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picarenne, Frenchman in Sweden


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Hi all!

I am (pica)renne, a Frenchman who recently joined from "Le Fourrure Club" 😉 I thought I'd introduce myself and maybe get to know more people!

I grew up in France, picked an interest for fur in my teenagehood. I remember seeing women with fur-trimmed Mrs Claus outfits, and little by little grew attracted to fur. It wasn't present at all in my family, the closest I got was at school, when a couple of classmates were wearing rabbit fur-lined parkas; I took the opportunity to touch one discreetly during a math class, and once during recess, and was amazed by the softness.

Since then I got a few pieces to myself: I have a couple of fox coats and one that I believe is sheared beaver. And a few accessories, including a fur collar that I wear on a normal jacket on an "every day" basis.

After my studies, I moved to Sweden where I am working now.

Hope to see fellow members from le FC, and "new" people too 😄


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On 11/5/2023 at 11:41 AM, FullLengthFox said:

Welcome to the forum Picarenne, hopefully we can give you the same quality as Le Fourrure Club!

Thank you! Looking forward to meeting the community here. Seems quite international:D

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  • 1 month later...

Hallo beste fur-vrienden,

Dit jaar (2024) willen we het 'FurEvent NL' organiseren in oost-Nederland.

We willen graag inventariseren wie hier belangstelling voor heeft en mogelijk wenst te komen.


Hallo lieve pelsvrienden,

Dit jaar (2024) organiseren we graag 'FurEvent NL' in het oosten van Nederland.

We willen weten wie er graag komen.

Voor meer informatie: http://fureventnl.wordpress.com

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