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Last hight in the Thame area of the UK my friends van was broken into and about 40 coats stolen. Luckily most of them were bay purchases and so the total cost value was only about


Sorry, TOS.


I hope he had them insured.


Fur robberies are not uncommon here either.




I will keep an eye out and see if I spot any of them out there, so sorry!


I can account for my whereabouts!...............




Sorry to be flip, I couldn't resist. I hope the fiend(s) are caught and put away.





Sadly van contents cannot be insured unless locked in a secure compound. Neither can you insure against shoplifting.


Besides which, all insurance is a scam.


To insure house contents I pay


Execution does not work as a deterrant for murder but interestingly enough it does for theft.


If I catch them I would have no hesitation in executing them!!!


You'd actually kill someone for stealing something from you? heh..


If I had the chance yes.


I know one friend who committed suicide after burglars stole his late wifes jewellery. They are scum.


It is estimated that robberies in the UK are nearly all committed by the same 10 000 people and 92% of them re offend, The average sentence is less than a year and therein lies the problem. If all 10 000 were locked up for good there would be no crime virtually. But awwww...poor wittle cwiminals theyve had a hard life.


If you steal from the government or the bank you get life.


I have worked to get this stock for a whole year and so has my friend.

Its a years work down the drain. Its has robbed food from my horses mouth and I would kill anyone who hurt my horse, so thats the logic. I will now struggle to keep my horse for the year, and risk losing my other business too, also endangering the roof over my head and my girlfs.

I am sorry if you find that offensive; but my horse and cats are like children to us so you have to think of it like that.


Damned right I would kill them given a chance. And I would love to do the same to the so called animal rights activists who kill and mutilate horses.


If that makes me a fascist then I'm a fascist and proud of it.


I have calmed down a bit now. Okay...maybe they should just have their hands cut off.


Sorry to burden you all with my anger but I dont know who else to talk to about it.


I know many of you are so sensitive my tone may have upset you...forgive me for that but if you could keep your eyes peeled I would appreciate it.


Thanks, TOS


Do you have photos of them? If so, at least you'll be able to keep an eye on eBay to see if any appear there. Don't know how many are going to make it over to the States... We'll all keep our eyes open!





What I am thinking is they will be on ebay uk or ebay.de or ebay spain. But they will list internationally in all probability.


I only have photos of the sealskin and the fendi




I can sympathise with your loss. Loosing 10k is bad enough, but furs!!!! The guy if caught needs hung by his dangley bits and beaten with a large stick, untill severly unwell.


I had a car nicked once, it was like a personal violation. The police were useless and the insurance company no better. Onanists both! And I still get angry when I think back about it.


Here's hoping something good happens to replace your loss.




Why reward them Tryxie?


You can hang me up by my dangly bits and beat me anytime looking like you do in your new avatar!!!! Your hairdresser is awesome.


Cant wait to see you in fur!!!!!


Seriously though it as you say is not the


I confess


IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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