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Where do our members live?

What Continent do you live in?  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. What Continent do you live in?

    • Africa
    • Antarctica
    • Asia
    • Europe / UK
    • North America / Central America
    • South America
    • Oceania: Australia / New Zealand

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Posted (edited)

Just wondering:

Edited by Guest

I guess Oceania is no longer a continent anymore than? Mr B who yer gonna vote for....?


I know the Aussies now play in the Asian Cup but all the same, still think it's a continent moreso than Antartica (what's left of it?) .......








Still ol fashioned me, maybe the winki thing is new school but I'll always stick to the Olympic flag




What do you expect from an American?


I actually Googled it to make my entries. Want me to change it?


Opps!! Saw what you meant, Furelli. I actually had added it but forgot to press tha last add button.




Canada! Where we have snow 365 days of the year so the Royal Canadian Mounted Police can do their patrols on Dog Sleds!


Now then, wonder who the guy is who lives in Antarctica.



I'm a neighbor of White Fox, I'm in Nova Scotia, Canada. Not sure what part of Canada he is in, but I barely saw any snow last year, but the temp is dropping fast.




I live in the upper lefthand corner and I'll be flying over Worker, Linda and many others the first of November on my way to DC.






wow, and i thought i lived close to an airport, great white north too by the way


I live right HERE.


It's the one with the dark brown roof and the blue car in the driveway.

...wow, and i thought i lived close to an airport...


I can see them take off and land from the kitchen window.


The F.A.A. paid to install sound insulation in the house. If you close the doors and windows you can hardly hear anything. The biggest plane we get on a regular basis are the DC-9s et. al. (Mid-size passenger jets.) They sound no louder than a car driving by, on the street.


Once in a while, maybe 2-3 times a year, we'll get a DC-10 or a 747. They are loud but not enough to be objectionable. The sound only last for a minute. Then they fly away.


The only time there is a lot of noise is when the Air National Guard brings their pilots in to do practice runs with their C-130s. Those babies get loud! If a greenhorn pilot doesn't syncronize his props, the "beat" noise can shake the walls. But they only do that a few times a year and it's in the middle of the day.


But, what the heck I get front row seats for the air show every year!


Bring a lawn chair and some cold drinks and you can come camp out in my yard!


I'm probably one of maybe 3 here (not couting Auzmink who's defected over the Euro side ) from Australia.


It's funny how many people I have chatted to online who have an image of Australia being some all-year round summer climate - yes it does get cold here too ! Now all we need is more fur stores.... 8)


Just so people know...


You don't have to post any pictures of where you live unless you want to. The people who have done it in posts, above, are only doing it because they think it's funny. Some people guard their privacy more cautiously than others. It's a personal choice.


Besides, unless I have told you what town I am from, it would be nearly impossible to gain any useful information from the picture I posted. But, then, if you know the town I am from, you wouldn't NEED that picture to know where I live. Would you?


Damn, I should've picked Africa just so they'd have some representation!!!




Trying to think here. Where is the boarder. Israel is in Africa isn't it? We do have two members from there.


Israel is in Africa isn't it? We do have two members from there.


No, the border between Asia and Africa goes along the Suez Canal or somewhere around there.

Yet, funnily enough, Israel is included in the Eurovision Song Contest..... Asian, African OR European..... talk about confusing.


No,Isreal is in the Middle East,look on your world maps/Globes you'll see its right near where our U.S War with Iraq/Afgahnastan is


Yes indeed, you are right Mr B. I should have thought about that. So am I right that Egypt now owns land on both sides of the Suez Canal? If so the country of Egypt is located in two continents. Course for a long while Israel controlled that territory after the 67 war, but it seems to me that it was given back.


I had never thought of that before that Egypt was located on two continents.




I think the Red Sea and the Sinai Deserts Eastern boundary is considered the official geological boundry between Africa and the Middle East.


The historical confusion is between the Middle East, Europe and Asia??


I have a ?Russian? friend from the region East and South of Armenia. Want to hear a discussion on what is where and who did what to whom!!


We're talking about things from the time of the Egyptian Kingdoms and very early Biblical history.





With that. It was my fault for getting this discussion off track. Since OFF has given us a good point to end this tangent and get it back on track let's just do that. This is a great thread that ReFur started, so let's hear where others here are from.



For me it would be interesting to find out how many others are in the UK.


Uk here.


To our American friends.....Normally Europe would cover the UK too ..Europe/UK in the poll not strictly necessary...unless of course this is an astute observation on the state of British politics and the reticence of many of my fellow Brits to embrace the European Union.


All I know is that mainland Europe is much furrier

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