'm afraid that you may have us spoiled, Miss T!




Eric, I can't speak for the others, but I don't believe I explained my position correctly then.


My comment is not about the negative or positive of her "appearance," it is the anomaly of it. In general, there are certain characteristics that females and males have. I know many dedicated female weight lifters. I have been around gyms as a weight lifter for many years. Without a lot of testosterone in your system you simply can not have a body like hers.


Also, notice how thin her skin is with muscles clearly showing. This is common in males. Women have extra fat layers in their skin. Even when they are fit. That is what makes them look "softer" Look at pro lifters, women do look different than men. And, it is not just their breast implants.


She either has a lot of testosterone through abnormally high natural hormone production that few women can produce, or through taking drugs, ... or she is a male.


That is only my opinion. I could be wrong.



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