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Hello all,


I'm new to the board so first, let me thank the hard-working people who maintain this wondeful site for their efforts.


This is an excellent forum for people to share their love of fur and I appreciate the fact it exists at all, let alone how well-done the Den is.


I'm not sure if this is the place to post this question, but I'll give it a go. I'm having trouble logging into the gallery section of the site. I'm given a message upon my attempted sign-in saying I'm using an incorrect username/password.


Do we use the same log-on information as we do for the Den or do I need to register again?


Thanks again,

Furry Slipper


Fistly - Welcome dear fur friend! We are very glad to have you onboard, and we hope you will become an active member here among us.


Secondly, your query on the gallery is answered in the FAQ of our site. Here is a direct link to the section regarding your problem: http://thefurden.com/bbden/faq.php#61

And here is a direct link to the FAQ itself: http://thefurden.com/bbden/faq.php


I hope you will enjoy The Fur Den as much as we do!


Welcome Furryslipper.


Yes, you do use the same username/password combination, however since the gallery database is updated monthly, you'll have to wait until you can enter there. The Db should be updated soon... and AK will make said announcement in "The Information Zone" both before and after the update.


In the mean time, settle in and browse through all other attractions of The Fur Den... you (and others) are more than welcome.


EDIT: HAH, beat you to it! -Earendil


Hey Furryslipper - welcome and enjoy your time with us!




Thanks very much for the welcome and the information on the gallery.


Congatulations on a fantasitic site and keep up the great work! I look forward to visiting and contibuting more often.

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