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Very nice videos!

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Great videos! Definetily worth watching!!


P.S Worker - Two of the clips feature nice furry ladies with teddybears!



Oh!... Did you say something?... I was looking at the videos with the Bears in them...


(QuickTimes to boot! Finally! Somebody who knows how to make videos! )


I'll have the links up as soon as I can.


Can somebody give me "Fur Levels" on those?

I don't have time to categorize them right now.


To watch:


1) You have to have QuickTime installed in your system. (If you have a Mac and your system is up to date, you have QuickTime automatically.) If you don't have QuickTime, >>CLICK HERE<< to go to www.apple.com to download it. (Yes! QuickTime works in Windows!)


2) There are small links on the right side of the page(s) that allow you to download the videos and watch them in your browser.


3) If you can't do that, you can hang on for a couple-few days until I get the time and to classify them and write them into the >>Links Page<<.



Click >> HERE << to go to the links page.


Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. There is a link, there, that says, "Appollonia Testimonial." Click it.


What happens? Does the video play? Does the system give you a message?


If the video doesn't play, you need to download QuickTime. (Or to update your QuickTime if you already have it.)


Remember, that MP4 videos are not officially supported by Microsoft. They don't want you to be able to play any media formats that they don't have proprietary control of. To that end, your computer has been programmed to search-and-destroy all non-Microsoft, Open Source audio/video media formats. This has been done without your permission or your knowledge. When Microsoft systems are loaded onto your computer, you no longer own it. Because of this, you may see messages that discourage you from trying to watch media formats that "they" don't want you to see.


Go to www.apple.com/quicktime and download the latest version of QuickTime player. Load it in and make it the default video player for all the media formats that it can play. Then go into Window Media Player and tell it NOT to be the default media player for those formats.


Another option is to go >> HERE << and download the latest version of VLC Media Player from videolan.org


VLC player can play just about any audio/video format under the sun!

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