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for the dutch people...

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hey mensen!

ik denk dat zodra t koud wordt er in de Gouden Kooi (Talpa)

ook wel bont gedragen zal worden, right?

op t intro plaatje staan er ook 2 met n bontstola


ben benieuwd!


Mmmm, don't think so. We, the Dutchies, are not so used to live out luxury feelings. And the inhabitants of the villa (imho) do have one goal: get rich asap. Not to make interesting tv programs.

I have an escape weekend to our Eastern neighbours, Cologne to be precise. Hope to see furs at the Weinnachtsmarkt and the center.

Kind regards, Furron


One day, also in holland will furs be "normal" again, like in germany and belgium


I have an escape weekend to our Eastern neighbours, Cologne to be precise. Hope to see furs at the Weinnachtsmarkt and the center.

Kind regards, Furron

I've been there last weekend - way to warm - no fur




Way too warm on Friday (13 C) saturday morning at the Neumarkt: a gorgeous blond girl in a white mink (Russian I guessed).

Then no furs at all.....


Hello dear all,


I am very affraid that after the elections in Holland for two weeks the wearing of fur don't will increase. The social parties did win and that isn't good for us!!




Indeed, socials who won are very against fur and have a strong acquitance to political correctness. That is how the fur industry in the Netherlands went down. I am living in the Eastern part of the Netherlands and lucky to do business with Duesseldorf and Colognes counterparts. When it is getting cold I take my run to these cities.


Ure lucky! People in the south can go to belgium.. Especially antwerp is good fur spotting, ton's of minks and also some full length foxes!

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