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Trump and furs.


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I guess more on the topic of Trump and then to the wider family i.e. Ivanka...

I can remember a time way, way back when she'd have been in her very early 20's modelling at New York Fashion Week. At the time, there was something of a famous fur (sable?) outfit where it had a dress and boots which were the exact same fabric of the lining... pic below.

Anyway - whatever year it was, Ivanka modelled this outfit and it's almost like it's been specifically hunted and all traces removed from the web because I've searched dozens and dozens of times and just can't find it anymore. I do recall there being one rather disparaging remark about her due to a rather different hairstyle she wore which someone referred to as looking like a peacock. If I ever find the pic, you'll see why that comment wasn't entirely incorrect



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