coleap2803 Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Hello dear furfriends, I have two questions: The first one is where your limit is concerning your love for fur. Do you like only second hand fur because that makes you les responsable for the death of the animals or is there for you no limit at all and even if the animal is the last one on earth you still would kill it to obtain it's fur. I myself have three limits, one is that I would not like to buy fur of an endangered animal. Secondly I would not like the idea that the animal suffered a lot, I like the cool and quick and painless kill. And the third limit is my wallet. My second question is if someone knows the film with David Keith (at least I think it was him). I remember it plays in one of the USA's deserts and it has some fursscenes in it. One with a blond woman wearing a short redfox coat and stitching a cars tyre with a knife. As far as I can remember, there was music of the Rolling Stones (blues kind of music). It was a kind of cult film. Even searching with google does not bring me to the film. Talking about Google what happened to the big city's of the USA in Google Earth. New York looks like an old playstation game and Washington has a very strange cloud above the White House. Big brother is watching you but doesn't like to be watched himself. I understand why it is but it made me a bit cynical though. I guess I hoped to find some women in furcoats on the streets of New York and Washington. Kind regards Pieter.
Guest Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 i think the film you mention is called "White of the eye" or "White eye" Pieter? Fur scenes are of a blond in a scrappy red fox & a rich bitch type in fl Lynx who seduces a TV repair guy BUT he turns her down....... The film's fairly decent as I recall
ultravixen Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 if u want the hunny don't go killing all the bees; more bees u have the more honey! I wouldn't sleep with a man for a fur unless it was a gift after!
Joe Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 this might just be joe at 5 a.m. talking... ...but just because i want a hamburger doesn't mean i want to meet the cow. i find that my awareness of the origin of my fur, whatever fur it may be (even if it's faux) is a very real concept that, frankly has little or nothing to do with the unrealness of what it does for me...and the whys connected to that experience. i rarely get analytical about fur - it's a turn-off. truth be told, since i'm so analytical about pretty much everything else (it's part of my job), fur is my greatest method of chilling out my head and creating a space where i can truly think. what makes me a human being, and why i'm so affected by fur, is completely separate from the circumstance of why fur exists to begin with. i would probably never kill an animal myself to obtain anything other than what i'd be forced to obtain by necessity. even then, if fur were included in that would lose all of its psychological appeal because of the situation. oh, and speaking of google earth, maybe you have a different version than i do. i just punched up washington, dc...and i see no cloud over the white house. but i do agree. the distorted satellite perspective of the buildings in new york looks very strange. ever turn on their silly '3d buildings' feature?
FurLoverinFL Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Right on, Joe! Fur is a turn-on! Don't care where it came from - nor do I care where a tasty steak, juicy burger come from or how much a lobster may complain when I toss it in a pot of boiling water. If I see a fur I want, and can afford it, it's mine!!! FLinFL
coleap2803 Posted November 28, 2006 Author Posted November 28, 2006 Dear Furelli, I think you are right because I also remember the woman in Lynx. I know it is a descent film but the combination of everything makes that I want to obtain the film. Beautiful landscapes, fur, good music. Mystic atmosphere. Thanks very much Regards Pieter
coleap2803 Posted November 30, 2006 Author Posted November 30, 2006 So the film is called: White of the eye with David Keith. If someone could add the film to the film department in the library that would be nice. I think the film belongs in the Library and my english is not good enough to follow the procedures of placing a film too well. Kind regards Pieter
Worker 11811 Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I'm sorry but I just have to say it directly... What's the big freakin' deal? Fur comes from animals. No surprise there! Meat comes from cows and pigs and chickens and other animals. Fur comes from minks and beavers and other animals. That's the way it is. Either take your fur and curl up in a warm bed with it and shut up or stop using fur. If you don't like it then TOO BAD! If you've got a moral problem with using an animal for fur or meat or for its other resources, then stop using animals for their resources. Period! What really bugs me is all this pontificating about whether people think about the animals used to make fur or meat or produce eggs. It sounds, to me, like you're just trying to justify yourself to all those supposed animal rights idiots. You know what? F*CK THEM! If they don't like it then they can go take a flying leap! Those whiny little bastards have killed more animals with their $4.00 cups of organically grown Starbuck's
White Fox Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 Re the film. Just found it... For those who have not seen it these are "G" and "R" films.
