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Warning.... Time is running out!

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If you have not already become a sponsor of the Fur Den, time is running out for you to be a Charter Sponsor and receive an extra year of sponsorship status. This offer expires November 30, 2006.


Even if you are not interested in being a Charter Sponsor, please donate what you can so that we might be able to upgrade to a non-shared server and improve response times. The minimum donation is only $5 USD (less than $0.02 per day). Be a part of improving the Fur Den. If only 32% of our members donate just $10 USD, we can get a better server and improve the Fur Den experiance for all members. All donations are appreciated and will be acknowledged.


To donate, or learn more about the perks available with various levels of donation, please go to http://thefurden.com/fdwiki/?n=FD.Sponsorship

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