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sexy that furs are expensive

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does anyone think is sexy that furs are expensive?


Yes and No!


Yes, because it has a feeling of class, and forbiddenness to enjoying it. And No because well.. Its expensiveness makes it not easy for my to obtain


Not just to promote the eBay Plus Forum but that is one reason we have it.


There are often sexy furs at very affordable prices that come up there and careful shopping can do wonders.





I think displaced hunting gratification is important in this.


We are too young not to have forgotten our hunting roots. A love of shopping, a love of football (spear chucking team work) are expressions of this.


Now when it comes to a fur, most of us have SEARCHED STALKED And SPEARED the fur with our credit card.

So the fact that a lot of work has gone into it, and that becomes the killing tool (money) and then you end up with what is essentailly a dead animal, all indicates displaced hunting instincr. Amd then at the end of every hunt there is respect for the animal by wearing it in celebration of its being.


The more exotic, rare, difficult to hunt and respect for the animal (displaced as EXPENSIVE) the greater the gratification. So a wily fox a brave wolf or a deadly mink or the exotic sable or lynx have the most kudos. Leather? Well that is easy (cheap) and so the animal is often less celebrated.


It is not reserved for fur you see. Think crocodile/alligator.....and the displacement is the same.


And the woman who wears these demonstrate the prowess of the hunter and the degree of suitability/standing of his female for mating.


And those without? Well they are bad hunters.


I agree. Plus, we all love bargains. "Cheap" does not mean "value." In fact, sometimes the opposite!


I have wealth friends who relish telling people what low prices they paid for a very high quality items. As TOS says, they are proving what good "hunters" they are!


In fact, the wealthy very seldom pay the prices of normal or less fortunate buyers. They have access to many sources, so they are knowledgeable and in contact with multiple suppliers. It is a perfect example of a knowledgeable, well connected buyer who gets the best value.


Want to bet Fur_babe and Lynxette don't pay retail?!




nice, huge, floor lenghth, satin lined golden sable..expensive and gorgeous




You can not be serious.


Well now - there you go!



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