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Artic fox skins

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Hi Guy's,

can anyone help me with where to find a supplier of best quality artic fox fur skins? Also has anyone had experience of the touch and feel of the same? Say.. how does it compare with blue fox for softness and thickness? Promise to post pictures of coat when made..






I have found that blue fox has really been flooded with cheap pelts. The Arctic Fox that I have experienced are nicer in all regards.


Linda, you can correct me if I am wrong on this one...


From what I have seen, blue fox is really bad to "Yellow" with age. For some reason that really seems to show up on that "really nice blue" colouring. It gets very noticable very quickly. The colour is no longer nice at all.


Yes, white "Yellows", but it is not quite as noticable as with the blue. It kind of seems to "Blend in" and not be as noticable for some reason.


That is my take on it at least anyhow.

It has gotten with me that I really hate that "Yellowed blue fox" colour. It just is no longer nice. And, we buy furs to last a long time.



John, remember I am not an expert. I just know what I have found in buying furs.


Do we have any trappers as members?


AK, bet you know a lot about this.




I hesitate to follow Linda in answering a specific question about furs but, as a long time enthusiast for fox fur and for arctic fox furs in particular, I may be able offer some help, although not I am afraid about supplies.


I have a number of white arctic fox skins that were made for me in pairs into fox fur boas, with a tail at each end, by a London furrier some years ago, but unfortunately he has since retired and his firm has closed down.


They proved to be quite the softest and most delightful fox furs that I have ever experienced, and I then asked him to make a floor length fur coat for me from the same skins.


While the feel of the fur was equally delightful, the appearace of the coat was uneven, because the individual hairs bacame much darker closer to the skin, and this showed at the surface like a head of dyed blond hair darkening at the roots.


I then had the coat dyed a dark brown, which improved the appearance, fortunately without in any way affecting the quality of the feel of the fur.


You can see a picture of the coat and also one or two of the white arctic fox boas, and some similar blue fox fur boas as well, in my avatar.






Thank you, But, please don't give me undo respect. I know a lot about somethings. Fox is not one of them! And, of what I do know, there is more that I don't know! I try to be honest about this.


Also, as with all furs, I have found that the quality of the pelts can impact your experience with that fur. For instance Blue Fox can be wonderful. Unfortunately the market was flooded with lower quality pieces and now the fur is thought to not be as nice as it can be.


John spoke of yellowing, which is called oxidation by furriers, which is another way of saying natural ageing. The furs can yellow more quickly if they have been dyed or lightened. It is simply harder on the fur so it oxidizes more quickly. This is true for all furs. This is primarily a cosmetic issue.




A nice example:




One day




Yesterday I was talking with the woman making my Coyote spread.


We were comparing and remarking on color variations and oxidation between several Coyote coats I had gotten to make a spread and the new skins she's streaching for the 'ground up' from new skins spread.


We were sellecting the final size and layout pattern for the spread since the skins aren't huge and I want a super King size.


While I'm not about to throw away the coats there was a noticable difference in 'yellowing' between the coats and the skins.


Coyote is a lot more durable than any of the Foxes so if there is that much to notice with Coyote I can imagine the dfference in White [blue] or Arctic Fox and the difficulty of color matching.





This is an odd one; and again I am no expert. However the Blue Fox and the Arctic fox are the same animal I am told.

If you had an Arctic fox's summer coat you wouldn't find it so thick and soft.

Also there does appear to be massive variation. My girlfriend had a thirty year old blue fox jacket, which I eventually sold. It was Norwegian. despite the fact that she smokes, and the previous owner smoked, there was no yellowing whatsoever....it was really very blue and fresh looking. However, she has a blush fox which has yellowed a lot. She has had that a shorter time. It is still nice, but it was already yellowing when we had it...from a non smoker. That is much more white and thick, but with a few peachy tones.


So it isn't always as you suggest. In fact, may I be as bold to suggest that some of the very white pelts are not natural? So because the blue quite clearly has not been bleacged in any way then it may be more susceptible to yellowing through age. And that some pelys have some how been treated in a way that avoids this?


I don't know. We need an expert.

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