coleap2803 Posted December 1, 2006 Author Posted December 1, 2006 In answer to worker 11811 I can say don't loose your temper because you loose yourself then. This is a furforum and is meant for people who love fur and the question is how far do you go in your love for fur. I myself like to explore the boundaries of people. I told you what my boudaries are and also I have killed animals. As a young kid a few birds for nothing later chickens for food. And also guiny pigs because they were ill. But I myself always try to kill the animal as quick as possible. By the way did you now that if you make cirkels next to with the tip of your finger next to the eye of a chicken that the chicken gets hypnotised and you can kil it without much pain. I don't know if this counts for other animals. Any hunters or skinner who know anything about hypnotising animals. For the rest I want to than whitefox for adding White of the eye. I really recommend the film to people who like cult movies. Anyway is a Dutch person these are my favourite kind of USA films. Regards Pieter
Worker 11811 Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Okay... so, I shot from the hip. Sorry. Still, my point is valid. There are many people who would chastise others for their use of animals for fur without, themselves, considering the consequences of their own actions. As long as they are allowed to blithely continue their self-delusional lifestyle there will be artificial controversy over the use of animals for fur. Basically, people have to stand up to those idiots. They don't, necessarily, need to be confronted but they do need to be given a dose of their own medicine. They need to be chastised for their behavior just as they chastise others. So, I say, "Wear your fur proudly!" It doesn't matter if animals are used to make it or not. Our society uses animals every single day whether those people like it or not and there's not "thing one" that they can do. Finally, as I said before, if you don't like the idea that animals are killed to make fur coats then don't wear fur but don't try to harass me about it. You won't get anywhere. And, if you try to hurt me or anybody around me because they are wearing fur you will be in for a very rude awakening, indeed!
Guest Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 A point I've made before about animals and human existence: Animals die because we exist. It's the order of things. The death of animals happens as we live our normal lives without our awareness. Moving into a new house in newly "claimed" suburban land means the death of many animals for those snivilling and morally selfrighteous "animal lovers" who live in just such houses all over the country. The ramifications of our mere existnce on the worlds ecosystem (animals included) is horrendous. We don't have to actively use animal products for this to occur. In fact the "farmed" animal products has as much impact on the "wild" ecosystem as if we took it from the wild. The only compensation is the maintenance of endangered species by the "selection" of chosen species to utilize for our uses. The only way to escape this situation is to commit suicide and become compost. OFF
Worker 11811 Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Just to remake a point, I quote myself: Those whiny little bastards have killed more animals with their $4.00 cups of organically grown Starbuck's
Guest Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 I'll upload the Lynx clip via YouTube or summit similar next week Pieter for you & others to have a looksee, let you know when it's done
coleap2803 Posted December 3, 2006 Author Posted December 3, 2006 I'll upload the Lynx clip via YouTube or summit similar next week Pieter for you & others to have a looksee, let you know when it's done Great thanks
Guest Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Yep boycott west african coffee f0or sure because that has wiped out the leopard there. That is criminal neglicgence. The leopard is supposed to be protected BUT if you kill all its prey to grow coffee then you may as well be killing it for fur. I would be against big cat use UNTIL their numbers have recovered except where CITES approved . BUT ANY COFFEE COMPANY IMPORTING OR INVOLVED WITH COFFEE WHO HAVE KILLED LEOPARDS BECAUSE IN THEIR STARVATION THEY ARE EATING CHILDREN SHOULD FACE THE FULL WRATH OF THE LAW. Killing animals for a direct reource is sone thing but through sheer ignorance is terrible.
