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is this necessary?


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Once again I find myself in the need to talk about the latest posts on this forum, it has really become an aninale hunting forum, as I said before we all know the fate of the aninal and there is no need to share that type of "content", Honestly it is annoying to see that type of "content" whether it is images or videos it is annoying

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There’s really no real policing in this forum… and not threads or topics are of interest to everyone - thus, do what most of do, ignore that content.

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11 hours ago, natashainfurs said:

Once again I find myself in the need to talk about the latest posts on this forum, it has really become an aninale hunting forum, as I said before we all know the fate of the aninal and there is no need to share that type of "content", Honestly it is annoying to see that type of "content" whether it is images or videos it is annoying

Would you care to elaborate on what you mean or are referring to. Because I don’t get what you are after.

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I understand Natasha very well. This forum consist about very different members and everybody celebrate his/hers furlove in a different way. Personally I do not love to look at pics about a penis in fur, but I think: Okay some members loves this and that is okay to me. Why not.

My furlove is about a very large area, but what I love is maybe for some members strange or not common. So be it.

Natasha, ignore the topices you don't like and be happy with the posts you like. Have fun.

Edited by furloverF
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As I said last time, I understand you. Yet I don't see what you are referring to. I looked over the last twenty threads or so and didn't find any disturbing content. There is a cruel story, but it was disclaimed as cruel in the first paragraph—so no need to read it or get upset.

Unfortunately, we don't have any moderation here.

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8 hours ago, furloverF said:

I understand Natasha very well. This forum consist about very different members and everybody celebrate his/hers furlove in a different way. Personally I do not love to look at pics about a penis in fur, but I think: Okay some members loves this and that is okay to me. Why not.

My furlove is about a very large area, but what I love is maybe for some members strange or not common. So be it.

Natasha, ignore the topices you don't like and be happy with the posts you like. Have fun.

Well said, @furloverF

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