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Celebrity Fur Lovers/With a Fur Fetish


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Hey all – I realize there was a thread on this topic, but since it's been some time, I thought I'd make a new one. I think in some respects, we are in a lower-key fur renaissance of sorts. While it isn't as ubiquitous as it was in celebrity and Hollywood circles as it was for much of the 20th century, real fur and fur culture seems to be making a very public comeback. In particular, my generation, Gen Z, seems to be in favor of fur, and I even have many friends and contemporaries who unabashedly support real fur (though usually vintage, though I suppose that is as generally more of a financial decision than it is one relating to ethics). Furthermore, some high profile figures seem to wear fur proudly – such as J-LO or the Kardashians – and this has me wondering, are there any celebs you think have a fur fetish, or at least have no issue wearing it? Feel free to post pictures and article links as well, I always find it fascinating! 

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I think the Kardashians have gotten their fur fetish from Kanye, he is most def. one of us. He brought his daughters to one of his shows in Korea I believe where one of them was dancing on stage wearing a stunning fur.

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Great to hear Gen Z is on board! You think that a fur-favourable mindset would also be statistically measurable among Gen Z or just anecdotal. I'd love the former but fear the latter.

There was a thread recently on the topic of celebrities who love fur (admittedly it started in 2017 but picked up steam this year). Honestly, a lot of these celebs sound like boomers or Gen X or Y, like JLO and Kardashians you mentioned. Anyways, who are the younger celebs/influencer who support furs? Although Gen Y, I don't have time for TikTok and Insta.


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