Worker 11811 Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 Tell those people to go outside to their garage and start the engine in their Hummer. With a flick of the wrist, they just killed another mink or a beaver or some other animal that would have otherwise lived had it not been for the resources used in the construction and operation of that vehicle. I'm not saying that we should all send our cars to the crusher and ride bicycles for the rest of our lives but I'm trying to point out that EVERYTHING we do has consequences to the environment and the species that live in the wild. People who stand by and condemn using animals for fur when the things they do cause TEN TIMES the damage that fur does. I wish it was possible that we could recover all those poor animals that died because of peoples' stupid behavior then tan their pelts and put them to good use. For crying out loud! If we could do that, we'd ALL have bedrooms piled high with furs!
coleap2803 Posted December 4, 2006 Author Posted December 4, 2006 I agree that through ignorance lots of animals are killed, most of us even not knowing it. But what I find very hypocritical, I have mentioned it before in this forum. Quiet a few animal rights people like Peta members and the rest of our oversensitive animal lovers are often indeed responsable themselves for lots of animal killings. Those people love animals and often have cats or dogs or even both. The amounts of meat what those animals eat in their lifetime is enough to kill quiet a few big animals. The motivation for animal rights people is often that they are against the furtrade because it is killing animals not for food but for Vanity. They think it is out of this time to do that because there are alternatives. Think again about also having dogs and cats as pet animals. In these times we also have alternatives for them. Funfur cats and dogs. In the old times we needed dogs for protection and alarming us for danger, we have nowadays alarms we install in house. People have pets for comfort and people have furcoats for comfort. I still think anti furpeople are often very hypocritical. But still if we love fur and love pets we have to take good care of the animals to harvest the best breeds and furs.
Guest Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 Not just fake fur but Gortex,nylon, polyester or just about any other synthetic kills animals just as much as if you personally put a bullet through their brain. Wearing synthetics of any sort is a big 'drain' on the petro-chemical industry which is one of the most destructive on the planet. The biggest myth of all is NOT wearing NATURL whatever. LEED's whole effort to minimize the impact on the planet to "Build Green" is to minimize. notice "Minimize", our impact on the ecosystem by building and operating our structures. Fur is only a very tiny part of that equation and possibly a near neutral aspect compared to most trivial human endeavors. I wear fur to the job site to demonstrate my efforts to build green. No one mentions a thing about it. It's also very warm. I think job sites are always much colder for some reason than the surrounding area. OFF
Worker 11811 Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 The motivation for animal rights people is often that they are against the furtrade because it is killing animals not for food but for Vanity. Is driving a Hummer as a daily-use vehicle when smaller, more efficient vehicles are available not vain? Is drinking expensive, imported gourmet coffee not vain? Are people who, on one hand say that killing animals is bad, yet allow animals to be killed to feed their own puppies and kittens not vain hypocrites? Sure! Everything we do has impact on the environment... even BREATHING. I'm not saying that people should stop driving cars and drinking coffee and having pets. I wish people would drive BETTER cars and drink coffee grown in places that doesn't damage the environment as much and feed their pets BETTER food. We'd all be a lot better off. I think we're all arguing different facets of the same issue. Are we not? Mainly, I'm saying that people who would condemn you for wearing fur spend VERY LITTLE time considering their own lives and the consequenses of their own lifestyles. If they did they'd see how silly they act. And, to that end, when people say that we should think about the animals that die when we make fur coats they have their heads up their asses! It's what I refer to as "Recto-Cranial Inversion"
coleap2803 Posted December 5, 2006 Author Posted December 5, 2006 And, to that end, when people say that we should think about the animals that die when we make fur coats they have their heads up their asses! text (alt+q) That would make them look nice with a little furcollararound there shoulders. And we won't have the burden of watching their faces. It could have been a scetch in Monty Python.
Worker 11811 Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 And every time they fart they'd tickle themselves to death!
coleap2803 Posted December 20, 2006 Author Posted December 20, 2006 I'll upload the Lynx clip via YouTube or summit similar next week Pieter for you & others to have a looksee, let you know when it's done Hi Furelli. I understand now that it is about Haven't found the furbits of white of the eye yet. Did you download them yet. Else if you do give us a sign. I'll wait and see. Thanks anyway. Kind regards Pieter
FrBrGr Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 Worker and OFF - You're both right on!!! Very simply, but powerfully stated!
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